“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.


May Newsletter

My Life at Ralph Perring Court

Life at Ralph Perring court

Has been far nicer than one would have thought

I was given a well planned carpeted flat

And was very thankful for that

I was offered a problem free life of ease

So my many thanks to the trustees (of Perring Court)

The facilities and amenities are very good

For residents to use if they could

I am now immobile but if I could participate, I would

I now reflect on my sublime life here – no fears

For I have lived here for 21 years

Written by our member Elsie Warrack


Children and Young People

Easter Holidays 2019

Brit School Dance Workshop

The Easter school holidays have been a busy time with a variety of activities organised for the young people. We were given opportunities to visit the famous Brit School. The students from the Community Arts Project kindly donated their valuable time and experience to introduce our members to a creative dance workshop. Our members were able to use their imagination and express their feelings and emotions through dance. They were taught how to warm up, then followed a choreographed routine. After being split into two groups, they were all encouraged to come up with their own freestyle dance and perform it in front of a small audience. The children and young people did so well and we are all so proud of them for pushing themselves out of their comfort zone.


Easter Fun at Bedford Hall

We organised a chocoholic day teaching the children how to make their own chocolate chip cookies from scratch. The children divided into groups and each took turns to follow the recipe, weighing out the tasty ingredients and mixing all of the sugary goodness together. It was quite hard work, mixing the butter, sugar and flour together until a cookie dough was formed. They then created their own shaped cookies, some used a spoon others used their hands. A healthy lunch followed before the children were let loose to take part in an all ages Easter Egg hunt around the ground floor of Croydon Vision. In their own words the chocolate day was ‘lots of fun’ and one young member said

‘I really enjoyed learning how to make my own cookies and I get to take the recipe home’.

I hope everyone had as much fun over Easter as we did!

Nicola Peake – Children and Young People Project Officer


Working Age

Science Museum Trip

The Working Group enjoyed a trip to the Science Museum in South Kensington on Wednesday 3rd of April. Once we arrived we were given a guided tour from one of the volunteers at the Museum, they showed us around the Sater lights the radio and different antennas. The tour lasted an hour and was extremely informative; the Museum even had brail as a method of getting information from the presentation.  After the tour, we got to experience what it would feel like to be part of the Red Arrows in a 3D simulation ride, which was filled with movement and physical stimulation. It was an educational informative day out enjoyed by all members and guides, the Science Museum definitely has something for everyone to enjoy.

Working Age Group Upcoming Events

Take Over the Council Day

 This is for anyone with a disability that would like to know about the different services with the council. You get to shadow a member of staff around for a day and gain an insight into what their role consists of and give them a helping hand .The last day to apply for this is Monday 17th June, for a registration form and any more information please see the Working Age Officer

Working Age Forum

On Wednesday 15th May Thomas Pocklington are hosting an event that will be presented by Alex Pepper and our very own Jennifer Smith. The forum will be held at Thomas Pocklington headquarters from 6pm until 8pm. Life experience has motivated our presenting pair to coach others to be the best version of their selves. They have put together an introductory workshop that they would like to share with their peers. 

Trevor Aziz – Working Age Officer


Over 65s

Travel Tips for people travelling by air with disabilities

I recently travelled to Rome and found that the experience was enhanced with ‘travel assistance’. Here are my top 5 tips for traveling by air;

  • When booking your flight/ holiday make sure to tell them of your disability so that they can provide you with necessary information and so they can alert the airline in advance. If you are travelling with a guide dog, make sure to tell your travel agent so that they can inform you of the guidelines and required registrations.
  • Make sure your passport has at least 6 months validity left, or you will be unable to fly.
  • Make sure that you apply for your free travel assistance at least 48 hours before your journey, and before you fly make sure your sorted for your return journey as well, contact your travel agent or the airport for more information
  • On arrival at the airport, ask at the check in desk for Travel assistance. Travel assistance when requested is invaluable, you are assisted around security and passport control and speed around the airport with your luggage. For example at Gatwick airport you are escorted to the disability lounge, a lanyard is placed around your neck, which buzzes and flashes to indicate to your helper that your flight is ready for boarding.
  • Ensure you have sufficient medication for your time out of the UK. If travelling outside of Europe make sure to check if any drugs are illegal in that country.

I hope these tips prove to be some use to you in the future. I wish you a safe journey on your future travels!

Jim Smith – Volunteer and Member


Information and Advice

The role of the Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO)

On Wednesday 17th April, we were given a presentation from Julia Smythe, who is the ECLO at Moorfields Croydon, to explain her role.

Moorfields at Croydon University Hospital was established April 2014 providing treatment to around 40,000 patients a year.  They recognise the importance of early intervention when diagnosed with sight loss. The, eye clinic liaison officer is the link between Moorfields, the local authority, GP’s, Opticians and local charities that support people with sight loss, such as Croydon Vision, Kent Association for the blind, Thomas Pocklington Trust, RSBC and RNIB.

The ECLO acts as patient advocate working directly with people with low visio, sight loss and their carers. The support is both practical and emotional and is extended to carers and family members, and for all ages. The ECLO provides time to listen to a patient that a consultant would otherwise be unable to do.  The Liaison officer provides the reassurance that can help people come to terms with the situation.  The ECLO must have a level of knowledge that allows them to meet the different specific needs of each patient, as well as issuing out the certificate of visual impairment.

The Liaison officer is happy to do a presentation and Q&A session for volunteers and members.  If you are interested, please contact the I&A officer directly or your group leader.

Please make an appointment via reception to see John the Information and Advice Officer for information and advice enquiries. Please see the revised schedule below for this month.

Tuesday 9am 11am 1pm 2.30pm
Wednesday 9am 11am 1pm 2.30pm
Thursday 9am 11am 1pm 2.30pm


John Ebubedike, Information and Advice Officer.


Resource Centre

Hi Everyone,

My name is Danielle, I have been an active member of Croydon Vision since June last year. Prior to this I have had on/off communication with the organisation for around fifteen years.

I have been attending pottery on Mondays and the Working Age group on Wednesdays. I’ve found the Working Age group invaluable and it is the reason that I am now confident enough to also volunteer here.

You can find me on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Resource Centre from 9am-3pm ready to answer any questions that you may have about equipment or skills that may make your life easier with a Visual Impairment.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your question is; whether it’s about the technique of being able to tell your bottles and tins apart in your cupboard, a cane tips, look at the talking microwave, measuring jug, or if you want a tactile set of dominos, dice or playing cards. I am here to help you.

We have lots of equipment; magnifiers, liquid level indicators if you need assistance with filling your mug with hot liquids, non-slip mugs so that you don’t lose that all important brew all over the floor before you get to drink it. We also have clocks, items that will read your books and magazines, lamps that may help you with crafts, to name just a few things, and what we don’t have, I am very happy to look up for you.

The resource centre is all about trying to help you with everyday life, enable you to try things out, and give your ideas to make things easier for you.

I am hoping to get around to some of the groups to meet you, but if you miss me, why not come and say hello and have a chat.

Danielle Cleary – Volunteer


Events Calendar


Date Event Further Details
Sunday 19th May South East London Orchestra concert Event at St. Barnabas Church 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Wednesday 29th May Exceeding Expectations Day (see page 10) 11am- 2pm, Bedford Hall
5th June
Celebrating Volunteers Event at CV from 4:00pm
12th June
Woldingham Wives Tea Woldingham Village Hall from 2:30-4pm

15th June

South East London Orchestra concert St Mary’s Church, Beddington Park

7.30pm – 9.15pm

21st June
Taster day –
Opening Doors
Showcasing Croydon Vision

All Day event
12:30pm – 5:00pm                  *

6th July
Family Outing A day out Beddington Park     *
Celebrating all ages
21st August
Summer Barbecue! 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Bedford Hall *

5th to 23rd August Excursions 2019 Monday to Thursday               *
4th October
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 4:00pm – 6:30pm

Bedford Hall

22nd Nov
Autumn is Here –
Dinner and Dance
5:00pm –  9:00pm, Bedford Hall *
  Any Suggestions?
19th December
Christmas Party
(Christmas break)
Celebrating all ages from        *
13:00 – 17:00pm

Bedford Hall
(Essential to book)

6th January 2020


Quiz and Food Event Review


Our quiz event happened last month on Friday 12th April. It was attended by teams of all ages ready to stretch their brains and see who would come out victorious.

We started with a logo quiz, which perplexed many of the teams, as the logos were all incomplete. Our quizmaster was Frances, she kept the momentum and repeated any questions as required. The food from Isha was wonderful as usual, and many clean plates were returned to the kitchen.

Congratulations to the winners of the quiz team Crispmarches! In addition, to everyone that took part

Thank you to all the volunteers and staff who helped with the quiz and made it such an enjoyable event.

Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager


Upcoming musical events


The South East London Orchestra will be giving a concert at St Barnabas Church, Beckenham BR3 3LE on Sunday 19th May 2019 at 4pm – 6pm. This is the same venue as the Christmas Concert which many members attended.

Transport will not be available so hopefully family members could bring you along!  Tickets £8 available at the door

The South East London Orchestra will be presenting a varied programme of String Music from the 17th – 20th centuries on Saturday 15th June 2019 at 7.30pm – 9.15pm at St Mary’s Church in Beddington Park in aid of Croydon Vision and Church Funds.

We are delighted that James Risdon, the blind recorder player will be playing a concerto by Vivaldi.

Concession rate tickets £7 (which includes a glass of wine in the interval) are available at CV reception.

Mini bus transport will be available, please book with reception when you buy your ticket. Transport is subject to availability and normal transport costs off £3 each way apply.

Sue Ardley – Volunteer


Exceeding Expectations


On Wednesday 29th May 2019 Croydon Vision Young People’s Project will be hosting a tailor made workshop aimed at our younger members who are visually impaired in Secondary School. This event is called ‘Exceeding Expectations’ and will run in Bedford Hall from 11am-2pm. It is going to be an exciting opportunity for our teens to learn about the opportunities which exist post 16. These will include; options to go into employment, volunteering or further study like college or university. The workshop will be delivered by a company called Blind in Business who specialises in working with young people who are blind or visually impaired with our guest speaker Fashioneyesta. There will also be fun and interactive games to test the children’s skills. To book a place please email Nicola.Peake@croydonvision.org.uk or call on 020 8688 2486 ext 3. There will be complementary lunch and refreshments available that day.

Nicola Peake – Children and Young People Officer


Summer Excursions


Although Croydon Vision is closed during August, we want to ensure that members can still enjoy our services through various trips and

outings that we provide.  We recently presented a list of potential

excursions to members. From this list, they highlighted their preferred choices followed by suggestions. Our final list of excursions with dates and times will be addressed in our next newsletter, which is when you will be able to start booking. If you require further information on the excursions listed or have a suggestion, please contact reception on 02086882486.

Popular Choices

  • Eastbourne, Littlehampton, Camber Sands
  • Woodcote Garden Center, Charles Darwin’s Home and Garden
  • Windsor Castle, Hampton Court, London Canal River Cruise, Shakespeares Globe Guided Tour, London Zoo

Suggested Choices

  • Horniman Museum, Florence Nightinggale Museum
  • Chartwell Country House, Godstone Farm, Lavender Fields

Natasha Thompson Campbell – Office Manager


Celebrating Volunteers


Volunteer week takes place annually on the first week of June; this week is used nationwide as an official date to show appreciation and thanks for the contribution made by volunteers all over the UK. Last year we celebrated a little bit later in October, this year we will be celebrating our volunteers with a special event on Wednesday 5th June in line with volunteer week.

You are invited in joining us for this occasion. The event will consist of a buffet style meal followed by an Appreciation and Recognition ceremony. The Mayor of Croydon’s Assistant will be attending as our special guest and she will be helping give out some special treats for our volunteers.



Date: Wednesday 5th June 2019


4.00pm – 4.30pm Welcome
4.30pm – 5.30pm Networking and Food
5.30pm – 6.30pm Celebrating Volunteers


Location: Bedford Hall, 72-74 Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR0 2AR


If you have any dedications or there is something, you would like to say/ to be said about one or some of our volunteers on the day then please contact Fay the Volunteer Coordinator.

The event will have limited availability and members who attend will be on a first come first served basis.

The event is free to attend however; transport will still be its regular price, which is £3 each way. Transport on the day will be limited so please book fast to avoid disappointment. Please see reception if you wish to attend the event or call on 02086882486.


Buffet Style Menu

Chicken Stew
Meat Lasagna


Cheese and Onion Quiche
Stuffed Peppers with Cous Cous

Salmon Stew

Basmati Flavoured Rice
Roast Potatoes
Steamed Vegetables
Three Bean Salad

Spring Rolls (Made by our member Le)


Soft drinks
Water, Tea and Coffee


Celebration Cake
Ice Cream
Fruit Skewers

For any dietary requirement, please mention in your RSVP

I am looking forward to this event; having all our volunteers in one room celebrating together, with their help, we have achieved so much in the past year and I personally have enjoyed every moment with them.

Fay Chegwidden – Volunteer Coordinator


Quiz Time

This month’s fun filled quiz has been put together by some of our staff members, enjoy.

  1. When is national tea day?
  2. What is the only single word anagram of Monday?
  3. In which book did a pig called Wilbur appear?
  4. Which was the first James Bond film to feature Roger Moore in a lead role?
  5. What was invented first the cigarette lighter or the match?
  6. True or False – the Scots have 421 words for snow
  7. What is the name of the teen climate change activist who has been speaking at public rallies recently?
  8. Who was the first presenter/s of the X factor? A) Kate Thornton B) Dermot O’Leary C) Ant and Dec
  9. The Anglo- Saxon name for which bird was the Ruddock?
  10. Which one of these chocolates are not in a box of celebration? A) Bounty B) Snickers C) Fudge
  11. True or False – Apples provide more energy than coffee.
  12. What colour does a cucumber turn when overripe?
  13. In which century were optical glasses invented?
  14. True or False – Esperanto is an artificial language

1. 21st April 2. Dynamo Charlottes Web 4. Live and Let Die  5. Cigarette lighter 6. True 7.Greta Thunberg  8. A) Kate Thornton  9. Robin 10. C) Fudge 11. True 12. Orange 13.12th century 14. False


That’s Entertainment

A selection of Audio described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.

Date What’s Happening Contact Info Price


Sat 18th May

2.30pm (Touch Tour TBC)


Victoria Palace Theatre, London

T:08009884440 £37.50




Sat 1st June

2.30pm (Touch Tour 1pm)

Sweet Charity

Donmar Warehouse, London



Sat 22nd June

8pm (Touch Tour 7pm)

Moby Dick
Guildhall Yard


T: 02083055021 £Free
Sat 29th June

4pm (Touch Tour TBC)


Arts Theatre , London


T: 02078368463 £18

Dates for your Diary

Tuesdays & Thursday
IT Training
The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday.
Tuesday to Thursday
Information & Advice
John Ebubedike, Information, Advice
and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception.
New Addington

Thursday 2nd May


New Addington group will be coming to Bedford Hall on this date
Thursday, 16th June
Low Vision Clinic
Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first.

Wednesday 22nd May

The chiropodist Joy Dell will be here. Please book with Reception.



Glaucoma Group

Monday 3rd June


The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall on this date.
Macular Support Group

Monday 10th June



Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1- 3pm at Bedford Hall.
Thursday 26th September


Croydon Hearing open surgeries at Bedford Hall



Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well and Age well


All meals include a choice of main course and dessert


Tuesday 7th May

Meat: Chicken pie served with mash and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Mediterranean vegetable pie with mash and salad

Fish: Fish pie with mash and steamed vegetables


Homemade Blackberry Pie
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream



Wednesday 8th May


External event. Food available upon request




Thursday 9th May


Meat: Sausage and mash with baked beans and gravy
Vegetarian: Quorn sausage and mash with baked beans and gravy

Fish: Baked cod and mash with baked beans



Homemade rice pudding with berries

Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream



 Tuesday 14th May


Meat: Roast pork served with potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy

Vegetarian:  Roast vegetables with potatoes and gravy

Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables



Homemade Custard tart with ice-cream
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream



Wednesday 15th May


Baked pasta Bolognese with salad


Fruit salad with ice-cream or yogurt



Thursday 16th May


Meat: Roast chicken served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy

Vegetarian: Ratatouille served with potatoes and salad

Fish: Pan fried salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables



Homemade chocolate sponge served with custard
Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream





Tuesday 21st May


Meat: Chicken stew with rice or potatoes served with steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Vegetable stew served with rice or potatoes

Fish: Fish stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables



Homemade pear and plumb crumble served with custard

Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream




Wednesday 22nd May


Chicken casserole served with mash and steamed vegetables



Rice pudding with berries


Thursday  23rd May


Meat: Roast pork served with potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy.

Vegetarian: Macaroni and cheese served with steamed vegetables.

Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Lemon pie served with ice-cream
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


  Tuesday 28th May


Meat: Beef lasagna served with mixed salad

Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagna served with mixed salad

Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and mixed salad



Homemade Apple Crumble

Fruit salad served with ice cream and yogurt



Wednesday 29th May


External event. Food available upon request



Thursday 30th May


Meat: Fried rice served with roast chicken and three-bean salad.

Vegetarian: Cauliflower cheese served with three-bean salad.

Fish: Pan-fried salmon served with potatoes or rice or three-bean salad


Strawberry trifle
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream



New Addington Menu


Thursday 9th May

Sausage and mash with baked beans and gravy

Dessert: Homemade rice pudding with berries


Thursday 16th May

Roast chicken served with roast potatoes, vegetables and gravy

Dessert: Chocolate Sponge served with custard


Thursday 23rd May

Roast pork served with potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy.

Dessert: Homemade Lemon Pie with ice cream


Thursday 30th May

Fried rice served with roast chicken and three-bean salad.

Dessert: Strawberry Trifle


We would love to have your input!


Submissions for the October Newsletter are due in by:
Thursday 16th May



Contact Croydon Vision

 020 8688 2486



Charity Number: 1165086

May 1, 2019

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“A life saver & a life change”