January Newsletter 2020

Happy New Year!
From all the staff at Croydon Vision we hope you have had a happy, safe and joyful Christmas – wishing you all a blessed New Year.
Huge thanks to all our volunteers who give their time and support to Croydon Vision. 2019 was a productive year’ embedding positive changes. Here’s to an exciting 2020 – working together with you All.
We are looking forward to hearing your bright ideas and how you can make 2020 great for you. Is there anything that you would like to achieve this year? It’s really important no matter your age to set goals; to challenge yourself. For some, your goal might be learning a piece of new technology or saving for that dream destination getaway whilst for others, it might be building enough confidence and courage to take part in particular activities or, reaching out and talking to someone through peer support.
No matter the goal you have, you are responsible for making it happen. We are here to support you all the way in achieving your goal small, medium or big.
Talking News Subscription
It’s that time of year to renew your yearly Talking News subscription. The subscription fee is £10 per year, with this, you will receive the talking news weekly on a USB stick, which can be played on your boom box or other devices with a USB port.
To renew your subscription please visit reception or send a cheque payable to Croydon Vision with a note stating that it is for the talking news. The deadline for renewal is 31st January. If you would like more information, please call reception.
Children and Young People
This December we had our first Christmas party designed for children and young people here at Croydon Vision and it was amazing! The children and young people were spoilt for choice with a visit from Father Christmas and one of his elves! We had games, bubbles and glitter. I saw some of the coolest glitter reindeers ever! We had Christmas music (classic and modern) and our members danced the day away. Food galore left our members ready for a well-deserved rest I would say, with choices of pizza, chips, sausage rolls and mince pies you name it the kids ate it all.
Along with our members from Croydon Vision, we welcomed children and young people from Merton Vision who joined in with the festivities’. The event brought together members and their families giving a warm atmosphere and bringing people together.
I would like to say a big thank you to Nicola Peake, Jennifer Smith, John Paul Ebubedike, Mike Morgan and Bharat Koria. All your help contributed to a successful Christmas party, so thank you!
We have a lot of exciting activities planned for the children and young people project. The first event on the agenda will be an audio described cinema trip at Odeon in Wimbledon on Sunday 12th January.
For more information on the Children and Young Peoples activities and how to get your children involved please do call and speak to Korey the Children and Young Peoples Officer.
The Children and Young People project are always on the look out for new volunteers to assist with trips and events. Volunteering for this project would be great for those who work during the week as many of the activities take place on weekends. If you would be interested in getting involved with the project, please contact either myself or Fay the Volunteer Coordinator for more information.
Happy New Year Everyone!
Korey Knight – Children and Young People Officer
Information and Advice
The Information and Advice (I&A) service provides vital support and guidance for members of Croydon Vision.
Last month I&A had a visit from James, he was seeking support and advice regarding his career. James was hesitant about what he could do, and needed some encouragement on career direction.
The I&A officer was able to spend a few sessions working with James, in collaboration with the Working Age Officer. The officer assisted James in completing a development plan. James feels much more confident he attends meetings and organises himself more effectively. James is now in employment, doing something he is passionate about.
Q: I work for a charity organisation that supports people with sight loss. Our members have enquired about the changes taking places with TV Licensing.
A: “I can confirm that currently there’s no plans to make any changes to the concessionary TV Licence and the blind concession will still be in place next year”. TV Licensing Enquiries This is a 50% discount for anyone registered as severely sight impaired.
Q: Do I have to be registered severely sight impaired or Sight Impaired to receive Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment or Disability Living Allowance?
A: No, you do not have to be registered. It is how your sight affects your daily living that counts. Registration is helpful when needing to provide evidence of how serious your sight problem is. However, you can provide alternative evidence, such as a letter from your consultant or GP.
John Ebubedike – Information and Advice Officer
Working Age
On Wednesday 27th November, I, Maxine, was given the opportunity to run the Working Age Group with Nicola Peake. Even though I have been a member of the group for a year, I was still a little nervous – this was my first time facilitating a group, especially to known members.
I began the session by taking the register and reading out the members bulletin. Answered various questions and also facilitated discussions within the group. The theme of the session was on money matters. I introduced our guest speaker Mark who works with the money management team at Croydon Council. This gave members the opportunity to ask questions about how to save money and how to use money services. I enjoyed the experience of facilitating and leading.
The Working Age Group continues to empower its members; getting each meber to run a small segment of the Wednesday session. This is just one of the many things that the Working Age has been up to this year. I spoke to Lauren, Jayshree and Daniel, 3 members from the group to get their reflections on 2019 as a whole.
‘I have really enjoyed the guest speakers throughout the year, they give you a real insight into different topics. I have especially enjoyed the social outings and the group has given me confidence to start volunteering, which I have enjoyed’ Lauren – Member & Volunteer
‘The group has helped me to build my confidence and social skills. I enjoy coming in on a weekly basis and getting to know everyone and learning new things each week. It’s a very interactive group that takes into consideration your opinions and feedback’ Jaysheree – Member
‘I liked learning new things and have enjoyed being involved in more activities and becoming more confident. I have really enjoyed learning about social media and how to use an iPad as these are the things I now use in my life. Next year I will be joining CALAT to undertake a social media course and learn about internet safety.’ Daniel – Member
Maxine Plowden – Volunteer
Resource Centre
Can you believe it; we are entering a new decade and technology continues to develop in amazing ways; providing increased accessibility for all. This month I asked members views on some of their favourite piece of equipment from the Resource Centre.
Here’s a few feedback:
‘The non-spill mug (£14.95), an item I use every day. It sticks to most surfaces and you can’t accidently knock it over. It is easy to clean and durable. One of the great things about the mug is; it doesn’t have a look as being designed for someone disabled. The down sides; it doesn’t work with all surfaces (Katherine will advise). Also, due to the metal inside, it doesn’t work with a liquid level indicator’ Anna
‘Talking Induction hob (£75), although I haven’t got one I like the features, it tells you when it is hot as you turn it off, it only heats to the temperature and it only works if you have a pan on it. The down sides; it only works with specific pans and is a tabletop addition rather than built in.’ Maxine
‘Talking Bathroom Scales (£29.99), they have made my life so much easier – I don’t have to crawl on the floor to try and read the scales and the price was right’ Jim
‘The Humanware Stratus (from £250) – it allows me to have control when I play CDs, Daisy disks and USB sticks. The downside; quite a few buttons and you have to learn what they all do to make the most out of it. However, with support from Katherine, this is achievable’ Leona
If one of your new years resolutions is to learn how to use a new piece of technology then we are the people to help you with your goal! We will teach you at your own pace and provide you with all the necessary information about your new piece of equipment.
The Resource Centre is open Monday to Thursday with myself available for appointments Mondays and Wednesdays and our Volunteer Danielle; available for appointments and walk ins on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Take a step this 2020, book an appointment with reception.
Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager
Over 65s
Age-related Macular Degeneration is an eye condition which occurs when the light sensitive cells at the macula become less effective. This leads to a build up of waste materials at the macular, which can eventually affect central vision. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in those over the age of 65 years in the UK and the number of people who develop the condition is on the rise.
Those who are at the greatest risk of developing AMD are those who are over the age of 65, those who smoke, those who don’t have a balanced diet, those who are inactive and those who are overweight. It is so important that you look after yourself as you age. There are a number of things that you can do to help reduce the risk of developing AMD but one of the most important things is nutrition and what you eat.
- Vitamin D has both anti-inflammatory and anti-angioenic properties and is essential for good health. The UK recommended vitamin D intake for most people in 10mcg a day. This can be difficult to get in the winter seasons and can be difficult to get the full dose in full. In the winter months you should consider taking a supplement to get enough vitamin D.
- Omega-3 is associated with a significantly reduced risk of AMD and the dryness symptoms related to AMD can be improved.
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin can improve vision in AMD. These can be found in kale, spinach, broccoli, leek, carrots and tomatoes.
- Resveratrol has been shown to protect retinal cells from oxidative stress.
- Increase your intake of anti-oxidants, especially from leafy greens, or consider taking a daily food supplement in addition to following a balanced diet to bridge any dietary gaps in eye-friendly micronutrients.
You are responsible for your health and wellbeing and eating a balanced healthy diet is one of the most important ways that you can do this. So, in 2020, lets work together and further improve wellbeing.
Outreach Service
I have been at Croydon Vision for just over a month now and have enjoyed settling into the role. It has been great to catch up with members, volunteers and staff. I, along with Jennifer, have started to go out to the local Opticians and GP’s to promote the new service and to let them know that they can refer people to us. If any member or volunteer has additional ideas of where we should advertise the service please talk to myself, Jennifer, Katherine or John.
In the past month, I have been to three exhibitions where I have promoted the work of Croydon Vision. The first exhibition was at Whitgift Shopping Centre where all the local voluntary organisation’s and charities had stalls. It was good to find out what else is available in and around Croydon and to make contact with other organisation’s that may be able to help our members. The other two exhibitions were mainly for professionals and we were able to make valuable contacts.
Anna Smith – Outreach and Progression Officer
It brings me great joy each month reporting on my work with the Outreach Project. We have had several referrals from a number of sources including the sensory impairment team, adult social services and self referrals. Its great to see that our work is already having an impact so early on in the project.
This month I visited a member who due to her visual impairment felt that she couldn’t take part in activities even within her own home she was starting to feel bored, stressed and isolated. I brought along with me to my visit some of the tactile games that we have in our resource centre. She was overjoyed that there were games and that she could play these; to reduce boredom, stress and isolation. After developing sight Loss, confidence can take some time to rebuild and while a game may seem like something so small to many; it is in fact a starting point of positive thinking and change.
Jennifer Smith – Outreach and Progression Officer
Christmas Period –
Telephone Support Services
Christmas and New Year is a wonderful time for many, however, not everyone feels that way; for some the festive period can be very difficult and lonely for a variety of reasons.
Croydon Vision closes its doors from Friday 20th December and reopens on Monday 6th of January. In those two weeks that we are closed, we don’t want anyone to feel alone. There are various hotlines and charities which are open 24 hours a day throughout the festive period, please see below.
Samaritans – Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way about whatever’s getting to you. The service is free and confidential
T: 116 123
The Silver Line – The Silver line is a free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
T: 0800 470 8090
NSPCC – Childline offers free, confidential advice and support 24 hours a day for children and young people under the age of 18. They also have a NSPCC helpline for adults if they are worried about a child or young person.
T: 0808 800 5000
Events Calendar
Date |
Event |
Further Details |
Monday 6th January 2020 |
Warm welcome back Members |
Tuesday 14th January 2020 |
Croydon Hearing |
11am – 2pm Bedford Hall |
Monday 9th and Wednesday 13th March 2020 |
Living with Sight Loss Workshop |
10am – 3pm Bedford Hall |
Thank you for all your suggestions for 2020 events. The 2020 event calendar will be published in our February newsletter.
Mayors Events: Chinese New Year
Throughout the year the Mayor of Croydon has been putting on events in aid of the Mayor’s 5 charities, Croydon Vision being one of them. This will continue into the New Year with Croydon Extravaganza which is celebrating Chinese New Year. The event is organised by the Mayor of Croydon and the UK Chinese Dance and Culture Association with assistance from the Croydon Chinese Community and will include an evening of food, drinks and entertainment.
The event will take place on Tuesday 28th January at Braithwaite Hall, Town Hall, Katharine St, CR9 1XW from 6.30pm until 10pm. The tickets are £40 for an adult and £20 for those under the age of 10.
To book tickets please go to the following link or alternatively ask reception for more information and assistance in booking.
Other Upcoming Events
- 07 February 2020: Caribbean Ball, Imperial Banqueting Suite STC
- 12 February 2020: Fish and Chips Lunch, McDermotts
Croydon Vision Dinner and Dance –
A Member’s Review
I am taking this opportunity to thank Susanette Mansour and the CV team for a wonderful and fun filled evening at Bedford Hall where I attended the fundraising dinner and dance social function. A special thanks to Nicola Peake, the helpers and volunteers who planned, prepared and orchestrated the event.
The evening was a good opportunity for the ladies to put on their best frocks and the gents to dust off their best suit so they could all look glamourous for the evening. It didn’t stop there, you were greeted as VIP’s at the entrance with champagne flutes of prosecco or orange juice then engaged in some fruitful conversation with other guests.
Once seated at the elegantly prepared tables the evening commenced with a 3-course meal I opted for beef option which was delightful. Our plates were cleared the entertainment commenced. There was a raffle with many and varied prizes and our origami skills were put to the test as each table were to construct animals out of tin foil.
During the evening the Mayor of Croydon Humayum Kabir gave an address highlighting his vision and future events in the borough. This catapulted the evening into an event to remember, featuring Roger Samuels, a contestant from the voice who happens to be from Croydon. Also adding to the entertainment was a vibrant dancing duo with their infectious rhythm engaging us all. Then the DJ continued the great atmosphere all the way to the end. An excellent night was had by all and I can’t wait for the next one.
Leona Dwyer – Member
Dance Theatre Group
Back in September we were expecting a dance theatre group to run some classes on Thursday afternoons. Unfortunately due to their funding this was postponed. We are happy to say that they are looking to return in the New Year. More information will be communicated via members bulletin and Talking News once they have confirmed with us dates of return.
General Information
Christmas and New Year Transport
From Monday 23rd December until Wednesday 1st January RMT will be taking industrial action, which will affect South Western train services. While trains from Croydon stations will not be effected, please check your journey for outside the borough in advance.
Please be advised that there’s no public transport on Christmas Day.
If you need to get around on Christmas Day, please use a taxi service.
Dial-a-Ride will no longer be accepting bookings for Christmas day, Boxing Day and on New Year’s Eve. Normal services will resume on Monday, 6th January 2020, taking bookings from Friday 3rd January.
2020 Dates for Croydon Hearing
Croydon Hearing will be visiting Croydon Vision four times in 2020. The sessions will run from 11am until 2pm on the following dates:
Tuesday January 14th 2020
Tuesday April 14th 2020
Tuesday July 14th 2020
Tuesday October 13th 2020
Please call reception on 020 8688 2486 if you would like some more information on this service.
Quiz Time
This month quiz has been set by Nicola Peake our Business Development Manager – all the best and happy quizzing.
- Into which sea does the river Nile flow?
- Name the Three continents which lie on the Tropic of Capricorn?
- In American currency 10 cents makes a what?
- The Afrikaan language was developed from which European Language?
- An Ortanique is a cross between a tangerine and what other fruit?
- What Italian word for ‘scratched drawing’ can be found on walls?
- What musical features songs called ‘Some enchanted evening’ and ‘There’s nothing like a dame’?
- Which Boxer was named ‘The Dark Destroyer’ ?
- What was the named of the first manned Lunar Landing mission in 1969?
- What poisonous oily liquid occurs naturally in tobacco leaves?
- In which country was Rudyard Kipling born?
- What is the common name of the Auora Borealis?
- What instrument has the nickname the Mississippi Saxophone?
- Who had his first UK top ten hit with Wichita Lineman?
- One and a half litres of Champagne is known as a what?
Answers 1.Mediterranean 2. South America, Australia and Africa 3. Dime 4. Dutch 5.Orange 6. Graffiti 7.South Pacific 8. Nigel Benn 9.Apollo X1 10.Nitcotine 11.India 12.Northen Lights 13.Harmonica 14. Glen Campbell. 15.Magnum.
That’s Entertainment
A selection of Audio described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.
Date |
What’s Happening |
Contact Info |
Sat 25th Jan 2.30pm & 7.30pm |
Beauty and the Beast St George’s Hall, Beckenham, BR3 5HZ |
T: 07737538794 |
Sat 8th Feb 2.30pm (Touch Tour 1pm) |
A Taste of Honey Trafalgar Studios, London, SW1A 2DY |
Sat 22nd Feb 2.30pm (Touch Tour TBC) |
Magic Goes Wrong |
T: 03303334814 |
£26 |
Sat 22nd Feb 2.30pm (Touch Tour 12.45pm) |
Albion Almeida Theatre, London, N1 1TA |
T: 02074019919 |
£25 |
Dates for your Diary
Tuesdays & Thursday |
The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday. |
Tuesday to Thursday |
John Ebubedike, Information, Advice |
Friday 20th December, reopening on Monday 6th December |
Croydon Vision Closure |
Chiropodist Wednesday 8th January |
The Chiropodist; Joy Dell will be here on this date. Please book with Reception. |
New Addington Thursday 9th January
New Addington group will be coming to Bedford Hall on this date |
Macular Support Group Monday 13th January
Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1pm which will be hosted at the Masonic Lodge |
Low Vision Clinic Thursday, 23rd January |
Fiona Hazell, Optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first. |
Monday 3rd February |
The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm
RIP’s –
Our deepest condolences to the friends and family of the late Barney Kiss and Peter Taylor.
Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well
and Age well
(Includes a choice of main course and dessert)
Monday 6th January
Food Available on Request
Tuesday 7th January
Meat: Roast Pork served with roast potatoes steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Vegetable tikka masala served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade chocolate sponge cake with custard
Fruit salad served with ice cream and yogurt
Wednesday 8th January
Chicken casserole with mash, steamed vegetables and gravy
Fruit salad with yogurt or Ice cream
Thursday 9th January
Meat: Meatball stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Cauliflower cheese with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade Banoffee pie
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Monday 13th January
Food Available on Request
Tuesday 14th January
Meat: Chicken tikka served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetable stew served with rice or potatoes and salad
Fish: Baked Haddock served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade Strawberry angel delight
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Wednesday 15th January
Chicken and vegetable fried rice served with salad
Fruit salad served with ice cream or yogurt
Thursday 16th January
Meat: Homemade chicken in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans
Vegetarian: Vegetable burger served with chips and baked beans
Fish: Haddock in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans
Homemade chocolate brownies
Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt
Monday 20th January
Food Available on Request
Tuesday 21st January
Meat: Roast chicken served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Linda McCartney sausage served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Fish: Baked cod served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade custard tart
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
Wednesday 22nd January
Beef lasagna served with mixed salad
Homemade strawberry cheesecake
Thursday 23rd January
Meat: Steak and vegetable pie served with mash, vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Diced potatoes and leek in cheese sauce served with mixed salad
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Mixed berries pie served with custard
Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt
Monday 27th January
Food Available on Request
Tuesday 28th January
Meat: Homemade chili con carne served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Quorn mince chili con carne served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade plum crumble
Fruit salad served with ice cream or yogurt
Wednesday 29th January
Pasta Bolognese served with steamed vegetables
Fruit salad with yogurt or Ice cream
Thursday 30th January
Meat: Roast pork served with roast potatoes steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Stuffed peppers served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with steamed vegetables and roast potatoes
Homemade rice pudding served with berries
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
New Addington Menu
Eat well – Live well – Age well
Thursday 9th January
At Bedford Hall
Thursday 16th January
Homemade chicken in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans
Dessert: Homemade chocolate brownies
Thursday 23rd January
Steak and vegetable pie served with mash, vegetables and gravy
Dessert: Mixed berries pie served with custard
Thursday 30th January
Roast pork served with roast potatoes steamed vegetables and gravy
Dessert: Homemade rice pudding served with berries
We would love to have your input!
Submissions for the February Newsletter are due in by:
Thursday 17th January
Contact Croydon Vision
Bedford Hall 72-74
Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR0 2AR
020 8688 2486
Charity Number: 1165086