‘Thank you Croydon Vision, your Open Day was a success, enjoyed the educational workshops, well being sessions and socialising’


Croydon Vision Newsletter October 2019

Croydon Visions AGM

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held on Friday 4th October at Bedford Hall. The event will start at 4pm and will finish at 6.30pm. The theme of this year’s AGM is ‘Growing Together’.

The afternoon will start with food and networking in a buffet style followed by entertainment from some of our members, including a violin performance by one of our young members Ellie. Next, AGM business section and presentation opened by the chair of Croydon Vision. We have four new trustees with us this year, members will be asked to vote them in, also to re-elect trustees as par our constitution. Minutes from last year AGM are available via talking news or reception.

Daniel Williams from Seeing Beyond the Eyes will then be speaking. Drawing from his own experience of being diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa at the age of eight Daniel has created a course for optometrists that will equip them with skills and information to explain and sign post services that are available to those who have been diagnosed with sight loss.

Throughout the event, there will be an opportunity to meet our new project officers (Outreach and Progression Programme)

There is limited transport available for this event at the normal price of £3 each way. Please contact reception to book your transport. There will be no onsite parking for this event. The nearest car park is situated in the Whitgift Shopping Centre.

To RSVP, please either email events@croydonvision.org.uk or inform somebody at reception on 020 8688 2486.

In next month’s newsletter we will have a feature of how the event went and hear from some of its attendees.


It’s October which means its is finally time for our team to fly to Tanzania and battle the climb of Mount Kilimanjaro! The three trekking Kilimanjaro will be flying out on Wednesday 9th October. Susanette and John have been training very hard over the past few months for the 9-day hike up the mountain and now they are ready.

We want to say a huge thank you to everybody who has donated and bought a T-shirt so far to support our fundraising initiative. We are extremely grateful for your generous donations. So far, we have raised an incredible £11,420!! If you have not donated yet, there is still plenty of time to do so. You can donate via cheque, made out to Croydon Voluntary Association for the Blind, cash and card at reception or through our JustGiving page online at www.justgiving.com. There are many ways you can get involved, our keep fit class have a tin which they bring out each week for members to donate any change that they have, thank you and keep up the amazing work.

All of your donations will be going towards a 7-seater vehicle to improve transport waiting time for our members and to promote inclusivity by reaching many more people with sight loss.

All the best team!

Dinner and Dance

On Friday 22nd November Croydon Vision will be hosting a Dinner and Dance event as part of the Mayor’s charities events. We will have attendance from the Mayor of Croydon and representatives from the four other Mayor’s charities, Mind in Croydon, Apesen International, Ashdon Jazz Academy and Croydon Refugee Day Centre.

The event will cost £25 for members and £35 for external parties, which includes dinner and entertainment. There is very limited availability for this event so please if you are interested in attending contact reception as soon as possible as tickets will be issued on a first come first served basis.

More information will be communicated in next month’s newsletter and in member’s bulletins. If you wish to enquire about the event sooner please call reception on 020 8688 2486

Sharing Talent

My name is Zack Hughes. I am 12 and my grandmother is a Trustee here at Croydon Vision. She invited me to attend the Summer BBQ with her in August. I had a fantastic time. It was lovely to meet so many different people and take part in fun activities. Thank you to the team for such a great day. I am a student at the Class Act Theatre School. While I was at the BBQ I was asked to share my story in Croydon Vision’s newsletter.

Many of you might already know that Catherine Zeta Jones is a native of Swansea, as am I. On Wednesday 24th July 2019, she was awarded the Freedom of the City of Swansea in the grand Brangwyn Hall. Her introduction to dance and acting was at a local performance school in Swansea so it was appropriate that my drama school, Class Act Theatre School (CATS), was asked to perform in the celebration.  We were not the only performers. There was also the opera singer Katherine Jenkins, another local who comes from Neath, and the male voice choir, Only Men Allowed, who are based in Cardiff.

Even though we did not have very much time to rehearse for the show, we still performed a rapturous delight of songs. The songs were; Tomorrow from Annie, We Built this City from Rock of Ages and Lullaby of Broadway. During rehearsal, myself and several of my colleagues met Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas. They said, “Hello, we look forward to you performing for us,” then we shook hands.

The performance in the magnificent Brangwyn Hall was an unforgettable experience as we sang and acted out the songs in front of the King and Queen of Hollywood.

Zack Hughes – Family Member 

If you would like to share any talents with us for forthcoming newsletters please get in contact by emailing newsletter@croydonvision.org.uk or speaking to Fay Chegwidden, Volunteer Coordinator. We would love to hear from you.

Children and Young People

Introducing Korey

My name is Korey Knight and I am the new Children and Young People Officer. I am a recent graduate of Sheffield Hallam University where I studied education, psychology and counselling. My degree taught me how to be empathetic, resilient and congruent amongst many other things. At the age of only 21, I have much experience of working with children within different fields. For the past 7 years, I have been teaching performing arts to children of all abilities. I also have over 2 years’ experience working with young people who have severe autism within their place of work and helping to prepare them for a job. I have an amazing 6-year-old brother who keeps me on my toes and up to date on the fun things that children like to do.

I am so excited to be joining Croydon vision and I hope to continue the amazing work Nicola has done. I had the chance to meet some members at the Summer BBQ lunch in August and what a pleasure it was, everyone was so welcoming. I also met some of the children at Kidzania, which was so much fun. I was able to talk to some of the children and parents at both events and get an understanding of what other amazing activities they hope to see. I hope to meet everyone soon and hear your ideas and input that you all have regarding helping children and young people.

Personally, I am very keen to provide technology classes for children to learn as a group. I also would like to introduce confidence classes to help our young people remember just how amazing they are. I would like to introduce independence to our older children, including learning how to travel effectively and independently. It is very important to me to make a difference and contribute in the best way that I can to the children and young people within Croydon vision.

October Events

  • Pumpkin Picking, Monday 21st October, Tulleys Farm
  • Horse Riding and picnic, Wednesday 23rd October, Dulwich Riding School

Korey Knight – Children’s and Young People Officer

Information and Advice

Service Impact

Krish received a letter of eviction from his landlord and was worried that he and his family would be made homeless. He came to see the information and advice officer and was advised that the landlord needed a court repossession before he could evict him and that any attempt for force eviction would be illegal.

He has also been advised to speak to the Landlord for more time as he is currently looking for a home for his family. The advice that he has received has made Krish feel more informed and confident about his situation and he is continuing to keep in contact with our information and advice officer.


Are you looking for help with your vehicle tax exemption? Then our Information and Advice officer can help you. You can apply for exemption from paying vehicle tax if you get the:

The vehicle must be registered in the disabled person’s name or their nominated driver’s name. It must only be used for the disabled person’s personal needs. It cannot be used by the nominated driver for their own personal use. You can only have one vehicle tax exemption at any one time. If you have any enquiries and would like some assistance with your vehicle tax exemption, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Information and Advice officer.

Information and Advice Appointment Times 

Tuesday Visiting Groups Visiting Groups 1pm 2.30pm
Wednesday 9am 11am 1pm 2.30pm
Thursday 9am 11am 1pm 2.30pm

Please book appointments for Information and Advice via Reception on 02086882486. John Ebubedike – Information and Advice

Working Age 

Croydon Vision Let’s Talk Tech Event

On Thursday 12th September, it was Croydon Vision’s turn to host an event for London Vision’s South West Working Age Forum. We welcomed guests from the sensory impairment team, Thomas Pocklington and many other organisations; it was a great turn out.

The theme was centered on assistive technology. We were introduced to various technologies including the portable magnifier. A particular item of interest was an item called the Orcam. This piece of technology came in the form of a pair of glasses that could read printed material like newspapers and the Croydon Vision newsletter. There were great discussions about the cost of equipment and whether assisted technology is too expensive, making it inaccessible to some members in the sight loss community. We were informed that some of the assisted technology could be purchased through Access to Work or grants.

After the discussion, it was time to network and enjoy the delicious food that was prepared for us. It was good to see people mixing and discussing different topics and technology. While the networking was happening, our guests had the opportunity to look around our own Resource Centre and to see some of the technology that we have.

A great part of holding these events is that it gives people a chance to see Croydon Vision and to learn about the different services that we provide, helping to spread awareness. We even got a new member from the event, which is fantastic.

Thank you to all the team that helped on the evening and  congratulations to Jennifer Smith for organising a successful event. Maxine Plowden – Volunteer and Member

Resource Centre

Service Impact

Julia a member of Croydon Vision contacted the resource manager for support, she was having problems watching her TV. The pictures on the screen were all out of focus due to her eye condition; distance vision.

I recommended to Julia the Max TV glasses, the glasses act as mini binoculars to enhance magnification from a distance. Each lens can be adjusted separately to get the best magnification for each eye. The glasses focus on object from 3m to infinity, a fantastic low vision aid.

Julia took my advice and bought herself a pair after seeing Fiona at the Low Vision clinic. With the glasses she is now able to enjoy watching TV again.

Try out the new smart glasses – Volunteers wanted

A company called OXSIGHT is developing smart glasses for people with vision loss. The company was created based on research carried out at the University of Oxford. Over the past two years, they have been developing a pair of smart glasses that might be able to help people with central vision loss, in particular AMD. They are currently looking for people to try out the glasses and give feedback at their central London offices in Moorgate and at the RNIB in King’s Cross.

They are looking for 20-30 people at this stage, for testing starting in September. The volunteers will need to have some remaining vision. The University of Oxford’s ethical review board has approved their testing protocol. Participants will be reimbursed for their time. Contact Stephen Hicks (Co-founder, Head of Research & Development)

Phone: 07960022082
Email: stephen.hicks@oxsight.co.uk Website: www.oxsight.co.uk

Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager

Over 65s

Excursion Review

For the final excursion this year, myself and many other members were fortunate to take a memorable trip by ferry from Westminster to Greenwich in gorgeous weather of August. I must thank the drivers and rest of team who helped us to enjoy a great day out. We arrived in good time to catch the ferry. Although many of us knew the places described, it was wonderful to view these various sights on the river as we cruised by them. The ferry was not crowded so we were able to spread out down below and feel the beautiful breeze as we went along. When we reached Greenwich, we were taken to a cafe where we enjoyed a much-needed cool drink with an enjoyable meal. Later we headed to Croydon and enjoyed the chitchat and laughter on the buses. Thank you Croydon Vision for this trip and all the others over the summer. Jim Smith – Member and Volunteer 

A Members Journey

About 7 years ago Vasanti was told that her sight was deteriorating and that she has partial sight. During this time she was not working and struggled with her mobility. She was registered partially sighted but determinted to continue her hobbies such as knitting, painting and decorating. Vasanti is now a regular here at Croydon Vision taking part in Social Groups, Crafts and Dancing.

During August Vasanti went on all of our excursions. One of our excursion involved the group using public transport to get to Shakespeare’s Globe, this was the first time Vasanti had ever used a train. She loved the experience and never thought she would be able to use a train due to her mobility. She was happily surprised at the amount of helpful assistance she received through her journey. The whole experience left her filled with confidence and happiness at experiencing something she had never done before. Thanks TFL for your support in making this possible

Whats Happening At CV

Living With Sight Loss Workshop

On Monday 23rd September and Wednesday 25th September Croydon Vision hosted a Living with Sight Loss Workshop with the RNIB. Staff, volunteers, carers and members joined together for the workshop.

Day one – sessions delivered on; RNIB and Croydon Vision Services, Eye Health and Travel and Transport. Our Information and Advice Officer John, delivered a session in the afternoon called Money Matters and Daily Living.

Attendees left feeling more informed after the day and at the end of the day a few people had booked appointments with the Information and Advice officer to seek further help which is excellent.

Day two – sessions delivered on; Emotional well-being, Mobility and Guide Dogs and a Technology session lead by our Resource Centre Manager Katherine.

The two days were very successful and attendees learnt a lot We are looking to deliver these session on a quarterly basis, giving plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved. In 2020 the workshops all run from 10am – 3pm on the following dates;

March – Monday 9th and Friday 13th

July – Saturday 11th and Saturday 18th

October – Wednesday 7th and Friday 9th

Events Calendar


Date Event Further Details
Friday 4th October Annual General Meeting (AGM) 4:00pm – 6:30pm Bedford Hall
Monday 7th October Glaucoma Matters 1.30pm Bedford Hall
Sunday 3rd November ‘West End Gala’ Musical Show at Fairfield TBC Fairfield Hall
Friday 22nd November Autumn is Here – Dinner and Dance 7:00pm –  9:00pm,          * Bedford Hall
Thursday 19th December Christmas Party (Christmas break) Celebrating all ages       * 13:00 – 17:00pmBedford Hall, (Essential to book)
6th January 2020 Warm welcome back Members and Team


Glaucoma Matters

On Monday 7th October Croydon Vision’s Glaucoma Group will be meeting and will be holding a special talk from our Trustee; Ketan Jadeja. The talk will be discussing glaucoma and how to manage the condition. Ketan is a glaucoma principal Optometrist at Moorfields Eye Hospital at CUH and also works as an independent prescriber specialist optometrist at Day Lewis Opticians.

The talk will start at 1.30pm and will take place at Bedford Hall. No booking required. The glaucoma group meets on the first Monday on every other month. For more information on this event or about the Glaucoma Group in general please email glaucomagroupcroydon@gmail.com or contact reception on 02086882486. 

General Information

Croydon Talking Therapies Living with sight loss can be stressful for individuals from the diagnosis stage through to the day to day difficulties living with sigh loss can bring.

At Croydon Vision we have a weekly counselling service for members. An alternative service you can use for support is Croydon Talking Therapies, it is a free and confidential NHS service for adults who are registered with a Croydon GP, who would like to improve how they feel, learn ways to worry less and sleep better. They can also help those experiencing common problems including stress, depression, panic attacks and anxiety.

There are a few different ways in which talking therapy can be delivered. Croydon Talking Therapies can provide online therapy, workshops and groups, individual therapy and long-term conditions support.

Appointments are offered in a range of locations around Croydon. To get an appointment and to find out more about this service you can call on 020 3228 4040 or ask your GP to refer you. To find out more about our counselling service at Croydon Vision please speak to reception or our Information and Advice officer on 020 8688 2486.

Netflix Guide Dog Documentary

Netflix have added a brilliant new documentary about puppies that train to become guide dogs. For someone with sight loss a guide dog could be their saving grace and many people rely on them. Yet performing the role of a guide dog requires rigorous effort, and getting them to a point where they can keep their human safe takes many months of gruelling training. This non-fiction movie titled ‘Pick of the Litter’ follows five puppies from the moment they are born and begins their quest to become guide dogs for the blind. Cameras follow the puppies through an intense two-year odyssey.

If you are a dog lover and want to know how guide dogs come to be then this is a perfect documentary for you. Netflix has subtitles and most of Netflix original programmes and films have the option to add audio description. For more information head to the Netflix website on www.netflix.com/gb or download the app onto your smartphone or computer.

Quiz Time

This month quiz celebrates Black History Month and Croydon Vision’s sponsored Climb to Mount Kilimanjaro. Good luck to our climbers, and Susanette.

  1. What year did President Obama first become president?
  1. Where was he born, A) Kenya, B) Hawaii, C) Chicago?
  1. Which country is Mount Kilimanjaro in?
  1. What is Mary Seacole known for?
  1. What month is the Notting Hill carnival held?
  1. What is the name of the famous liner that is associated with people who emigrated from the Caribbean to the UK from 1948 to 1971?
  1. How tall is Mount Kilimanjaro A) 19340ft B) 18555ft C) 7320ft?
  1. What are the main two languages spoken in Tanzania?
  1. What does the word Kilimanjaro mean in Swahili?
  1. Name the first black MPs elected to the UK Parliament.
  1. What are the colours on the pan African flag?
  1. What sport did Arthur Ashe play?
  1. Who invented the Laserphaco Probe, a surgical tool that vaporises cataracts?
  1. What is the name of the famous African American music label, founded in Detroit?

Answers 1.2008 2.b Hawaii 3.Tanzania 4. She was a nurse during Crimea War 5.August 6.Windrush  7.A 19340FT 8.English and Swahili  9.Mountain Whiteness  10.Paul Boateng, Bernie Grant and Diane Abbott. All elected were in 1987. 11 Red, Black and Green 12. Tennis 13. Dr. Patricia Bath 14. Motown

That’s Entertainment

A selection of Audio described performances in London next month. Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours are yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.

Date What’s Happening Contact Info Price

Sat 2nd Nov                  Baby Reindeer          T:  0208 7435 050                  £10 2:30(Touch                    Bush Theatre
Tour 1:30pm)                London  

Weds 6th Nov               A day in the                T:0207 3594 04                        £25 7:30pm
(Touch                              Death of Joe Egg                                                                     
Tour 6:00pm)                Trafalgar Studios

Tues 12th Nov               Groan Ups                   T: 0330 3334 814                   £20 7:30 pm (Touch            Vaudeville Theatre
Tour TBC)                        London

Fri 22nd Nov                   Mamma Mia              T:0344 4825 137                   £25 7:30 pm (Touch              Novello Theatre
Tour 6pm)                         London

Dates for your Diary

Tuesdays & Thursdays IT Training The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday.
Monday to Thursdays Resource Centre The Resource Centre will be open for appointments and walk-ins.
Tuesday to Thursday Information & Advice John Ebubedike, Information, Advice and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception.
Monday 7th October The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm
Macular Support Group Monday 14th October The meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group is from 1- 3pm.
  Chiropodist Wednesday 16th October   The chiropodist Joy Dell will here on Please book with Reception.
Low Vision Clinic Thursday 17th October Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first.


Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well and Age well

(Includes choice of main course and dessert)

Tuesday 1st October

Meat: Roast beef with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Roast Quorn fillet with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Fish: Baked cod with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables

Homemade bread and butter pudding with custard
Fruit salad served with ice cream or yogurt


 Wednesday 2nd October

Jacket potatoes with toppings: cheese, baked beans or tuna

Fruit salad and ice cream


Thursday 3rd October

Meat: Meatball stew with rice or potato and steamed vegetables Vegetarian: Broccoli and cheese quiche with salad
Fish: Baked salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables

Homemade chocolate sponge with custard Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Event: Friday 4th October – AGM

Buffet Style

Beef Lasagne
Chicken Stew

Vegetable Lasagne
Stir Fry Mixed Cabbage

Stew Salmon

Roast Potatoes
Aromatic Rice
Caesar Salad
Roasted Mediterranean Vegetables

Cake & Cupcakes


Tuesday 8th October

Meat: Chicken pie with mash, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Linda McCarthy sausage with mash, steamed vegetables and gravy
Fish: Baked haddock mash and steamed vegetables


Homemade panna cotta with berries
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 9th October

Pasta Bolognese with steamed vegetables

Homemade apple pie with custard or ice cream


Thursday 10th October

Meat: Roast pork with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Tofu and vegetable curry with potatoes and salad
Fish: Baked cod with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables

Homemade sponge cake with custard
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 15th October

Meat: Beef lasagne with steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagne with mixed salad
Fish: Pan-fried salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables

Mixed berry crumble with custard
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 16th August  

Chicken in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans

Homemade tiramisu or ice cream
Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt  


Thursday 17th October   

Meat: Roast chicken with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Roast Quorn fillet with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables  

Homemade strawberry trifle
Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 22nd October

Meat: Roast lamb served with roast potatoes, pan fried cabbage, carrot and gravy
Vegetarian: Ratatouille with roast potatoes, pan fried cabbage and carrot
Fish: roast salmon with roast potatoes, pan fried cabbage and carrot

Homemade custard tart with ice cream
Fruit with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 23rd October  

Roast chicken with fried rice and mixed salad

Fruit salad served with ice cream or yogurt


Thursday 24th October  

Meat: Chilli con-carne with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Chilli con-carne with Quorn mince or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables

Homemade blackberry pie with custard
Fruit Salad with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 29th October  

Meat: Roast chicken with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Stuffed aubergine with potatoes and salad
Fish: Baked cod with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables

Homemade plum crumble with custard
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream  


Wednesday 30th October  

Pasta bake served with salad

Homemade chocolate brownies with ice cream
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream

Thursday 31st October  

Meat: Beef stew with mash and green peas
Vegetarian: Vegetables stew made with Quorn pieces served with mash
Fish: Baked salmon served with mash and green peas

Homemade rice pudding with berries
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


New Addington Menu  

Thursday 3rd and Thursday 10th

At Bedford Hall

Thursday 17th October

Roast chicken with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy Dessert: Homemade strawberry trifle  

Thursday 24th October

Chilli con-carne with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Dessert: Homemade blackberry pie with custard

Thursday 31st October

Beef stew with mash and green peas
Dessert: Homemade rice pudding with berries  

We would love to have your input! Submissions for the November Newsletter are due in by: Monday 21st October, newsletter@croydonvision.org.uk

Contact Croydon Vision
Bedford Hall
Wellesley Road,
020 8688 2486
Charity Number: 1165086

Oct 1, 2019

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“A life saver & a life change”