“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.


November Newsletter 2020

Celebrating Our Community

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

Our theme this month is Community. Community is one of our key priorities and is at the core of what we do.

What does community mean? The dictionary defines it as “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common” or “the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common. 

I have always thought of Croydon Vision as a community. We all have sight loss. Before I came to Croydon Vision, I felt lonely, I did not belong anywhere and no one understood me.  Croydon Vision was welcoming and made me feel that I did not have to explain my sight loss. If anything, I felt free to talk and share my experiences. In addition, I felt that I could discuss issues other than my sight.

During the lockdown period, the sense of community was very evident. Staff and Volunteers kept in contact with members via many communication channels, like phone and Zoom. Even regular Facebook Live events were developed and continue to take place every Thursday.

A temporary Facebook group for members and Staff was created so that people still could talk to each other about how they were feeling, share jokes or just socialise.

For me, Croydon Vision has a true feeling of community, of people coming together.

Maxine Plowden – Member and Volunteer.

Introducing Daniel

Who am I? Well my name is Daniel and I’m your new Engagement and Well-being Officer. Despite my job role, the question ‘who am I?’ is more prevalent than ever. I am a reflective person who learns, grows and develops from my life experiences. My attitude is to seek new ways to improve my outlook and grab opportunities.

My cultural background is of Indian and Sri Lanka origin, yet I grew up predominantly in South London. I’m appreciative to have adopted a mind-set of hard work and family values rooted from my culture.

Prior to joining Croydon Vision, my career started out within the visual and performing arts field. I managed to forge out this passion for creativity, whilst mainly working in education, coaching and training industries. As a result, this further enhanced my love for working with a variety of people, as well as complementing my own art and creative projects. My current artistic ambitions are to finish my first children’s book and to continue to grow my poetry skills and creative filmmaking.

What I’ve learned from both my working life and professional life is the value of having a sense of humour and ‘not sweating the small stuff’. You will hear and see me around Reception, welcoming you. I’m happy to help and assist and get to know you and, most importantly, building, learning and growing within Croydon Vision. I feel that my time in education has immensely supported me to be patient, approachable, firm but fair and flourish with certain Challenges.

I’m looking forward to excelling and using this knowledge to plan, host and deliver a mixture of virtual events as your Engagement and Wellbeing Officer. I’d like to use my knowledge from my love for the arts, fitness, advocacy, history, culture and spirituality to offer a rich platform of events where you can be involved, engaged and a part of.

As a local from Croydon, with my experience working within schools, colleges and training providers. I feel a proud sense of community involvement. Therefore, I look forward to the journey with you all at Croydon Vision and grateful for this opportunity.
Daniel Vethamony – Engagement & Wellbeing officer

Introducing Glen

Hello! My name is Glen Brazier and I’m Croydon Vision’s new Advice & Advocacy Officer.

I joined Croydon Vision (CV) as a member in the spring of 2019 after losing most of my sight in January of the same year. I very quickly started to withdraw from daily life and found myself living as a recluse for a number of months, believing I had no further use in society whilst grappling with the sudden and dramatic change that had befallen me.

I slowly began to contemplate volunteering as a means of giving back whilst making a positive contribution within the community in which I live. Thus, I started volunteering for CV in February of 2020, as I hadn’t lost any of my abilities/skills (just my sight) and still had a strong desire/yearning to help, support, encourage and assist people in whatever capacity I could. Prior to losing my sight, I used to work as a Shift Manager in a children’s home for 16 years, and as a Project Manager and a Housing Trust Administration Officer whilst studying.

My main role at Croydon Vision is to Support, Enable & Empower (SEE) members in several matters ranging from making an application for a specific benefit/service to appealing and/or challenging a decision. My passion is to assist individuals holistically, to live fully independent lives whilst maintaining their autonomy.

Community to me is a group of people pulling together, all heading in the same direction. I am proud to be part of Croydon’s borough, and becoming part of the sight loss community within Croydon has brought to my attention so many figures that make a community great.

Therefore, if you need support/advice or someone to advocate on your behalf, please do not hesitate to contact me for a friendly, informal and confidential chat.

Glen Brazier – Advice & Advocacy Officer

I&A – Empowering Members

The TV licence pay-structure is undergoing a number of changes. You will no longer be able to receive a free TV licence if you’re over 75, unless you are entitled to Pension Credit. However, if you had a free TV licence on 31st July 2020, it will continue to be free for now and you will soon receive a letter about the relevant new steps.

Can you claim a discount on your TV licence?

There are various TV licence discounts:

  • If you’re at least 75 years old and receive Pension Credit you can claim a free TV licence. The free TV licence will cover you and anyone else you live with, no matter what age they are.
  • If you’re blind or have a severe sight-impairment you can claim a 50% discount on your licence. If you live with someone else, the licence will need to be in the name of the person who is blind or sight-impaired to get the discount.
  • If you’re living in a care home or sheltered housing, you can get an Accommodation for Residential Care (ARC) licence which costs £7.50. You will only need this if you watch TV in your own separate accommodation, common areas such as a Residents Lounge doesn’t require a specific license

Flu Vaccination Planning – Keeping Croydon Safe

With winter approaching, it is more important than ever for those most at risk to assess the possibilities of vaccination. While flu can cause mild illness in most people, some are more likely to develop potentially serious complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Insights from local communities tell us that uptake of the vaccination can be increased by people having the correct information about the vaccine.  As you may have heard, Croydon GP practices are working together to operate flu clinics in the underground car park at IKEA. This is just part of extensive plans to ensure flu jabs are administered safely and conveniently. People who are eligible for a free flu vaccine may receive reminders, and can book appointments through their GP practices or local pharmacist.

Community Outreach

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” John Donne

As the Outreach and Progression Officer, it is my passion to reach out to the community and promote the work of Croydon Vision. We aim to Support, Enable and Empower (SEE) as many visually impaired and blind people in the Croydon area as possible.

One of the things that I am currently doing in the community is talking to local Opticians and other Eye Health Professionals. Paul, a local Ophthalmologist, told me that he is new to the area and is still learning what services and organisations are available in the Croydon area.
I was able to explain what services CV offers and that he can refer anyone with sight loss, regardless of wherever they are in their sight loss journey. By talking to professionals like Paul, we can build on opportunities to reach many more visually impaired and blind people.

I am aiming to send out information packs to all of the local GPs, Opticians, places of worship, and Community Centres to promote CV and the services we offer. If any members know of organisations that could benefit from our services, please let me know.

By promoting and advertising CV, we are able to reach people like Sheila. Sheila lives with sight loss and has limited mobility. The Sensory Impairment Team referred her to CV. Sheila’s husband is housebound and she is unable to leave him. I went out to visit her in her home.
After our discussion, we identified two services that could help her and her husband, and they are both extremely grateful!

Together we will continue to expand and strengthen our community!

Anna Smith, Outreach and Progression Officer

C&YP – Change is Possible

Black History Month

Last month the Children & Young People celebrated Black History Month with an art challenge! The challenge was to produce a collage of what Black History means to them and to then take a photo with their finished piece. This challenge helped our C&YP to celebrate the Black community through their own interpretation and to educate themselves and others about Black history. Our winner was the brilliant Allana, who created a fan-like poster with cut-out images of her favourite Black leaders, celebrities and activists. Well done, Allana!

A Parent’s Review of Embracing Transformation

Two of our parents had great things to say about our AGM (Friday 9th October). They mentioned CV’s impact on their children’s transformation and how much they feel like part of a community.

Since I’ve been involved with CV, Harley has had lots of opportunities to grow in terms of confidence, social skills and a variety of experiences. We have enjoyed many days out as a family and made new friends. This has been especially strengthening for me, to meet other VI parents and share tips and advice on how to best support our children. It has been priceless. This brilliant support network has been a great help to the whole family.” Genie, Harley’s mother

Allana is an introvert by nature, hesitant to socialise and would not talk to anyone due to her visual difficulties. Over the last year, I have seen my daughter transform and her confidence grow whilst engaging with CV. Allana has made new friends that understand her difficulties. Allana has been able to take part in many activities, which helped her to develop her independence. Transformation happens when we step out of our comfort zone and face new challenges and difficulties we have not experienced before. We are both very thankful for all the support given to her. She is thriving very well!”  Rachel, Allana’s mother

Mickella Hosannah, C&YP Officer

Working Towards a Stronger Community

Our Working Age Group meets regularly on a Wednesdays from 10.30am until 12.00 noon. As we enter November, we are seeing a fuller Working Age Group as members are finding the confidence to come back to Bedford Hall.

In 2019 some of the members engaged mystery shopping across Croydon. This research initiative revealed opportunities for customer service improvement across a number of organisations.

In early 2020 Croydon Vision delivered Visual Awareness Training sessions to help educate and promote understanding of the needs of blind customers. We received great feedback from the attendees to these sessions, and look forward to re-starting this training programme in 2021.

In the meantime, we have adapted from attending local stores to conducting online mystery shopping. This enabled us to continue to assess accessibility and support available for visually impaired people. We want to act as a catalyst for transformation, engaging in the Croydon Community to influence change and make Croydon a better place for blind and partially sighted people to live in and access virtually.

In each Working Age Group session we develop our skills and knowledge, and proactively think about ways of becoming positive influencers. We are using restaurant reviews and hotel ratings as a platform for improvements, and have recently facilitated an interactive consultation workshop to share our feedback on the new Highway Code (more news on this next month!).

If you would like to join our dynamic group for peer support and growth, please contact us. We would love to welcome you!

Odette Batteral – Personal Development Officer

Tech Builds Communities

Social media is a tool we can use to connect more with family and friends throughout the world. Furthermore, technology can be used as a platform to inspire people to get involved in community life.

With Facebook you can see what is happening in the lives of those you know (what they share). You can also follow organisations and groups you are interested in and watch videos either live or uploaded.

LinkedIn is a great platform to discuss business matters and to engage with like-minded professionals.

Twitter is a good way to keep on top of what is happening and what people are talking about. It is less personal than Facebook as you don’t need a mutual agreement to see what other people are writing.

Instagram is mainly media based, so you can post pictures, video and comedy skits, reels, etc. Like Twitter, it’s a way to keep on top of things happening in the world. You can follow your favourite restaurants, stores, fashion brands and more, and get updated with pictures and videos of their new clothes, foods, locations, and many more.

At Croydon Vision either Ola or Katherine can assist with tech matters such as security and privacy settings either in your home or at CV. We can also help you to understand ways to use each type of social media and how to keep yourself safe. Why don’t you try?

Facebook: Croydon Vision
Twitter: @CroydonVision
Instagram: @croydon_vision
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/croydon-vision 

Watch this space! In early November we will launch a section of our new website that will make it easier to access all of our audio and visual content.

Katherine Turner – Resource Manager & Oladapo Ogunyanwo – IT Facilitator

What’s happening at CV

Living with Sight Loss

Croydon Vision has over the years supported members who are newly registered and who are struggling to come to terms with sight loss. One way we do this is through our Living with Sight Loss workshops. With a continued flow of new referrals, we needed to find a way to offer support to new members, so we put our brains together and decided to bring Living with Sight Loss to the digital space!

We talked about issues blind and partially sighted people face and shared our tips on how to overcome any barriers. Another topic we discussed was how to make adaptations in your house using colour contrast or Bumpons. We also talked about leisure, hobbies and much more. Karen Underwood from the Croydon Sensory Team and Marie Kehoe from RNIB joined us to talk about their services which was great!

This was our first ‘Bricks & Clicks’ workshop series. We are very proud that we were able to adapt and offer support to our members through a combined approach (in-person and remotely). Our next living with sight loss workshop will be Thursday 11th March and Friday 12th March

AGM – Embracing Transformation

Last month we held our AGM and here is what some of our attendees had to say about the event. Thank you to everyone who joined us.

“I attended this year’s AGM via Zoom. Despite some occasional technical difficulties I think the team did a fantastic job in putting the event together. I was inspired by the motivational testimonies from members sharing their personal experience and development with CV. Carole Cherrington – Volunteer & Member

“This was my first time at Croydon Vision and I was not disappointed. The event was informative and inspiring. I felt emotional when hearing all the different stories. The atmosphere was so friendly and I already feel part of a family. I became so empowered by the event that I am now volunteering!” Kimberly Stephens – Volunteer

Fit & Healthy Communities

Following a national survey, it was found that girls and women are not participating in physical activities and sports as much as boys and men. Sport England has launched a new initiative called “This Girl Can” to encourage girls and women to become more active.

As a result of this, Croydon Vision secured a grant to run a 12 weeks fitness and exercise program for women. We have called our program Fit and Fab. We are calling on all our ladies to join us either at Croydon Vision, through Zoom or using a USB stick just like the Talking News, therefore we are promoting inclusivity for everyone. We will have fun exercises and will share tips and tricks to live a healthier and more active lifestyle. Whatever your reason for exercising, we will help you achieve your goal.

We will be starting on Thursday 12th November at 2pm so please contact Reception to register. If you would like some help with zoom or to discuss how best to join us, let us know and we can help!

Fit and Fab is a program designed especially for women. If you are a man and would also like an exercise program, do let us know and if there is a demand we will design one for you too!

New Activities

Crafts – Extra day – Tuesdays afternoon from 3rd November

Audio Book Club – Weekly, Mondays afternoon (dates TBC).

Tech & Gadgets Peer Support Sessions – Bi-Weekly, Wednesdays afternoon; 11th & 25th November.

Afternoon Tea at Croydon Vision

There will be no Woldingham Wives event this year, so members have asked that we host a special afternoon tea event which will take place on Friday 4th December, 12pm – 3pm. This will consist of an afternoon tea style lunch (individual portions), music and conversation. The event will be £5 (excluding transport) which will be used to cover running costs. Please speak to Reception for more information and to book a place.

Adapting Christmas Celebrations

Christmas springs love and togetherness, yet for many, isolation is on the rise. Due to restrictions on large gatherings, we will not be hosting a Christmas party. However, Christmas meals will be available the week prior to closure. In addition, Fay came up with a fantastic idea which has been acted upon. We are adapting this year by organising a community reach, making sure ‘No one gets left behind at Christmas.’

We’ve identified our most vulnerable members and with your help we can provide a hearty meal, gifts and entertainment this Christmas.
So far, we’ve successfully received part funding; £1,500 from Ros Harding Trust and looking to raise a balance of £1,500. We need your help: recommend someone in need of a Christmas meal, kindly donate or volunteer your time.
On Christmas Eve
we will be delivering freshly cooked hot Christmas dinners to our members along with providing Christmas entertainment via Facebook Live and memory sticks so everybody can feel included.

For this very special and worthwhile initiative we are looking for Christmas Ambassadors offering voluntary support on:

Wednesday 23rd December:

11am – 3pm: Food Preparation (To undertake Food Hygiene level 2)

Thursday 24th December:

8am – 12pm: Food Preparation (To undertake Food Hygiene level 2)

12.30pm – 3pm: Food Delivery

Entertainment (either live or pre-recorded) Live show will be hosted at 12pm – 2pm

Please contact Reception if you want to join our very special team of Christmas Ambassadors!

Supporting our Community

“Community is when people get together and help each other in a time of need” – David Crisp, Member.

Following from the previous page we wish to share an urgent call to action so our most vulnerable and isolated members can enjoy Christmas after a particularly challenging year.

“The house used to be full years ago but now I spend Christmas alone. I feel very lonely and isolated” – Georgina Ray, Member.

We are committed to raising a further £1,500 to provide nutritious meals and small gifts to as many people as possible, starting with those in critical need of practical and emotional support.

Let’s make sure this Christmas is really for All. Let’s end the year by warming up many hearts and souls! If you wish to donate, please visit:

·       Jean Jennings

·       Shirley Wright

·       Pat Lunight

·       Mary Jayawardena

·       Claire White

·       Leona Dwyer

·       Chris Rose

·       Asda Foundation

·       Ros Harding Trust

·       David Barker – Rawlings Opticians

·       Chris Kerr – Kerr Eye Care

·       Mike Close

In the meantime, we continue to show thanks and appreciation to those who have contributed donations to Croydon Vision throughout the year. Your kindness and support mean a lot to us. Thank you! We are currently processing further donations and will make sure we show our  gratitude to a new list of supporters very soon:

A Fond Farewell – Fay

It is Fay here, your Volunteer Coordinator. I have always been a champion for growth and following my dreams, no matter how hard they may be. Over my time at CV I have grown my skills-set and knowledge, and had quite a journey which has now prepared me for my next steps to further reach my personal career goals in Psychology, my passion.

I have had the privilege of meeting and building relationships with some of the most inspirational people in the world. I’m talking about Members and Volunteers. I have learned so much from Members and Volunteers. You have taught me something new every single day.

I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone that I have had the pleasure to meet. I will be staying in touch and continuing to champion such a fantastic charity.

Seeing Beyond the Eyes Webinar

Visualise Training and Consultancy is delighted to partner with Croydon Vision to deliver their award winning Seeing Beyond the Eyes workshop. You are warmly invited to attend via Zoom on Thursday 26th November (6.30-8.30 pm).

The course connects the optical and sight loss sectors to ensure patients with visual impairments receive the best experience. It also empowers eye care professionals with the knowledge and confidence to support low vision patients on the next step of their sight loss journey. The 2-hour session is worth 2 interactive CET points on completion:

6.30-7.30 pm: An Introduction to Visual Impairment.

7.30-8.30 pm: Saving Sight, Supporting Sight Loss

Places are limited to 100 so please register now at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcoc-yprD0vGNNTMTADv4_P0NLT0wI4A5Ct.

Quiz Time

As we approach the end of 2020, how much can you remember about 2019? It feels like a long time ago, doesn’t it? Here are some 2019 Highlights to refresh our memories.

  1. A Sunday Times report in 2019 found that over 50 billboards in the UK were fitted with what?
  2. A stainless-steel sculpture called Rabbit sold at Auction in May 2019 for $91 million. Who was the artist?
  3. Which actress, who rose to fame as part of the Harry Potter franchise, described herself as ‘self-partnered’ in an interview in 2019?
  4. BBC Viewers of Songs of Praise voted which hymn as Britain’s Favourite in a 2019 poll?
  5. By what score line did South Africa defeat England in the 2019 Rugby World Cup Final?
  6. Channel 4 opened its new headquarters in 2019 in which city?
  7. What was the highest grossing horror film in 2029?
  8. In March 2019 according to Forbes, who became the world’s youngest billionaire at just aged 21?
  9. What did Prince harry and Meghan call their first child?
  10. Who won the 2019 Premier League title?

Answers: 1 – Surveillance cameras; 2 – Jeff Koons; 3 – Emma Watson; 4 – Jerusalem; 5 – 32 to 12; 6 – Leeds. 7 – IT 2; 8 – Kyle Jenner; 9 – Archie; 10 – Manchester City

Staff Team Details

As we have welcomed new members of Staff to our Croydon Vision Community, we thought it would be wise to share this list with you.

Reception Main Number – 0208 688 2486

Susanette Mansour CEO Via Reception

Katherine Turner Resource Manager Extension 5
Natasha T Campbell Office Manager Extension 9
Ines Canellas-Jager Business Manager Extension 4

Project Officers
Daniel Vethamony Engagement & Well Being 020 8688 2486
Anna Smith Outreach Officer Mobile Phone
Glen Brazier Advice & Advocacy Extension 3
Mickella Hosannah Children & Young People Mobile Phone
Odette Batteral Personal Development Officer Extension 2
Ola Ogunyanwo IT Facilitator (Outreach) Extension 5
Recruitment in Progress Volunteer Coordinator Extension 6

Core Staff
Nataliya Lavitskaya Finance & Database Officer Extension 7
Adekunle Ogunsanya Facilities Officer, Hall Hire Extension 8
Isha Koroma Cook & Member Support Via Reception
Dave Woodin Driver & Member Support Via Reception
Gyles Gordon (GG) Driver & Member Support Via Reception


Dates for your Diary

“To me community is a place where people can get together, talk and learn about each other” (Trevor, Volunteer).

By Appointment Only

Monday – Thursday

Resource Centre, IT Sessions
Advice & Advocacy.

By Appointment Only

Monday – Friday

Outreach Home Visits –
Please contact Reception to arrange a visit.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday


Talking Therapies
(telephone or face to face).
Monday 9th November Macular Society Groups are meeting virtually via conference call. They meet every second Monday of the month at 1pm. To join the call please dial 0126 4560 225 and press number 1 when asked for your pin. You can call from your landline, charged at your local rate.
Wednesday 11th November Our Chiropodist, Joy, will be in from 9am onwards. Please book through Reception.

Thursday 12th November


Low Vision Clinic.
Wednesday 18th November Sarah’s Essential Aromas – Fully qualified Aroma Therapist, providing massages using essential oils, customised exclusively for the individuals. £20 for ½ hour, £30 1 hour

Facebook Live Events Every


Check our website, Twitter alerts, Members Bulletins and Reception for exciting updates!


To book an appointment with one of the above services please call Reception on 0208 688 2486


From now on, we will be offering a Takeaway Food Service for those members who would like to plan and purchase food for later in the week.

Please place an order at least 24 hours in advance and pick it up when you come to Bedford Hall. Each portion will be £5 as usual.

Eat Well, Live Well and Age Well

(Includes main course and dessert)

Monday 2nd November

Meat: Chicken casserole served with steamed vegetables and mash
Vegetarian: Vegetable casserole with steamed vegetables and mash
Fish: Baked cod served with steamed vegetables and mash 


Sponge cake with custard or fruit salad served with ice cream


Tuesday 3rd November

Meat: Stew chicken with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Quorn vegetable stew with rice or potatoes and vegetables
Fish: Baked cod with potatoes served with steamed vegetables  


Angel delight or fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt 

Wednesday 4th November

Meat: Beef lasagne served with mixed salad
Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagne served with mixed salad
Fish: Baked haddock served with potatoes and mixed salad


Bread and Butter pudding or fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Thursday 5th November

Meat: Chicken in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans
Vegetarian: Meat-free sausages served with chips and baked beans
Fish: Cod in breadcrumbs served with chips and baked beans   


Lemon drizzle cake with custard or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Monday 9th November

Meat: Steak and mushroom pie with mash and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetable pie served with mash and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt          


Tuesday 10th November

Meat: Chicken pasta bake served with steamed vegetables
Vegetarians: Vegetable pasta bake served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Apple crumble with custard or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 11th November

Meat: Roast pork with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarians: Stuffed peppers with mixed salad
Fish: Baked salmon with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Chocolate sponge cake with custard or fruit salad with yogurt


Thursday 12th November

Meat: Cottage pie served with steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Mediterranean vegetable quiche served with mixed salad
Fish: Baked Haddock served with potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Panna-cotta with berries or fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Monday 16th November

Meat: Roast chicken with potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarians: Vegetable pasta Bolognese with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Strawberry trifle or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 17th November

Meat: Beef casserole served with steamed vegetables and mash
Vegetarian: Macaroni and cheese served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Mixed berry crumble or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 18th November

Meat: Chicken fried rice with mixed salad
Vegetarians: Vegetable fried rice served with mixed salad
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and mixed salad


Vanilla sponge cake with custard or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Thursday 19th November

Meat: Sausages and mash with steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Meat-free sausages and mash with vegetables and gravy
Fish: Baked haddock served with mash and steamed vegetables


Baked apple crumble with custard or Fruit salad with ice cream


Monday 23rd November

Meat: Lamb hot pot served with steamed vegetables
Vegetarians: Vegetable hot pot served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 24th November

Meat: Chicken tikka with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetable tikka with rice or potatoes and vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables   


Semolina or fruit salad served with ice cream or yogurt

Wednesday 25th November

Meat: Shepherd’s pie served with steamed vegetables
Vegetarians: Vegetable shepherd’s pie with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod served with steamed vegetables


Lemon cheesecake or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream

Thursday 26th November

Meat: Roast pork served roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Vegetarian: Lentil, chickpea and butter bean stew with rice or potatoes
Fish: Baked Salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Plum crumble with custard or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream

Your Input Matters

I hope you enjoyed our Community Themed Newsletter.

Ashwin Patel (CV Member) made a profound statement, “Community is a group of people who are connected by a common purpose”

Let’s continue to build together! We would love to receive you submissions for the December 2020 Christmas Holiday Special Edition by 12 noon on Monday 16th November 2020: Newsletter@croydonvision.org.uk 

Nov 1, 2020

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“A life saver & a life change”