“I appreciate Croydon Vision very much, it is a community that develops my skills, especially on tech”- RA.

Blog Post

Sue Ardley

I have been volunteering for Croydon Vision for 9 years doing all sorts of activities including organising outings, concerts, walks, pantomime visits, leading the mental aerobics group and presenting the talking magazine every 4 weeks. I have found it all very humbling, rewarding and uplifting and I always go home happy. What a wonderful sanctuary for those with sight loss.

Over the years members have said to me that “it is a Godsend.” “I don’t know what I would do without this place.” “I feel safe knowing there are always volunteers and staff looking out for me! “You sighted people are the odd ones out!” “It’s like a family, a friendly and happy atmosphere”.

I have learnt so much from the members about making the most of whatever situation you find yourself in and to keep smiling!

Sue Ardley

Apr 18, 2019

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“A life saver & a life change”