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Events Gallery

AGM 2018

– Our AGM had finally come around and what a wonderful AGM it was with many of our guest including Andy Barrow stating that it is the best AGM he has ever been to. 

The AGM started at 12pm with some mingling followed by a delicious buffet prepared by Isatu and her wonderful kitchen elves. After everybody had eaten, the business for the day began.  

Frances our re-elected chair started the proceedings followed by a wonderful speech from the Mayor of Croydon. Susanette our director then spoke a few words about the year just gone and year ahead before the mic was passed to our retired treasurer Colin who took us through the monetary part of proceedings.  

After the business side was completed, we were privileged to hear some touching stories from some of our members and a volunteer representing New Addington. Thank you so much to Danielle Cleary, Vera Elliott, Henry Clarke, Lauren Crisp and Chaz Schokman for sharing their stories with us. After these beautiful stories, we were privileged to have a speech delivered from Andy Barrow. How do we follow such a speech well SELO did superb job. We had a beautiful performance from three very talented members from the group.  


AGM – A Volunteers View 

This year’s AGM proved to be very enjoyable. I must admit past AGMs that I have attended have all been rather boring and this one exceeded my expectation. It was very well organised and as a volunteer, I found it enjoyable to help on the day and I would 100% do it again next year. It was lovely to hear from the members and felt that their involvement added a little something special.  

Jenny Davey – Volunteer 

AGM – A Members View 

This AGM was a new experience for me and one that I took a lot from. The event had a great balance between entertainment and speakers. As a member it was lovely to hear other members get involved and be heard. Myself personally had a few questions for the trustees, I felt like I was listened to and I learned that a lot goes on behind the scenes to ensure our services carry on. We had a speech from Andy Barrow, which was brilliant. He did a lovely job of linking his personal struggle with visual impairment and is a fantastic role model. 

Anna Smith – Member 

AGM – A Trustees View 

I enjoyed the whole event. Memorable as Andy’s speech and the fact there was a minute silence for all our departed was a lovely touch. The staff and Volunteers did a great job, which made the whole day really wonderful. The meal was excellent too so thanks to kitchen staff and helpers. The AGM went well (not too financially difficult to follow). It was very well organised and good to hear well-deserved praise from members especially about how Croydon Vision has made a lot of difference to them. It was also good to see some of our Contributing Organisations and support from the Lady Mayor.  

Jim Smith – Trustee 


AGM – New Addington View 

Wow what an AGM. A warm welcome, good tasty food, entertainment and heart warming stories. After the business end of the AGM was over, we listened to the future head from Susanette. We then had a display of photos and names of the members who passed away during the year R.I.P. This was followed by heart warming stories and poignant moments from Danielle, Vera, Henry and Lauren, how CV helped them to lead a normal life. To me it was reflective and how fortunate I was to have all my senses. Great community spirt, a buzz around Bedford hall, which I had not heard for a long time, to end the afternoon an uplifting talk by the guest speaker Andy Barrow. 

Dec 10, 2018

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