“I am grateful that I can easily access such services at a much less cost compared to hiring a computer repair man” – C.R.


February Newsletter 2020

A Healthier Croydon

– We are introducing quarterly themes this year; themes have been carefully selected following members, volunteers and staff suggestions. These themes are all very important aspects of our individual lives and that of the community. Staff, volunteers and members are getting involved in spreading awareness of the topics and actively taking part with the theme activities, which are:

 Health and Wellbeing

  1. Fundraising –  (see our Fundraising Initiatives under support us)
  2. Opening up Croydon for sight loss – Community Awareness
  3. Mental Health Awareness

Our First theme, Health and Wellbeing will start in February. We have chosen this as our first theme as this is one that affects every single person and is even more so important for those with Visual Impairments. You can get involved in many ways.

  • Experience a new skill or hobby – members, volunteers and staff are all being encouraged to work individually or as a group to work towards learning a new skill, hobby or to achieve something that they would like to. To get involved and to request support in achieving you’re own experience please contact reception. Look out in the March newsletter for some of the chosen experiences.
  • You could join one of our groups – We hold active groups; including keep fit, yoga and Dance as well as Creative classes including art, crafts and pottery.
  • Join an active class outside of Croydon Vision – There are many clubs and organisations that run activities for the visually impaired, try metro blind sport.
  • Take part in a group organised health walk
  • You can make your own way by public transport or even start with getting off a stop earlier
  • We are looking to get Croydon Vision re-usable shopping bags to help with reducing waste

Keep an eye out for more information in the member’s bulletin, newsletter, website and talking news and please share with us how you are getting involved we would love to hear your stories!

Fundraising Initiatives

Dear Members & Volunteers,

In 2019, we developed key fundraising targets. I am pleased to say we exceeded our expectations. We raised money for a dishwasher, rails at the back of Bedford hall, evacuation chairs, tactile tiling in the courtyard which is coming soon and a MPV – Kilimanjaro challenge.

We know you can’t give to every organisation – however, if you only give once a month, please consider giving; to support and enable more people with sight loss. The following are goals we can achieve together:

Short Term:


Cost (Approx.)

Fire Proof Glass in Kitchen – reduce risks


Improving Bedford Hall lobby area


Improved Barrier at Courtyard – reduce risks


Talking News Equipment – audio for VI


Braille Embosser – promoting/access to braille



Long Term:


Cost (Approx.)

A Community Working Hub(IT) for Members


Getting Information in your Language & Comms Officer


Minibus Replacement of Aged Fleet  *3


Sustained Community Outreach Service (3yrs)


Lift & Building Enhancement – Accessibility


Some ideas on how you can fundraise for Croydon Vision (CV):

  • Elect CV as charity to your local supermarkets or department store
  • Fundraising through family and friends – Geranium, Scafell Pike
  • Participate at events whereby we will be raising funds – see p9
  • Donate to us (in person or through just giving) – every little helps

Thank you in advance for supporting this Vision – Susanette Mansour

Croydon Big Conversation 2030

Croydon Big Conversation aims to get feedback from people across the borough about their vision for 2030. They are an independent research and engagement company supporting the Council with this work. As part of this Big Conversation, they are hoping to get feedback from as many different community groups as possible so that any future decisions can reflect and meet the needs of all local people. 

They have highlighted 6 key topics to talk about:

  • Culture at the heart of regeneration
  • Decent homes for all
  • Safe and secure communities
  • Jobs and the economy
  • Caring for each other
  • Creating a sustainable Croydon

There are a few different ways in which you can get involved. They are:

  • Two online surveys in which you can complete one for adults and one for young people If you need assistance in completing the form please enquire at reception.
  • A discussion, which will be held at CV in one of our Time to Talk sessions, where we will discuss the topics and put our ideas forward.
  • Forums that you can get involved in and post your views.

The website where you can find the surveys and forums is as followed


Please contact reception or your group leaders if you would like to get involved. 

Making Music Together Group

After the fun that was had at our Christmas Party, there was a suggestion to form a group where we can make music together. We thought that was a great idea!

The first session of this new group will happen on Monday 2nd March between 1:30 and 3pm. If you would like to come along please inform Reception.

Children and Young People 

Introducing the 2020 club

This year the children and young people’s project will be launching the 2020 club. Which is a group for young people aged 14 and above. We are providing a space for our members to gain independence, change makers, responsibility and have more fun than you can imagine. We will be doing activities (without parents). These ambassadors will be able to liaise with me and help be the communication between the members of the 2020 club and myself. It’s an opportunity to gain valuable skills, which will benefit largely for college, work, and university applications. 

Young people’s diaries 

We are starting the young people’s diaries on our website. Children and/or siblings are able to contribute towards the young people’s diary by writing a paragraph about their visual impairment, or about how they are benefitting from the Croydon Vision services. Alternatively, it could be about something they’ve done recently that they are really proud of, or something new they’ve achieved. We are looking forward to getting some insight into our Children and Young People’s lives. 

Half Term Events 

Sunday 2nd February – 2020 club event

Monday 17th February – Stadium tour of Crystal Palace football club

TBC – Pancake Day themed cooking event

Wednesday 19th February – Travel Workshop (see p13 for more details)

Thursday 20th February – Horse Riding

For more information on half term events and how to get involved please contact Korey the Children and Young Peoples Officer

Korey Knight – Children and Young Peoples Officer 

Information and Advice

Disabled Band Reduction Scheme

You may be eligible for this scheme if you live in a larger property than you would need if you or another occupant were not disabled. You’ll have to show that you’ve had either: an extra bathroom, kitchen or other room that you need for the disabled person or extra space inside the property for using a wheelchair

The property must be the main home of at least 1 disabled person. This can be an adult or a child – it does not have to be the person responsible for paying the Council Tax.

If you are losing your sight or have an eye condition, you may need to carry out improvements, repairs or adaptations to your home to help you continue to live independently there. You might be able to receive financial help towards the cost of these changes.

Outdoor adaptations

There are a number of repairs and improvements you can make to the outside of your home to help you get around, including:

  • Repairing trip hazards such as a broken path or fencing.
  • Maintaining the garden to ensure that plants are not overgrown and causing an obstruction. This might involve removing weeds from between paving stones or cutting back hedges.
  • Improving the lighting around your front and back doors, especially near the locks or keyholes.
  • Installing an entry phone system so you can find out who is visiting before answering the door.
  • Fitting door handles which are easy to see and grasp.

If you would like more information into these service or assistance with adaptations please book an appointment with the Information and Advice Officer via reception. Available for bookings from Tuesday to Thursday. 

John Ebubedike – Information and Advice Officer

Working Age

In the Working Age Group, a subject that comes up frequently is the types of skills needed in the workplace. Employers will look for a variety of skills depending on the role in question and as a visually impaired person, you can sometimes feel overwhelmed. Masha is one of our new members of the Working Age Group, as a visually impaired parent she discussed the skills in which she has learnt in her everyday life that can be transferred into the work place.

‘I have really enjoyed coming to the Working Age Group, especially meeting new people who are in a similar situation as I am. The working Age Group has helped me to grow my confidence and I am now at a place where I want to get into some voluntary work for experience.

Being a parent, particularly a VI parent, I have realised that I already have many skills that can be transferred into a voluntary role. I prepare, cook and clean for my children on a daily basis. As a VI parent, I have learnt to adapt to my surrounding and learnt different techniques of doing things. I have gained great organisational skills by putting together routines and activities and my communication skills have improved greatly. I have also gained budgeting and time keeping skills by having to stick to deadlines and organising the monthly income’

For someone who is not sure about applying for work or voluntary work, take a moment to reflect on how you live your everyday life and you may be surprised about the skills that you have; or that you unknowingly are developing. Self-confidence and a pro-active attitude is the way forward.

Talking News

One of our Working Age Members Lauren Crisp has just started volunteering with Croydon Visions Talking News. Lauren is very passionate about music and each week he will be choosing a song for all our listeners to hear and enjoy, so make sure you stay tuned!

A reminder that payment for the renewal of the Talking News subscription was due in January. The Subscription costs £10 for the year and payment can be made via cheque, cash or card. If we do not receive payment for your renewal, this may cause a delay in receiving your Talking News. If you need assistance or clarification, please call reception on 02086882486

Reaching Our Community

 Helping With Alexa

With our Outreach service in place, it allows me to go into members’ homes to show them different products and help them with IT matters. 

Sometimes trying an item in our resource centre doesn’t give you the full picture of whether or not it is the right item for you. I recently went out to demonstrate an Alexa device to someone in their own home, this allowed us to see where they were thinking of positioning the device, making sure, it had a power socket and that it was Wi-Fi accessible. I suggested the member try out different sitting areas in the room to see how responsive Alexa would be.

The member found Alexa easy to use, however it was realised that the machine doesn’t actually do everything as expected.

IT Sessions from Home

I also had the opportunity to go out and start teaching one of our younger members, Abdullah, a member of the children and young people’s project, he has been in to see us about his braille note taker, but has recently found that he is starting to fall behind with his schoolwork.

I visited him to start some sessions on how to use his computer, because he already does many of the things needed on his smartphone, he found the transition to a computer easier than expected. Abdullah is looking forward to my next visit so that we can build on the basic skills learnt in session 1.

If you are unable to bring your Computer into Croydon Vision, for assessment, a visit can be arranged, as well as IT lessons at home.

If you would like for me to demonstrate something in your home so that you can get a better idea of the suitability of the item please phone reception to make a booking.

Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager

Outreach and Progression

It has been a busy month for the Outreach and Progression team. I have continued to visit the local Croydon opticians spreading awareness of our outreach service. Visiting opticians and GPs is something that is an ongoing process as we look to extend our outreach as far as possible in the borough, to reach as many visually impaired people as possible.

In January, I attended my first home visit to a lovely 95 year old lady. There are a few different reasons that prevented her from coming to Bedford Hall and using the facilities, but the main reason is her confidence. We spoke about the different ways in which Croydon Vision could help her and went through an assessment form. She was very happy that I was able to come and visit. I will be visiting her again and helping her to ultimately, at her own pace, come into CV

Anna Smith Outreach and Progression Officer

The outreach project has been in action for over 3 months now and in that time the amount of referrals we have received has grown steadily, as a result CV is now at the stage where we can recruit volunteers who will assist with the befriending, keeping in touch and other services that need additional support. If you are interested in volunteering with the Outreach project please contact the Volunteer Coordinator.

As part of my role, I have been out to visit existing members who are unable to visit CV for a variety of reasons. These members were able to tell me that having a visit and update on not only their group activities but also about the changes at CV has kept that bond and consistency with the organisation.

I have also been able to assist members with attending their hospital and GP appointments, I was able to advocate on a person’s behalf and support them with getting their voice heard. It is such a privilege and pleasure to be able to contribute to member’s well-being.

Jennifer Smith – Outreach and Progression Officer

Over 65s

Dementia Awareness

Dementia mainly affects people over the age of 65 (one in 14 people in this age group have dementia), and the likelihood of developing dementia increases significantly with age.

The word ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem solving or language. These changes are often small to start with, but for someone with dementia they have become severe enough to affect daily life. A person with dementia may also experience behaviour changes.

Dementia is caused when the brain is damaged by diseases. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, but not the only one. The specific symptoms that someone with dementia experiences will depend on the parts of the brain that are damaged and the disease that is causing the dementia.

There are a number of ways in which you can reduce the risk of developing dementia. Here are 3 of the main points to consider.

  1. Be physically active – It is important to find a way of exercising that works for you. At CV we have; Bowls on a Monday morning, Keep Fit on a Tuesday morning and Yoga on a Wednesday afternoon.
  2. Exercise your mind – Regularly challenging yourself mentally seems to build up the brains ability to cope with the disease. CV has a number of Social Group running throughout the week, which incorporate a number of different mental exercise and challenges.
  3. Eating a healthy diet – A healthy balanced diet will help reduce the risk of dementia as well as other conditions such as heart disease.

For more information on dementia and how to get support you can contact the National Dementia Helpline on 0300 222 1122 or get in contact with the Alzheimer’s Society on 0330 333 0804 or visit their website www.alzheimers.org.uk


2019 was packed with lots of fun filled events enjoyed by all. Croydon Vision has now put out its events calendar for 2020, so get your diaries at the ready and book your places early as spaces will work on a first come first served basis.

To book an event please contact reception who can put your name on the event list and inform you of the payment deadline. You can start booking right now for all events. More detailed information about events will be shared via the newsletter and members bulletins in advance. To contact reception please call 0208 688 2486 or email info@croydonvision.org.uk or come to reception in person.

Date & Time


Further Details

Mon, 9th, Fri, 13th March

10am – 3pm

Living with Sight Loss workshop

11th & 18th July

2 course lunch

available to buy for £5               


7th March

3pm – 8pm


Purley Rotary Swimathon

All ages welcome to participate

Purley Leisure Centre

Month of April

Geranium Day Fundraising Initiative

Raising funds for target items                        *


3rd April

3pm – 5.30pm

Launch of CV’s Strategy

A Film on breaking boundaries

Bedford Hall

Thurs, 21st May

6pm – 9pm

Seeing Beyond the Eyes Workshop
Dan Williams

Bedford Hall


17th May


SELO Concert



St James Church,                      *
15 St James’s Ave,

Beckenham BR3 4HF

Transport Available


4th June

3pm – 7pm

Celebrating Volunteers

External Event (location TBC)

Limited transport available

Sat 6th June

10am – 3pm

The Art of Collaboration

(Croydon Services)

Holistic care – enhancing service for members

Food Sale

W/C 13th July

Exchange Programme
Learning Best Practice

4 – 5 days

Members from Service Enablers, C&YP


30th July


In house closure


Friday, 31st July to 2nd August

Scafell Pike

Wellbeing & Fundraising

Members, Volunteers, Businesses and Staff

5th to 23rd August

Excursions 2020

Monday to Thursday

(All Ages)

Prices may vary


(Date TBC)

12pm – 5pm

Summer Festival & Barbecue

(All Ages) 

Price of event TBC                     


4th September

7pm – 11pm

Summer Ball


Supporting sight loss: developing country


25th October

From 10.15am

Croydon 10k

Croydon Harriers and Orbis Sport – Promoting Wellbeing and Fundraising

3k fun run available for those aged 9 – 14                         


12th November

6pm – 9pm

Seeing Beyond the Eyes Workshop
Dan Williams

Bedford Hall


18th November

2pm – 4pm

Woldingham Wives

Tea Party

Members and Volunteers


17th December

12pm – 4pm

Christmas Party


Transport Available

Including various stalls on the day

Bric a brac sale

Welcome back! 4th January 2021

Upcoming Events

Fish and Chips

The next fundraising event held by the Mayor of Croydon, Councillor Humayun Kabir, will be Tuesday 12th February at 12pm. The event is McDermott’s award winning fish and chips charity lunch held at McDermott’s restaurant in Forestdale shopping centre on Featherbed Lane. Tickets cost £22.50 per person and will include; a welcome drink, a choice of main from; fish and chips, cheese and onion pie and spicy bean burger, apple tart and ice cream for dessert and tea and coffee. There will also be a raffle to take part in.

If you are interested in attending, please contact reception by the 4th February.

Let’s travel independently 

The travel workshop will take place at Bedford Hall on Wednesday 19th February 2020. Our travel workshop will provide the very best helpful travel information for our young people. We will have guest speakers from young carers, guide dogs, the sensory impairment team, TfL, tram link and Croydon Vision’s own Resource Centre Manager. It will be beneficial for all visually impaired children, siblings of the same age or above who play a crucial role in their brother or sisters lives. It will also be good for children whose parents are visually impaired; they will have a chance to learn about map reading and the support available to them.

Our amazing cook Isha will also have lunch available from 12pm for those who would like to sit and dine with us. There will be a £5 per person cost for lunch; the travel workshop will be free of charge. However, numbers are necessary to ensure there is enough food and seats available and so our guests are aware of their audience. 

If you would like to come along please RSVP by 10th February with the quantity of guests you will be coming with. If you would like to have, lunch beforehand please let me know by 4th February and how many people will be eating.

Living with Sight Loss Workshop

Croydon Vision and the RNIB are running a free 2 day Living with Sight Loss workshop. The workshop will be held at Croydon Vision from 10.00am – 3pm. The dates are 9th and 13th March 11th and 18th July, and 7th and 9th October. The workshop is interactive and offers opportunities to share experiences. Topics include RNIB services, help from social services, eye health, travel and transport, technology plus more. A 2 course lunch will be available at £5, Transport in/outwards at £6 based on a first come basis.

Purley Rotary Club Swimathon

It’s that time of the year again where we begin to get prepared for Purley Rotary clubs annual swimathon. This is a great opportunity to raise some money for CV as well as getting fit and having some fun. The swimathon is held at Purley leisure centre and will take place on either Saturday 7th March or Saturday 14th March, from 3pm until 8pm depending on allocated time.

The team is made up of 10, people swim for 55 minutes, and taking turns to swim laps of 25m. Last year we managed to complete a whopping 77 laps! Which is a fantastic achievement. This event is open to all ages, the only criteria is that you have to be able to swim. If you or anyone you know would like to get involved and join the CV swimathon team 2020, please contact reception by Friday 14th February.

Fundraising Thanks

During the month of December, we had a number of people participate in fundraising events for Croydon Vision and other charities.

  • We would like to thank Maria Stirling and her choir group for raising £160 from giving a performance at the Crown Pub
  • We would like to thank Irene Davey who put together a bucket collection for St Christopher’s Hospice raising an amazing £135 for such a great cause.
  • We would like to thank Croydon Seventh-day Adventist Church for raising an incredible £1,150.45 for Croydon Vision from their Festival of Sound

Quiz Time

This month we have a general knowledge quiz. Happy quizzing!

  1. Name Ritchie’s Valens Girlfriend?
  2. What is the name of the procedure called where anaesthetic is injected close to the spinal cord?
  3. In alphabetical order name the three particles that make up an atom?
  4. Name the first and last films of the Star wars saga?
  5. How many days does February have?
  6. What Roman festival is February named after?
  7. What is celebrated on Feb 14th every year?
  8. What is the most popular flower bought on Valentines? A. Carnations B. Chrysanthemums C. Roses
  9. What is a group of cats called?
  10. Where is this summer’s Olympics being held? A. Berlin B. Tokyo C. Colorado
  11. What are Zebra Jasper, Yowah Nut, Wax Opal?
  12. Which two UK countries does the Severn Road Cross?
  13. What was the former name of Croydon University Hospital?
  14. What is the main ingredient of Guacamole?
  15. How many stars are on the flag of the USA?

Answers 1. Donna 2. Epidural 3. Electron ,Neutron and Proton 4. The Phantom Menace The rise of Skywalker 5. 29 it’s a Leap year 6.Februa (purification) 7.Valentines 8.Roses 9.Clowder 10. Tokyo 11. Gems 12. England and Wales 13. May Day 14.Avocados 15.50


That’s Entertainment

A selection of audio described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.


What’s Happening

Contact Info


Mon 9th March

7:30pm (Touch Tour TBC)


Mary Poppins

Prince Edward  Theatre  London, W1D 4HS




Tues 10th March

7.30pm (Touch Tour TBC)

& Juliet,

Shaftesbury Theatre, London, WC2H 8DP



Sat 14th March


2.30pm (Touch Tour 1.30pm)


The High Table

Bush Theatre, London, W12 8LJ


From £10

Tues 17th March

7.30pm (Touch Tour 5.30pm)

Disney’s Lion King

Lyceum Theatre, London, WC2E 7RQ



Dates for your Diary 

Tuesdays & Thursday
IT Training

The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday.

Monday to Thursday
Resource Centre


Katherine Turner and Danielle Cleary will be available for appointments.

Tuesday to Thursday
Information & Advice

John Ebubedike, Information, Advice
and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception.


Monday 3rd February

The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm


New Addington
Thursday 6th February

New Addington group will be coming to Bedford Hall on this date

Macular Support Group
Monday 10th February


Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1- 3pm.

Wednesday 12th February

The chiropodist Joy Dell will here on Please book with Reception.


Low Vision Clinic
Thursday 20th February

Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first.

Thursday 19th March


Katherine will be at New Addington for IT and Resource Centre Appointments, please contact her in advance if you would like any specific technology


Thursday 16th April

John will be at New Addington for Information and Advice Appointments


Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well and Age well

(All Meals include a choice of main course and dessert)


Monday 3rd February

Food Available on Request


Tuesday 4th February


Meat: Cottage pie served with steamed vegetables and gravy

Vegetarian: Vegetarian cottage pie served with steamed vegetables and gravy

Fish: Baked cod with potatoes and steamed vegetables  


Homemade apple crumble with custard

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Wednesday 5th February

Chicken casserole with mash, steamed vegetables and gravy

Fruit salad with yogurt or Ice cream

Thursday 6th February


Meat: Roast chicken served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy

Vegetarian: Tofu and vegetable curry served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Homemade panna cotta served with berries
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream  


Monday 10th February

Food Available on Request


Tuesday 11th February


Meat: Beef lasagne served with steamed vegetables  

Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagne served with salad 

Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade Strawberry trifle 

Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 12th February 

Sausage and mash served with baked beans


Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Thursday 13th February

Meat: Pasta Bolognese served with steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Pasta Bolognese in tomato and vegetable sauce served with steamed vegetables 

Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade vanilla sponge cake served with custard

Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Monday 17th February

Food Available on Request


Tuesday 18th February 

Meat: Chicken stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Roast vegetables served with roast potatoes and gravy

Fish: Baked salmon served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables 

Homemade chocolate mousse

Fruit with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 19th February

Pasta with meatballs in tomato sauce served with steamed vegetables


Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Thursday 20th February

Meat: Roast beef served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy

Vegetarian: Ratatouille served with roast potatoes and mixed salad

Fish: Pan-fried salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade strawberry cheesecake

Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Monday 24th February

Food Available on Request


Tuesday 25th February

Meat: Chicken and pasta bake served with steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Vegetable pasta bake served with mixed salad

Fish: Baked haddock served with potatoes and steamed vegetables   


Homemade bread and butter pudding served with custard

Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 26th February

Chicken fried rice served with mixed salad     

homemade apple pie served with custard


Thursday 27th February

Meat: Beef stew served with dumplings, mash and steamed vegetables Vegetarian: Cheese and mushroom quiche served with steamed vegetables

Fish: Baked salmon served with steamed vegetables and roast potatoes   


Homemade tiramisu
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


New Addington Menu

Thursday 6th February

At Bedford Hall

Thursday 13th February

 Main: Pasta Bolognese served with steamed vegetables

 Dessert: Homemade vanilla sponge cake served with custard


Thursday 20th February

Main: Roast beef served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy

Dessert: Homemade strawberry cheesecake


Thursday 27th February

Main: Beef stew served with dumplings, mash and steamed vegetables


Dessert: Homemade tiramisu


We would love to have your input!

Submissions for the March Newsletter are due in by:
Monday 17th February,

Croydon Vision
Bedford Hall 72-74
Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR0 2AR

 020 8688 2486


Charity Number: 1165086

Feb 1, 2020

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“A life saver & a life change”