Blog Post
April Newsletter

Children and Young People
We have an exciting range of new activities running this Spring!
Brit School – Tuesday 9th and 16th April
Our younger members will have the opportunity to visit the Brit School to experience a workshop full of movement and expression this April! There are two workshops running on Tuesday 9th and Tuesday 16th April at the Brit School. I am looking forward to reporting in the next newsletter to tell you all about it.
‘Exceeding Expectations’ workshop – Wednesday 29th May
During May half term, we are running a workshop in association with a company called Blind in Business. This workshop is aimed at young people aged 13-19 years old. They specialise in advising young people and adults about the opportunities there are to study, attend university and offer helpful advice when it comes to seeking employment. The workshop will be taking place on Wednesday 29th May from 11am-2pm and is open to all young people who would like to find out more about study, employment as well as volunteering. This event will take place in Bedford Hall.
Other Easter events include:
- A visit to the Horniman Museum on Monday 15th April
- Battersea Park and Zoo on Wednesday 10th April
- Easter Egg Hunt (All Ages) – Wednesday 17th April
To tie in with the Easter theme, we shall be running an Easter Egg hunt on Wednesday 17th April on site at Croydon Vision for everyone of all ages from 11am.
There will be some of our younger members there to help you find the hidden treats, so if you love chocolate then join in the fun. I am sure it will be a great event.
Booking is essential for this activity so please tell reception that you would like to take part. We are encouraging everyone to get involved!
Nicola Peake – Children and Young People’s Officer
Working Age
Last month the working age group got involved in a number of different activities. On Wednesday the 13th we invited stakeholders from Merton Vision to come join us for a movie afternoon and to be given a tour of Croydon Vision. We welcomed Sophie, the Working Age Officer, Mike, the IT Officer and Billy a member of Merton Vision.
We are looking forward to inviting other Working Age Groups across South London to Croydon Vision. This will be a great opportunity for our members to meet with other groups building connections and relationships to help them progress further and open up potential opportunities.
South West London has three other organisation like ours; Merton Vision, Wandsworth Vision and Sutton Vision. We are working together to open South West London’s first Working Age Forum. In the forums, members will get to network and hear from guest speakers.
Croydon Vision will be hosting on: Thursday 12th September,
6pm – 8pm
My Fitability and Croydon Prescribing
The Working Age group are welcoming My Fitability and Croydon Social Prescribing to Croydon Vision. They are offering a 12-week fitness program to promote a healthy lifestyle and boost confidence. This consists of a range of group exercise classes. There will be a taster session on Wednesday 10th April at 1.30pm – 3pm
After that, sessions will be held on Monday afternoons from 1.30pm. If you are interested, please sign up at reception on 020 8688 2486
Trevor Aziz – Working Age Officer
Over 65s
Hi my name is Coral Evans; I have just become the newest volunteer member with Croydon Vision. During my first few days, I have met the most amazing people! I had the pleasure of getting to talk to Sally and John, who both belong to Wednesday morning’s art class, and share their stories with you.
First let me tell you a little bit about Sally, she found out about Croydon Vision through somebody who worked for Age UK who suggested that she should come down and see if there was something she would enjoy and be interested in. Sally came along and found fun and enjoyment in our Arts and Yoga classes. She believes that joining Croydon Vision and taking part in the activities available has helped her to have more social interaction with people and has greatly improved her well-being.
Now let’s talk about John, he found Croydon Vision through Croydon Council and has been coming to the Art group for the past 6 years. John believes that by doing Art it helps to bring down his stress levels improving his wellbeing. He gets absorbed into his work and his passion is shown in his incredible pieces. John reveals that it sometimes takes him a longer because of his sight loss and sometimes uses a magnifying glass as a tool to assist him.
John told me his favourite artist is Hieronymus Bosch, I don’t know much about art, but after meeting those at the Art group I am hoping that they will give me some tips and even I might come out of class with a picture!
Coral Evans – Volunteer
Resource Centre
Twitter Accessibility
Twitter is a way of quickly sharing information and updates about individuals and business. We at Croydon Vision have our own twitter account and the Project officers are busy making sure that we provide relevant up to date information every week.
You can find us @CroydonVision. If you would like to access Twitter, please see our Resource Centre Manager Katherine and she will help you set up an account and show you how you can access the content.
Twitter has a feature, which we at Croydon Vision aim to use, that enables people to add a text description to any photo that they upload.
If everyone was to do this it would make Twitter a far more accessible environment, so let’s encourage as many people as possible to do so.
How to turn on Twitter’s image description
- You can enable the feature on Twitter’s app and website by going to Settings and Privacy, entering the Accessibility menu and checking the Compose Image Descriptions box.
- The next time you add an image to one of your tweets, an Add Description button will appear at the bottom of it.
- Clicking this will take you to an Image Description screen, where you can add a description of the picture.
Our Website has been having a renewal over the last few months, and the new Website will be launched 8th April 2019
Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager
Information and Advice
Benefits, concessions and registration
This is a summary of the benefits and concessions available to you if you are registered severely sight impaired (SSI) or sight impaired (SI).
Please make an appointment via reception to see John the Information and Advice Officer for assistance.
Tuesday | Admin | Group Visits | 2pm | 3.30pm |
Wednesday | 10am | 12pm | 2pm | 3.30pm |
Thursday | Group Visits | 12pm | 2pm | 3.30pm |
Events Calendar
Date | Event | Further Details |
Friday 12th April |
Quiz, Food and Entertainment | Celebrating all ages * * 4:00pm – 8:00pm |
Month of April |
Fundraising Month | Raising funds for CV * |
Sunday 19th May | South East London Orchestra concert | Event at St. Barnabas Church 4:00pm – 6:00pm |
Wednesday 5th June |
Celebrating Volunteers | Event at CV from 4:00pm |
Weds 12th June |
Woldingham Wives Tea | Woldingham Village Hall from 2:30-4pm |
Friday 21st June |
Taster day – Opening Doors |
Showcasing Croydon Vision –All Day event 12:30pm – 5:00pm * |
Saturday 6th July |
Family Outing | A day out Beddington Park * Celebrating all ages |
Wednesday 21st August |
Summer Barbecue! | 1:00pm – 4:00pm * |
5th to 23rd August | Excursions 2019 | Monday to Thursday * |
Friday 4th October |
Annual General Meeting (AGM) | 4:00pm – 6:30pm |
Friday 22nd Nov |
Autumn is Here – Dinner and Dance |
5:00pm – 9:00pm * |
Any Suggestions? | ||
Thursday 19th December |
Christmas Party (Christmas break follows) |
Celebrating all ages from * 13:00 – 17:00pm (Essential to book) |
Re-Open 6th January 2020 |
We are starting to put together our excursion list for the summer. If you have any suggestions of activities and trips please pop it into the suggestions box or see Natasha at reception.
Quiz, Food and Entertainment
On Friday 12th April, Croydon Vision is hosting a Quiz event alongside of which will be some classic British inspired pub food. There will be some questions followed by a dinner of Sausages and Mash and Victoria Sponge cake with custard or cream for dessert, after dessert the rest of the questions will follow.
The event is open to members of all ages. You can bring along family and friends to expand the knowledge on your table.
Tickets are available from Reception and cost £12 each, please mention when booking if you will require a vegetarian meal. Please book your tickets by 9th April. We will be providing limited transport and this needs to be booked at the same time as your tickets.
Date: Friday 12th April
Time: 4.00pm – 8.00pm
Menu: Main – Steak Pie with Mash or Roast Potatoes and Veg
Vegetarian – Vegetarian Pie with Mash or Roast Potatoes
Dessert – Victoria Sponge cake with custard or ice cream
Charity Walk for peace 5k run
The Charity Walk for Peace is an initiative of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association that is a part of the UK’s oldest established Muslim community. The Charity Walk for Peace aims to relieve suffering and serve humanity regardless of color, creed or race.
The walk aims to bring people together and promote peace. This year Croydon Vision have entered a 5k walk with the Charity Walk for Peace. This is a great way to fundraise, meet other local charities and spread the awareness of what Croydon Vision does.
For more information or if you would like to join Croydon Vision, please visit or ask for assistance at reception
Date: Saturday 27th April Time: 08:30am Location: Lloyd Park
Fundraising Month
In previous years, Croydon Vision has taken part in raising money on geranium day for the Greater London Fund for the Blind (GLFB).
However, we were notified that bucket collection activities in supermarkets and shopping center’s will cease in 2019; until it meets fundraising regulation requirement. At Croydon Vision, we have decided to go in a different direction; throughout the month of April we are encouraging everyone to get together with friends and family and raise some money to go towards items on our wish list. There are three to choose from; Tactile Tiling, Hand railing at the back of Bedford Hall and an accessible 7 seater vehicle.
You can help raise money in lots of different ways, anything from a sponsored event to a cake sale. Sponsorship forms are available from reception. On the sponsorship form, you will be able to select which of our desired items you wish to fundraise for.
We can’t wait to hear all about your fundraising activities! Make sure to tweet, blog and spread your fundraising for everyone to talk about. Fundraising is just one of the many ways that can help spread awareness of sight loss and of Croydon Vision.
Please see reception for a sponsorship form and to enquire further 020 8688 2486 or email
Purley Swimathon
On Saturday, 2nd of March, 7 of our members, volunteers and staff took part in the yearly Purley Swimathon at Purley leisure centre. The task was to swim as many laps as possible within an hour. Working together as a team we managed to swim a huge 77 laps!
Massive congratulations to those who took part; Steven Marches, Lauren Crisp, Sarah Parry, Jennifer Smith, Jackie, Jennifer and Fay Chegwidden. Everyone showed their incredible fitness levels and team spirt. Thank you to all who supported us on the day and to all of you who have donated. We are awaiting the total for the money that was raised by our wonderful supporters
Upcoming Events
ECLO Training
On Wednesday 17th April Julia Smythe from ECLO Moorfields will be coming into Croydon Vision to provide us with lots of information about the ECLO services and will be answering any questions that we have. She will be covering a number of topics including; the role of ECLO, how can an ECLO support you and how can you get referred to the ECLO service at Moorfields. We are inviting Group Leaders, Tutors and any volunteers who have any questions and interest to come along and feedback to members. The session will start at 10.30am and last an hour. Please see reception if you are interested in attending.
Musical events
The South East London Orchestra will be giving a concert in St Barnabas Church, Beckenham BR3 3LE on Sunday 19th May 2019 at 4pm – 6pm. This is the same venue as the Christmas Concert which many members attended.
The programme will be:
Weber Der Freischutz Overture
Mozart Concerto for Flute and Harp with Jenn Raven, (who played at our Christmas party and at the AGM) playing the flute solo.
Nielsen Symphony No 2, ‘The Four Temperaments’
Transport will not be available so hopefully family members could bring you along! Tickets £8 available at the door
The South East London Strings will be giving a concert at St Mary’s Church, Beddington in aid of Croydon Vision and the church on Saturday 15th June 2019 at 7.30pm – 9.15pm.
Details of the programme will be in the May newsletter, we are hoping that James Risdon, the blind recorder player will play a concerto.
Tickets £7 available at the door, which includes a free glass of wine in the interval! Mini bus transport may be available, more on that in the next newsletter.
Sue Ardley – Volunteer
Information from Croydon Hearing:
Croydon Hearing Resource Centre (CHRC) is a unique charity.
It is the only voluntary organisation that provides free long-term practical and emotional support for NHS aid wearers. As well as initial hearing tests, we carry out comprehensive ear checks and clean, maintain and re-tube existing aids.
In addition to our main centre in Stafford Road, we operate 8 drop-in surgeries across the borough and offer a crucial home visiting service for the housebound.
We also provide assistive equipment for the home such as television loop systems, flashing door bells and alarm clocks and these are provided free of charge from Croydon Council. In addition, we can arrange vibrating smoke alarms also free through the Fire Service.
In summary CHRC provide:
- Free batteries for NHS hearing aids
- Free re-tubing of hearing aids
- Free checks on NHS hearing aids which are broken or faulty
- Free help and advice if you have a new hearing aid
- Free hearing screening tests for people without hearing aids
- Free emotional support
We also provide:
- Free advice and assessments for assistive equipment at home
- Free home visits – for housebound residents (includes full assessment plus initial hearing tests)
- Free, drop-in surgeries around the Borough for those unable to reach Stafford House
- A Social Group which meets weekly
The Croydon Hearing Resource Centre is open to the public from Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm.
Next visit date at Croydon Vision is Thursday 25th April
Croydon Hearing Resource Centre, Stafford House, 19 Stafford Road, Croydon, CR0 4NG
Quiz Time
In preparation for our quiz at Croydon Vision on April 12th, here are some general knowledge questions to prepare the brain. Happy quizzing
- What is the largest state in the USA?
- What is the highest grossing film in UK box office history?
- How many known species of shark are there? A) 240 B) 340 C) 440
- Who said this famous quote ‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever.’?
- What was written in the first text message?
- How many km are there to every 5 miles?
- In years, how old did the oldest person alive live until?
- According to the Gospel of Matthew, for how many silver coins did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus?
- What is the name for a female rabbit?
- Which instrument did Louis Armstrong play?
- In music how many notes are in a scale?
- In what year did Marks and Spencer open their first store?
- How many followers does Croydon Vision have on Twitter?
- Sigmund Freud was the founder of this?
- Which country first discovered coffee ?
- Alaska 2. Star Wars – the force awakens 3. C) 440 4. Gandhi 5. Merry Christmas 6.8 7. 122 8. 30 9. Doe 10. Trumpet 11. 8 12. 1904 13. 203 Follow us! 14. Psychoanalysis 15. Ethiopia
That’s Entertainment
A selection of Audio described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.
Date | What’s Happening | Contact Info | Price
Sat 4th May
2pm (Touch Tour 12pm) |
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Shaftesbury Avenue London |
T: | £38
Sat 11th May 2.30pm (Touch Tour 12.45pm) |
Three Sisters
Almeida Theatre, London |
Sat 18th May
3pm (Touch Tour 1pm) |
Matilda The Musical
Cambridge Theatre, London |
£35 |
Tues 28th May
7:30pm (Touch Tour 5.30pm) |
All My Sons
The Old Vic, London |
T: | £21 |
Dates for your Diary
Tuesdays & Thursday IT Training |
The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday. |
Monday & Wednesday
Resource Centre
The Resource Centre Manager Katherine Turner will be available. |
Tuesday to Thursday Information & Advice |
John Ebubedike, Information, Advice and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception. |
Glaucoma Group
Monday 1st April |
The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm |
New Addington
Thursday 4th April
New Addington group will be coming to Bedford Hall on this date |
Macular Support Group
Monday 8th April
Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1- 3pm. |
Wednesday 10th April Chiropodist |
The chiropodist Joy Dell will here on Please book with Reception.
Low Vision Clinic
Thursday 18th April, |
Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first. |
Monday 22nd April | Croydon Vision is closed and services will resume on 23rd April |
Thursday 25th April | Croydon Hearing open surgeries |
Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well and Age well
All meals include a choice of main course and dessert
Tuesday 2nd April
Meat: Chicken tikka masala served with rice or potatoes and vegetables
Vegetarian: Cauliflower cheese served with potatoes and vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and vegetables.
Homemade lemon pie
Fresh Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Wednesday 3rd April
External Event, food available upon request.
Thursday 4th April
Meat: Beef stew severed with mash and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Stuffed peppers served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with mash and steamed vegetables
Homemade Vanilla and strawberry cheesecake
Fresh Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Tuesday 9th April
Meat: Roast chicken served with potatoes and steamed vegetables.
Vegetarian: Quorn chicken served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Flat apple and vanilla tart served with custard
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Wednesday 10th April
Macaroni cheese served with roast chicken and salad
Homemade strawberry trifle
Thursday 11th April
Meat: Cottage pie served with steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetarian cottage pie served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Fish pie served with steamed vegetables
Homemade pear tart served with custard
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Tuesday 16th April
Meat: Roast pork served with potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Cheese and onion quiche served with steamed
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade banoffee pie
Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream
Wednesday 17th April (Easter Egg Hunt)
Meat: Penne Pasta in tomato sauce with Meatballs, salad or Veg
Vegetarian: Penne Pasta in tomato sauce and meditarenian veg
Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream
Young People – Baking Cookies
Thursday 18th April
Meat: Roast lamb served with potato gratin, roast potatoes, roast vegetables and a Yorkshire pudding
Vegetarian: Cheese and spinach quiche served with potato gratin, roast potatoes, roast vegetables and a Yorkshire pudding
Fish: Pan-fried salmon served with potato gratin, roast potatoes, roast vegetables and a Yorkshire pudding
Homemade chocolate egg baked tart
Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream
Tuesday 23rd April
Meat: Chicken pasta bake served with steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetarian pasta bake served with salad
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade bread and butter pudding served with custard
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Thursday 25th April
Meat: Roast pork served with potatoes and steamed vegetables.
Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagna served with salad.
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Panna cotta served with berries
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Tuesday 30th April
Meat: Roast lamb served with roast potato, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Diced potatoes and leek in cheese sauce served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade chocolate sponge cake
Seasonal fruit salad served with ice cream and yogurt
New Addington Menu
Thursday 4th April
At Bedford Hall
Thursday 11th April
Mains: Cottage pie served with steamed vegetables
Dessert: Homemade Pear tart with custard
Thursday 18th April
Easter Lunch at Bedford Hall
Thursday 25th April
Mains: Roast pork served with potatoes and steamed vegetables.
Dessert: Panna cotta served with berries
We would love to have your input!
Submissions for the May Newsletter are due in by:
Monday 15th April –
Contact Croydon Vision
Charity Number: 1165086