“I appreciate Croydon Vision very much, it is a community that develops my skills, especially on tech”- RA.

Events Gallery

Family Summer Picnic

– One Saturday in July 2019, Croydon Vision held a Family Summer Picnic. The weather looked cloudy at first. However, the sun eventually came out at Beddington Park. 

It was lovely being out in the open, mixing with members, staff, volunteers and family members. The Children and Young Members, Working Age and Over 65 groups were all present. I liked meeting people I had not met before, and especially enjoyed getting to know members from New Addington.  

We had games such as swing-ball, archery and badminton, which got very competitive. A fun moment was when an arrow got stuck in the tree. Our very own Information Officer showed off his archery skills and fired into the tree to bring the arrow down, much to everyone’s relief! There was much laughter, with food and drinks. It was a fun-packed day. We hope to see some more of you next year. 

Maxine Plowden – Volunteer 

Jul 4, 2019

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