‘Thank you Croydon Vision, your Open Day was a success, enjoyed the educational workshops, well being sessions and socialising’


April Newsletter – Part 2

Perspective – Cherishing Life

Sunrise is not locked down
Love is not locked down
Family time is not locked down
Kindness is not locked down
Creativity is not locked down
Learning is not locked down
Conversation is not locked down
Imagination is not locked down
Reading is not locked down
Relationship is not locked down
Praying is not locked down
Meditation is not locked down
Sleeping is not locked down
Work from home is not locked down
Hope is not locked down
*Cherish what you have.*


Hope is a place where you want to go

Hope is the person who you want to know

Hope is the feeling that carries you through

And hope is the future for me and for you


Children & Young People

Hello everyone its Korey here! I hope you all keeping safe during this time! Please be assured we are missing you and to all our young members; I am missing you guys loads, I can’t wait until we are off out again on our lovely adventures!

Hope you all had a good Easter! During this half term; the children and young people have multiple challenges they are completing, with the first being our Easter competition! Our young people have been given the task to allow their minds to flourish with creativity. They must create a picture, poem, dance, song, food, etc. that reminds them of Easter. The competition will be judged by the staff of Croydon Vision and winners will be announced in a couple of weeks in the next newsletter article! Other fun challenges which we are all looking forward to are the results from the cooking, skills, exercise and writing challenge. You will find winners from the writing challenge in the newsletter and the winning piece of writing will be read out on talking news.

We recently hosted our first virtual zoom session. We had a chance to catch up with each other and discuss what we had been doing during lockdown! The children and young people explained to me about balancing school work that they are doing online or with parents.
They’ve also exhausted all options of entertainments at home and boredom is starting to set in, so it was great to have a nice chat with each other and look forward to some of the fun challenges and activities we have planned over the next 6 weeks. We will be meeting every Wednesday at 1pm with next session being pyjama day! So if you would like to join us please contact myself via email: korey.knight@croydonvision.org.uk to join in with our next zoom session!

During this time it is really important to make sure your wellbeing is in a positive place. We have scheduled one to one calls with our young people; to support their wellbeing. One thing I would recommend is keeping in touch. Try to phone friends, family or join the befriending service at Croydon Vision – call 0208 688 2486.

Please keep in contact with us throughout this time we are here to help. You can call or visit our website/twitter/other social media patform for more information on everything we have planned/doing.
Stay positive and stay safe – Korey Knight – Children & Young People

Looking Ahead – Susanette

From a distance there were stories on what was happening in other countries and, whilst shaking our heads in disbelief, did we truly know the size of the invisible tsunami that was about to be unleashed on us?
As per every charity and business across the land, Croydon Vision has been affected by the Covid 19 crisis. however, we will weather this storm; find new opportunities and maintain sustainability for many more people with sight loss. Thank you for working with me; we are stronger together.

Our initial meeting 17th March did not envision the next stage of lock down England. However, one thing was clear; our desire to continue supporting members as well as making sure that volunteers and staff are safe.
In addition, an open communication with funders whilst partnering with local and national organisations.

I am so grateful to have such an amazing team of people at Croydon Vision. Jointly, we reviewed and adapted services; providing lunch, grocery, befriending, online social groups and much more. Worked with the team to structure a working at home system within reason and, revised policies to accommodate new measures. The process was quick; we had the right IT resources to swiftly adapt and adjust. We now use zoom technology to keep in touch weekly (staff team); our meetings are Tuesdays between 10-noon. Please bear with us during this time, leave a message as the phone line will be unattended, I can assure you; we will call you back same day.

Looking Ahead …

New Logo, Strapline & Strategic Plan 2020-23

As part of service adaption, we launched our new logo and strapline earlier this month on facebook live. Thank you to everyone who attended the event. We are currently working on producing an audio version of the strategic plan for members. Copy of the report is on our website; please click the tab about\downloads. A word version is available upon request.

Summer Time

As much as we try to adapt services and promote wellbeing virtually, there’s greater power in physical connectivity; something we all miss right now, the family feel of togetherness at Croydon Vision. With that in mind, we will not be closing internal services this August. Instead, a mix of internal and excursions will be available for members. Further information will follow in time, for now, keep strong and safe; this too shall pass!         

What our Members say …

Befriending Service

Using technology to participate in group phone calls is one of the ways Croydon Vision have been keeping the bonds of togetherness strong. During a phonecall I created a virtual Bedford Hall in my mind. It removed the idea of being alone to feeling connected with others.


Grocery Shopping

Croydon Vision are the only charity that have reached out to us and assisted with our shopping. We are very grateful for their support; they have provided a remarkable service.


Tech Training

It’s been fantastic getting my skype fixed, I didn’t really know I could receive assistance whilst being at home. I can now continue to skype my family and friends.


Lunch (Door to Door)

The idea of delivering food to my doorstep has been so helpful and useful. Croydon Vision have been able to cater to my dietary requirements, providing me with a selection of wonderful, hot tasty food. I no longer need to worry about arranging food. I highly recommend this service to anyone in need!


Service Adaption

Information & Advice – empowerment and information go hand in hand.

Grocery – personal shopping for members – essential items only

Lunch Service – cooked meal delivered at £5 per take out

Befriending – Telephone befriending during normal working hours

IT – Telephone support, internet shopping, social networking online

Newsletter – Fortnightly newsletter and weekly talking news.

Please do contact us on the following number if you would like to receive any of our services 0208 688 2486 ex 8. We are here to help!

Strategic Plan 2020-23

We launched our Strategic Plan for 2020-23 on 2nd April. This was done virtually by embracing the use of technology – facebook live. The event was interactive and we manage to keep physical distancing.

Susanette started proceedings with greetings and an introduction, giving a brief overview of the strategic plan and our new logo design. Afterwards, members of the team (Fay, Natasha & Katherine) spoke on a priority from the below:

  1. Coproduction – members to drive the development of products and services.
  2. Community – Improving our reach and engagement
  3. Accessibility – Transforming our premises and improving technology use
  4. Holistic Health – Putting our members at the centre of their care pathways
  5. Sustainable Reach – Improving our brand, communication and income stream

A replay is available on our facebook page and youtube channel.
Some comments below from members and volunteers:

‘That was a wonderful presentation! Even during these trying times you are all doing stellar work with creativity and imagination and best humour! Well done’ Masha Hammond – Volunteer

‘When can we come back, miss you’ Annamarie Clements – Member

Description of New Logo:

The logo looks like the outline of an eye in purple with a c inside (also in purple) and a turquoise dot in the middle. It looks like a triangle has been taken out of the right side. Going further right are the words Croydon Vision; on two separate lines with the word vision in bold. Underneath the word Vision is our new strapline, Changing how we SEE, the SEE is in turquiose and stands for Support, Enable and Empower.

‘I think the logo is more eye catching and looks great’
Raymond Fosberry – Member

‘Loving the new logo’ Deborah Levy – Member

Welcoming Danielle – I&A

We are sad to announce that our officer for Information & Advice; John has decided to leave Croydon Vision for personal reasons. We wish him all the best on his future endeavours. With departures come new arrivals so, we would like to welcome to the team Danielle Cleary; our new Information & Advice Officer working Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Hello Everyone, its Danielle. Many of you will know me from my volunteering in the resource centre and talking news as well as the working age group. John has left some big shoes to fill and I’m honoured to be given the opportunity to fill them.

I’m not going to tell you that I know the answer to everything, however, I promise that if I don’t know the answer, we will find a solution together. Croydon Vision (CV) have done so much to aid me in my journey to improved confidence, independence and the road to employment and I am so grateful to be part of a fantastic team. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need my assistance, my email contact is; danielle.cleary@croydonvision.org.uk or call the office on 0208 688 2486, extension number 8. I look forward to working with you all.

My Experience – Lock Down

I would like to share with you what I have been doing outside of CV and the help so far during this lock down. I spent the first two weeks reading as much as I could about services in my locale and it has paid off. I joined my local mutual aid group on Facebook and WhatsApp, a chat App that you can put on your mobile phone. Everyone has been so kind.

Some of you will have met one of our newest volunteers, Glen Brazier.
He lives near me and has kindly completed pharmacy pickups for me three times so far. One of the parents from our Children & Young Peoples’ service, Vicky Richardson, has offered to read to me. I was looking forward to an audio book being released from my favorite author in April. Unfortunately, the date has been put back until August. Vicky and I have a mutual love for this series, so she is recording herself reading a chapter a day and sending it to me on the internet.

I am so grateful to CV, it’s members, and all volunteers who are stepping forward to help each other. Every time you read this newsletter; you are taking the time to consider someone else’s perspective. We are all doing what we can for each other and that is all we can do. One day at a time. We will get through this – Danielle Cleary

The London Taxicard Scheme

Covid-19 – Taxicard Changes

In light of the current situation with the outbreak of Covid-19, changes have been made to the London Taxicard scheme.

Taxicard drivers can pick up and deliver essential supplies for you; and allow friends and family to travel on your behalf using your Taxicard for the same purpose.

How this works:

  • Request a booking stating you want a collection of pre-bought items from a supermarket, pharmacy or takeaway etc
  • Request a booking stating you want a nominated person to use a taxi on your behalf to purchase or collect essential items.
  • All collections have to be pre-paid and an order number provided
    (if applicable) at the time of booking
  • You will be given a cost of the journey and you will have to pay your contribution at times of booking using a debit or credit card

Due to the current situation, you will need to book two journeys if someone is doing a shop on your behalf. In these circumstances, the driver will not wait while someone shops, and a return journey will have to be booked once finished. To make a booking call CityFleet on 020 7763 5001 or email taxicard@londoncouncils.gov.uk. If you need further assistance, please contact our office; 0208 688 2486 ext 8.

Local Foodbanks:

Croydon Foodbank – Unit 5, 56 Pilton Estate, CR0 3RA – 0208 686 5664 – Mon, Tues, Fri 12pm – 2pm – croydon.foodbank.org.uk

Purley Food Hub – 906 Brighton Rd, CR8 2LN – 07546635295 – Weds, Sat, 10am – 12pm – purleyfoodhub.net

Revivify CIC – Alms House, Ramsey Court, CR0 1RF – 07757754637 – Tues, Thurs 11.30am – 2pm – revivifycommunity.co.uk

His Grace Foodbank – 80-82 Beulah Rd, Thornton Heath, CR7 8JF – 07 946546507 – Tues, Fri 12pm – 6pm – hisgraceevangelicaloutreach.co.uk

Is Technology useful or what!

Social Media

There are many types of social media that can help us stay connected; especially at a time like this. Recently I attended (without leaving the comfort of my living room) a virtual pub quiz, that may/ not have made it into the Guinness World Records – waiting for Guinness to verify this. On top of this, I went to a virtual gig from a band that I frequently go and see. Both of these events, I found out about through Facebook, and were streamed live, it was close to being in the same room. Whilst ‘attending’ these activities, it also connected be with friends within my social network – things felt normal and a feeling of togetherness.


A social networking platform that allows you to share things about your daily life and to attend events both virtually and physically. It can also enable group conversations and has a Facebook chat function where you can talk to your friends via text or video. Join Croydon Vision’s group.


You can share concise information from sources you choose (less than 140 characters). Twitter allows two-way communication and is frequently used by businesses and public figures so you can follow what they have been up to. You can keep up to date with every day life at Croydon Vision; our twitter account is @CroydonVision.


Generally used only for watching videos and commenting on them, however there is something called YouTube live which allows you to interact with the person making the video. You can watch our strategy launch on Croydon Vision’s you tube channel.

If you need help setting up any of the above social media platforms or other tech support, please call our office on 0208 688 2486 I am here to help you – Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager

Upcoming Virtual Events- Join us!

From Thursday 16th April we are hosting a weekly live Facebook event from 1pm to 2pm; exploring 2 topics from the below list:


  • Live Quiz
  • Physical exercise
  • Get Creative (Art & Craft)
  • Book Club (let us know your favorite book)
  • Cookery
  • Technology
  • Peer support (Information & Advice) – Q&A

Week 1: Thursday 16th April

Our first session was bake and talk tech. Together, we made cupcakes with amazing fillings. Katherine introduced us with various living aid equipment’s such as penfriend, talking scale and so on. You can access this session via our facebook page; events or you tube – have fun!

Week 2: Thursday 23rd April

Its exercise time! – fun descriptive session with our trustee Odette.
Active brain engagement! Yes, its Quiz time; hosted by Fay & Katherine.

Week 3: Thursday 30th April

Looking for a new hobby? Well, this week, we are getting creative.
We will be hosting art and craft with our wonderful tutor Masha.
In addition, we will host a live Q&A session by our new Information and Advice Officer Danielle Cleary, so please send in your questions to Danielle.cleary@croydonvision.org.uk

Week 4: Thursday 7th May

Delving into the world of literature with our book club week! Tell us beforehand your favourite book to plan discussion. More information of this event will be in Mays newsletter.

Such an exciting time of interactive and virtual events so please come and join us. If you have any technical questions about Facebook or how to use it please give Katherine a call on 0208 688 2486


External Events – Join in!

21st April – Guide Dogs virtual tea party

Right now, we all need something special to look forward to. That is why on Tuesday 21 April – National Tea Day, Guide Dogs are hosting the world’s largest virtual tea party and everyone is invited. Join in on Facebook for a cuppa as we celebrate expert staff, volunteers and life changing dogs who despite everything else going on, remain committed to helping people with sight loss live the life they choose.
Please see the guide dog website for more information. https://www.guidedogs.org.uk/national-tea-day

Camden Town Brewery

The north London brewery has teamed up with charity Hospitality Action to launch its own online pub, The Camden Bre.www.ery Bar. The virtual bar promises weekly events, including an online pub quiz most Thursdays from now on. Prizes include Camden beers delivered to your door, and be sure to put a few quid in the “digital tip jar”, where the brewery is collecting donations for Hospitality Action’s Covid-19 Emergency Fund. For more information, visit camdentownbrewery.com

Baked Beans Workout

Our Trustee Odette has been busy showing us how to get fit with just two tins of baked beans. This sight loss friendly workout is sure to brighten your mood and help you get in some exercise from the comfort of your own home. The workout attacks various different arm muscles and includes some squats and knee lifting exercises.

British heart foundation recommends that 3 times a week you do some form of exercise that keeps your heart racing. This workout is fully described and Odette has said that she welcomes feedback so that she can make her workout as accessible as possible. You can attend the class live virtually each Friday at 10.30am and the workout is also available for playback. Please visit the following website to get involved http://www.parisrockclub.com/free-dance-class.html

Useful Support Groups during lockdown

Wellbeing Café – 11am Monday to Saturday, grab a hot drink and join the conversation as expert guest speakers offer practicle help and support during this time of criis. www.TIOW.org

Croydon Neighbourhood Care Association As well as providing infrastructure support to our membership and other groups working with over 65’s across Croydon, we continue to run our complex befriending service. CNCA are offering telephone befriending for isolated/vulnerable individuals over 80 years old who have no family or other support. Further details and a referral form can be found on our website www.cnca.org.uk or email: info@cnca.org.uk or call 07926 524572

Neighbourhood Care Groups An established network of Neighbourhood Care Groups across the borough Are supporting individuals over 65 years. Groups have diversified their normal service provision to include food shopping, picking up prescriptions and telephone befriending, due to Lunch clubs being closed and shopping buses suspended. Contact the individual group for details of services available. Contact details can be found at: www.cnca.org.uk/members-2/

Coping in Crisis – Mike Jones

Win (my wife) and I are in lockdown and like all of you we have been thinking of things to do with our time and also coming up with ideas on how to eke out our scant resources.

Lemons and limes we had that were almost out of date, we chopped into wedges and frozen so if we need a hot drink with Vit C we’ll just boil the kettle. I managed to pick up a bag of carrots and a small bag of peas on a quest for food the other day, neither of which are our first choice but we can’t be choosy at this time. We thought if we use a couple of stock cubes and a piece of chicken I found under the fridge we could soup it up and make it go further. With a couple of chilli flakes in it too, it’s not quite curry laksa but if you close your eyes you can imagine?

As for pudding we’ve been pretty lucky, Win found a couple of boxes of Ferrero Rocher buried under stuff in the kitchen cupboard from Christmas of old and we’ve found that if you pop them in the freezer for a couple of hours they are reborn as new and the texture feels full of nutty goodness! For a nice minty apres le diner we share a small bag of Jackmans menthol drops, only 50p from Poundland. Win tends to have all the goodies from the mint and then pass it on to me. My goodness if I ever doubted my wife’s love for me; I should give myself a slap!

This isolation thing can be challenging and if you ever think your going mad just remember we are all there with you!

Whilst this article is a bit of lighthearted fun there are plenty of ways in which you can stay active and social. Stay safe everyone.

Mike Jones – Driver and Member Support

My Guide Dog Journey: Part 1

Hi Everyone, its Anna here.
In February 2018 I decided to apply for a guide dog so I spoke to the Guide Dog Association (GDA). After an initial interview it was decided that I was a suitable candidate to begin the assessment process for a dog.

To qualify for a guide dog a person must meet three criteria’s – is there a need, a benefit and do they have sufficient work load for the dog. You must also demonstrate certain skills such as being able to follow a route. For this reason, the GDA prefers people to be long cane trained as this develops some of the necessary skills.

I was assessed in three separate stages; the first two being carried out at home and the third being a residential overnight stay in Euston. The first assessment was carried out by Gail, a mobility instructor and was based around my mobility skills. She looked at how well I used my long cane and if I knew my local routes. There was also a short session to assess how I would cope with the dog harness and giving commands. I then had to wait to see if I would progress to the next stage of the process.

I was successful and the second stage was carried out by Becca, one of the dog trainers, and was based on how I would cope with a dog. It began with a short session with my long cane before changing over to a guide dog harness. Becca took on the role of the dog and it was quite hilarious telling her that she was a ‘good girl’. While it was agreed that I would benefit from a dog there was a problem. The flat that I was living in at the time was too small. I would have to move…that story along with how I got on with the residential assessment will be in the next newsletter – watch this space!

Anna Smith – Outreach & Progression Officer

Farewell from Nicola Peake

Hello everyone, I hope you are all getting used to this new way of life we appear to be in for the near future. I do hope you are all safe, well, and trying to keep active. As you know, I have three boys so it is definitely a challenge keeping them entertained whilst being their teacher, mum and football coach! We have turned our kitchen into a makeshift classroom with a timetable designed by my 9 yr. old so at the moment its working and peace has been restored in my household. 

As many of you are aware, Tuesday 31st March was my last day at Croydon Vision. I first joined the charity back in May 2018 as the Children & Young People Officer and it was my first role in the sight loss field. I had previously worked with children with special needs and disabilities and for campaigning charities in their fundraising department so I was thrilled to join Croydon Vision. In the last 2 years the charity has grown beyond recognition and has achieved so much to help improve the lives of people living with sight loss. It has been a privilege to be part of such an exciting and leading charity; working with a hugely dedicated team of staff who are passionate, caring, knowledgeable and fun! I shall deeply miss my lovely colleagues who have always been there to help and who make Croydon Vision the inspiring charity it is! 

I will certainly be keeping up to date with Croydon Vision and its achievements and I hope you will all be back in Bedford Hall or New Addington very soon to meet up with friends over a cuppa. I have wonderful memories of being at Croydon Vision – the numerous children’s trips trampolining, horse riding, Chessington, the crazy Easter egg hunt plus the Gala Dinner last Autumn.

Farewell to all at Croydon Vision –  I wish you all the very best over the next few months, stay safe and look after each other.

Nicola Peake – Business Development Manager

Quiz Time

Can you name the book from its description? E.g. Features a Tea Party where a mad man wears a hat ……… Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

  1. Four women Growing up.
  2. The origin of Room 101.
  3. All about Hal.
  4. A small creature in a Blue Jacket is terrified by a man.
  5. A story about a girl and her grandfather set in the Swiss Alps.
  6. The first book about the boy who lived.
  7. A boy and a bird of prey.
  8. A massacre of rabbits.
  9. The first book in a series about a Yorkshire vet.
  10. A young boy in Corfu.
  11. Pirates, Treasure and Travel.
  12. A magic portal, in a wardrobe, leads to another world.
  13. A Shipwrecked family.
  14. A hunt for a White Whale.
  15. A man stranded in a land of diminutive people


1 Little Women 2 1984 3 2001: A Space Odyssey 4 The Tail of Peter Rabbit 5 Heidi 6 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone     7 Kez 8 Watership Down 9 All Creatures Great and Small 10 My Family and other Animals 11 Treasure Island 12 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 13 Swiss Family Robinson 14 Moby Dick 15 Gulliver’s Travels

Door to Door Lunch Service – Our Menu

We continue to provide our members with freshly cooked lunch by the talented Isha. Food deliveries will occur on Mondays and Wednesdays and you can order as many portions as you would like. Lunch consists of the normal main course and dessert; costing the usual £5. When ordering a hot meal please give us at least 24 hours’ notice so we can prepare and cook the right amount of food. Our telephone number is 0208 688 2486.

Here’s the menu for the next 2 weeks:

Monday 20th April & Tuesday 21st April

Meat: Lamb stew with potatoes or rice and steamed vegetables

Veg: Cauliflower cheese with steamed vegetables

Dessert: Fruit Salad


Wednesday 22nd April & Thursday 23rd April

Meat: Chicken casserole and mash potatoes with steamed veg

Veg: Cheese and onion quiche with mash potatoes and steamed veg

Dessert: Fruit cocktail trifle


Monday 27th April & Tuesday 28th April

Meat: Chicken tikka with potatoes or rice and steamed vegetables

Veg: Vegetable tikka with potatoes or rice and steamed vegetables

Dessert: Baked apple with custard


Wednesday 29th April & Thursday 30th April

Meat: Roast Beef with potatoes and steamed vegetables

Veg: Ratatouille with potatoes and steamed vegetables

Dessert: Vanilla cheesecake with berries



We are saddened to inform you of the loss of a dear member and volunteer this month. Pat Tebbutt was an incredible, passionate and kind man who contributed so much to Croydon Vision and its members and I know he was a great friend to many – Rest in Peace.

We are also saddened to announce the passing of our member
Paul Hamilton and Margret Hopkins – Rest in Peace.

Please note that cases were not Covid-19 related.
Continue to keep safe and well.

We would love to have your input!

Submissions for the May Newsletter are due in by:
Thursday 23rd April ,

Apr 20, 2020

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“A life saver & a life change”