“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.


July Newsletter

Sharing Talent



Life is a challenge without visibility,

Sight gives ability, agility and stability,

But one must adapt and also adept

To bring about change.

This could be the precept

For me to accept

Life must go on.

Though one cannot see

Lots of determination and imagination

Highlights the need for creation

Which can fill the time

And life can be sublime


A poem by Elsie Warrack – Member


Croydon Visions Got Talent

On the 21st June we hosted Croydon Vision’s got talent! Some of our members show cased their amazing talents. We had a fantastic line up with poems from Bob, Keith and Deborah. Songs performed by Maxine and Henry. We had Steve on the harmonica and Vasanti on the drums. Mike performing some stand up and even a poem in Spanish read by Natasha. It was a joyful end to the day.

If you would like to share your talent with us please get in contact with the newsletter team, details on how to get in contact are on the back page or alternatively speak to Fay our Volunteer Coordinator or leave a message of interest at reception. We want to hear about your talents!


Children and Young People

Daniel is 12, a dedicated member who regularly attends the children & young people’s activities. He is an inspiring young man with sight loss who is a very keen writer and storyteller and has kindly contributed to this month’s newsletter.

‘I would like to share my experiences of the Dearne Valley weekend in South Yorkshire provided by the VICTA charity. The weekend really began on Saturday with our first activity called “nightline”. It had created a lot of curiosity because no one quite knew what it was. However, this proved no problem, as we soon found out that it was completing an easy obstacle course blindfolded. This allowed us to use our communication skills to stay with the group. A new person arrived during this intriguing opening activity, her name was Emma and we remain friends until this day. The next activity, team tech was in a classroom. It required us to build various objects with Meccano. This helped us cultivate our ingenuity and collaboration.

After lunch it was canoeing; by far the best activity of the day. It was strenuous but rewarding. I found it strangely calming to paddle up and down the lake in a small convoy of canoes with the sound of splashing paddles.

On Sunday, we did rock climbing and archery both of which were enjoyable, however, they were also challenging. I was pleasantly surprised when I went to kayaking and found that it was like canoeing, but a lot more fun and a whole lot wetter. After two more activities, it was time to go.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend the yearly VICTA activity weekends because you can build friendships and they are very informative for all.’

Daniel – Member

For more information on upcoming Children and Young people’s activities, please contact Nicola Peake the Children and Young people’s officer.


Information and Advice

A key part of the role of the Information and Advice Officer is providing ongoing support, to bring resolutions to matters that are challenging our Members – see case study below:

Ella came to me because she wanted to take her previous employer to the employment tribunal for unfair dismissal. She could not afford legal help, so there was an agreement for me to accompany her to Court. We met several times, to read the log of employee appraisals prior to the unfair dismissal. We had meetings; to discuss strategy and direction of the case.

A few weeks prior to the tribunal case, her previous employer, sent an out of court offering. The advice given to Ella was to say no to the offer and send a counter offer.  I am happy to say that Ella was able to settle for an outcome from her ex- employee, which was a 5-figure amount.

Going away this summer!!!!

Managing your eye drops every day is hard enough, without dealing with the disruption of a holiday.  Here is some advice to follow before you go away:


Can I stop my drops while on holiday?

No. Glaucoma eye drops should be taken every day. Stopping them for a short period of time can cause permanent damage to vision.

I’m travelling to a different time zone. I take my drops at 8am and 8pm every day. How should I manage this?

Keep taking your eye drops according to UK time until you arrive at your destination, then switch to local time. On your return, take your eye drops according to the local time until you arrive back in the UK.


Service Schedule for July 2019

Tuesday 9am 11am 1pm 2:30pm
Wednesday 9am 11am 1pm 2:30pm
Thursday 9am 11am 1pm 2:30pm

John Ebubedike, Information and Advice Officer

Working Age

 Last month some members of the Working Age group went to a forum event that was organised by Wandsworth Vision’s Working Age group who are part of London Vision’s South West Group.

We were introduced to Alex Pepper. Some of you may know him from The Thomas Pocklington Trust. Firstly, he told us about his personal story of coming to terms with his sight loss, explaining what obstacles he faced during his childhood. Alex explained that after having to leave his job, due to the deterioration of his sight, he became isolated from friends and other people. Eventually, he decided to take action. He started to contact various sight loss organisations including The Royal National Institute for Blind People. He began to meet other people who were also visually impaired and he said that he began to feel less isolated knowing that he was not the only one going through what he had been experiencing.

He joined a variety of groups, however, he still wanted to become independent and wanted to have a job. Alex then explained some of the difficulties and barriers he had when finding work and what steps he took to obtain work. Alex, explained how at first he used a white cane, but he wanted to be different and decided to get a blue cane instead. Alex did not give up and continued to push barriers until he succeeded and got a job in the sightloss sector where he now gets to help other people in a similar situation to which he was in. He said that he went for every opportunity that life gave him, and that you never know what that opportunity will bring.

Alex finished off by telling us about River, his lovely guide dog who has increased his confidence with travelling around. After Alex’s motivational speech, we met other members of London vision and had a chance to network. I enjoyed the event a lot and it was inspirational hearing Alex’s story.

Maxine Plowden – Member and Volunteer

Our Working Age programme for July is full of exciting activities such as Mystery Shopping and Cookery. If you would like to join us on the various activities please call reception. There is also one to one support available on Thursday and Fridays each week.


Resource Centre


Member’s Discovery – Talking Scales

A member came into the resource centre last month saying they had been told to keep an eye on their weight by a doctor. However, the member could not see the bathroom scales.

They visited the resource centre and were shown the talking bathroom scales, after a quick tutorial they got to try them out and were amazed by how easy they were to use. They can be changed between pounds, ounces, and kilograms making it easy for everybody.

They have since purchased the scales and are finding checking their weight is now a breeze. The scales are £29.99 available to order from the resource centre, so if you want to give them a try and think they would be good for you; then book an appointment with the resource centre and you can give it a try along with many other devices.

Be My Eyes

There is an App for smartphones called be my eyes, which connects a visually impaired person with a sighted volunteer and using the camera in the phone the volunteer can ‘be your eyes’.

There is also specialised help on the app available from specific companies including; The Be My Eyes Technical Support; for help with the App, Google and Microsoft. These companies however may have different opening times compared to the UK.

Three banks have also signed up to the specialised help section; Bank of Scotland, Halifax and Lloyds Bank. You cannot ask account specific inquiries relating to payments or money transfers these should still be addressed through the Halifax, Bank of Scotland or Lloyd’s Bank helplines or your local branch.

If you would like to know more or would like help setting the app up, please book in to see Katherine or Danielle.

Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager

Over 65s

Seeing Beyond the Eyes Seminar

On Thursday 30th May, I attended the ‘Seeing Beyond the Eyes’ course/seminar which was held at the Hampton by Hilton hotel in Croydon. Some of the team from Croydon Vision were also in attendance. It was hosted by Daniel Williams of Visualise Training and Consultancy and Orbital Black Limited and sponsored by Asda.

The event was aimed at optical professionals to broaden their knowledge base, helping them to interact and engage at a more informative level with their patients to deliver a diverse and enhanced service. Daniels mission statement was the following

Working with organisations to create a more inclusive environment and customer/ employee experience for people with disabilities’

The evening started with a short musical interlude then an introduction by Daniel The format of the evening was a discussion workshop and case studies. Although my son and I were not specialists in this field, the evening was very informative, engaging and thought provoking.

The discussion highlighted the different causes of optical disability including; Diabetic eye disease, Age Related Macular Degeneration, and Retinitis Pigmentosa. Also understanding the practical and implied difference between, certification and Registration in the early stages of sight loss. This led onto the type of welfare support and some tips such as, Punctal Occlusion, which is pinching a position on the nose for 2 minutes so the eye drops stay in the eye so you don’t get the taste in your mouth. To do this, put your fingers on each tear duct, the inner corners of your eyes, and apply gentle pressure to obstruct them while keeping your eyes closed.

I would recommend others attend sessions like these, as there were so many useful tips and lots of information as well as websites for support and information. There were also guest speakers and videos, which reinforced the understanding of sight disability. The evening was extremely inspiring.

Leona Dwyer – Member

Event Reviews

Celebrating Volunteers

On Wednesday 5th June, Croydon Vision hosted its annual Celebrating Volunteers event. We were joined by volunteers, members, staff, some external visitors and of course the lovely Deputy Mayor Maddie Henson. The event was good; great to see so many volunteers together in the same room.

Guests were treated to a buffet style meal and the Deputy Mayor gifted volunteers with a thank you card, plant and a value you card. Later on we gave out some special awards for the volunteers who needed a special recognition.

It’s a privilege, working with such an amazing, dedicated and passionate team of volunteers and I am very much looking forward to the year ahead.

Fay Chegwidden – Volunteer Coordinator

‘We kicked off the event at 4PM with a wonderful buffet style meal. I found the food absolutely fantastic. After the meal, the volunteers that were able to attend were called up to the front one by one, to be given a lovely thank you card and absolutely beautiful plants in pretty gift bags. We were thanked by the deputy mayor for the work that we do. Following that, there were some special awards given out for achievement. I received a glass plaque for exceeding expectations, which I am so proud of.

Lots of pictures were taken and lots of laughs had. The atmosphere was so warm and genuinely caring. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. If you were unable to come, I hope this has given you a bit of a sense of the brilliant time we all had. I hope you will be able to join us next year’.

Danielle Cleary – Volunteer and Member

As a new volunteer, this was my first Celebrating Volunteers event, and I was amazed and in awe by the warmth that I felt inside the room, it was incredible and everyone in the room was so united. I was made to feel extremely special and already cannot wait until next year.

Coral Evans – Volunteer

South East London Orchestra Concert

On Saturday 15th June, the South East London Orchestra held a concert in aid of Croydon Vision and Church Funds. SELO’s event raised an amazing £280 for Croydon Vision, Thanks very much to
Sue Ardley and everyone at SELO for choosing to support us. The concert was attended by staff, volunteers and members who all very much enjoyed themselves. Here are a few reviews from attendees.

‘The soloist at this show was James Risdon a blind recorder player.

James spoke about what he was going to play and his recorder, he mentioned that he had an additional key on the bottom of the recorder that made it easier to reach the lower notes. James told us that he learn music by repetition rather than mainly through braille music. He had to concentrate on the braille music to ensure that he didn’t pick up any bad habits.

The first half was classical Baroque music from the 17th Century, made up of three pieces while the second half was lighter, starting with the exciting Pizzicato Polka by Strauss and containing a group of pieces based on British Folk Tunes and concluding with a piece called Fiddle Faddle which is just as energetic as it sounds’

Steve Marches – Member

‘The evening was somewhat wet but that certainly did not dampen the enthusiasm and enjoyment of the music that followed. The programme was varied with music from the 18th century through to the 20th century including; symphony no.4 in F by William Boyce. Concerto for recorder in G minor by Antonio Vivaldi and suite for strings by John Rutter to name a few. All of the music was wonderful but the highlight of the evening for me was James Risdon, the sight impaired recorder player, whom I had not heard before. I look forward to attending more concerts’

Mary Jayawardena – Member

SELO’s next performance will be held on Sunday, 7th July starting at 4pm, at St Barnabas Church in Beckenham. They will be welcoming local soprano, Teuta Koço with a selection of arias and Mahler’s 4th Symphony. More information on tickets and transport will be communicated via the member’s bulletin or please call reception for more details on 0208 688 2486

Taster Day

On Friday 21st June, Croydon Vision held a taster day where members, volunteers, staff and external people got to have a look into the different activities and services that run at Croydon Vision all while enjoying a delicious BBQ.

We were graced by fantastic weather, which meant our courtyard was full of activities. We had stalls with lots of information on our different projects and many games being played. Guest were treated to manicures, all with the smell of the BBQ in the background. Thank you to our cook (Isha), as always for her amazing food. In the afternoon we were treated to a self-defence demonstration by Meade TKD Ltd.

In the coffee lounge, we had a display from our Pottery, Arts and Crafts classes for guest viewing as well as Danielle in the resource centre waiting to answer guest’s questions.

Whilst all that was going on outside, the hall was also buzzing with activities. We had a talk about Glaucoma from our Trustee Ketan followed by a spot of dancing, a make up tutorial and keep fit. After this, Maxine Plowden facilitated a discussion on mystery shopping and how everybody can get involved. The Mayor of Croydon came down and gave a wonderful speech. The day was ended with Croydon Vision has talent put together by Maxine Palmer, and talent there was! Everyone who came had a fantastic day and I personally, had a lot of fun; spending the day with everyone.

Fay Chegwidden – Volunteer Coordinator

‘The day was excellent and wonderful. I find it hard to socialise with my vision but here, I feel comfortable and I enjoy coming out’

George Simpson – Member

It was a very informative, interesting day and it’s a great time for me as a volunteer to meet other volunteers and members. I got a real insight into sight loss from the Glaucoma talk especially.

Sarah Parry – Volunteer

General Information

Travel Confidence Information Day

Do you lack confidence in travelling on public transport? Would you like to gain some confidence? Or, are you eager to become more independent but need a bit of support taking those first steps? London Vision’s next Travel Confidence Information Day will be held on Monday 15th July at the Thomas Pocklington Trust Hub, Entrance D, Tavistock House, , London, WC1H 9LG from 10am – 4pm

We will be hearing from a range of speakers, including: the TFL Rail Buddy Scheme, Underground and Overground stations, Guide Dogs’ My Guide Scheme, Rehab Officers, discussing Cane training and other mobility aids and the Tower Transit – Disability Advisor who will be discussing your rights and duties expected from bus drivers.

The Travel Confidence Day is a great opportunity to learn more about the services on offer across London that help people to travel more confidently – come along and gain the confidence you need!

Anyone interested in attending, please contact Bhavini Makwana on 07976 448824 or email: bhavini.makwana@londonvision.org

Events Calendar

Date Event Further Details
6th July
Family Outing A day out Beddington Park
Celebrating all ages
7th July
SELO concert 4.00pm – St Barnabas Church, Beckenham
21st August
Summer Barbecue! 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Bedford Hall *

5th to 23rd August Excursions 2019 Monday to Thursday               *
4th October
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 4:00pm – 6:30pm

Bedford Hall

22nd Nov
Autumn is Here –
Dinner and Dance
5:00pm –  9:00pm,

Bedford Hall *

19th December
Christmas Party
(Christmas break)
Celebrating all ages from        *
13:00 – 17:00pmBedford Hall, (Essential to book)
6th January 2020 Warm welcome back Members


August Closure

The reception at Croydon Vision will be closed from Thursday,
1st August and will reopen on Monday 2nd September.


Excursions – August 2019

Final day for bookings for excursions is Friday 12th July, so please book soon to avoid any disappointment. Please hand in completed booking forms and full payment to reception.

Please note, home pickups/returns will only be provided to those who are unable to make their own way to and from Croydon Vision. For some trips, we will aim to leave no later than 09:30am and return by 4:30pm. Some trips may be cancelled due to low numbers. We accept cheque, card or cash. The booking form is available to download from our website and also reception.

Please see the table below, which shows how many spaces are left on each trip. Prices and transport details for each trip can be found in June’s newsletter and on our website. Alternatively, please call reception for more information.

Excursion Date Places Left
Little Hampton Tuesday 6th August Fully Booked
Hampton Court Palace Thursday 8th August 10
London Zoo Monday 12th August 6
Lavender Fields Wednesday 14th August 9
Shakespeare’s Globe Friday 16th August 11
Godstone Farm Tuesday 20th August 8
Eastbourne Thursday 22nd August Fully Booked
Home of Charles Darwin Tuesday 27th August 3
Greenwich Pier Cruise Thursday 29th August 2

 If you have any enquiries or would like a booking form, please contact reception on 0208 688 2486.


Upcoming Events


Picnic in the Park

Date: Saturday 6th July
Location: Beddington Park, Church Rd, SM6 7NN
Time: 12.00pm onwards
Cost: Free
Transport Available: No, but there are buses and parking onsite
Additional Information Meet at The Pavilion Café, it has toilets, hot and cold drinks, food and snacks. There will be archery set and other games



Fish and Chips Quiz

Date: Thursday 11th July
Location: Bedford Hall, 72 – 74 Wellesley Rd, CR0 2AR
Time: 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Cost: £11, inclusive of food and quiz
Transport Available: Yes
Additional Information Vegetarian options will be available.

Bring your own drinks.

You can come as a team or on your own, where you will be put into a team.



Snowdonia (Wales)

Date: Friday 2nd August – Sunday 4th August
Location: Specific location TBC
Time: Leave from Croydon Vision at 1pm
Cost: £100
Transport Available: Yes
Additional Information A level of fitness is required

If you require a guide, please let us know

If you are interested, please book with Katherine by 12th July, limited space

For more information on any of these upcoming events, please call Reception on 0208 688 2486


Quiz Time

Our Quiz this month is a general knowledge round in preparation for our quiz night on 11th July. Happy Quizzing.

  1. What is the name of fictional metal in the Film Black Panther?
  2. What is the study of digging up ancient things?
  3. What is the currency of Croatia?
  4. What is the capital of Gambia?
  5. Approximately how many languages are spoken in the world?
    a.6000 b. 6500 c. 700
  6. When was Croydon Vision founded?
  7. Who was the 41st President of the United States of America
  8. How many star signs are there?
  9. What is the name of the longest river in the United Kingdom?
  10. In which year did The Titanic take its fateful voyage?
  11. What is a group of alligators called?
  12. How many countries are there in Africa?
  13. In which year was the Rubik cube invented?
  14. What year did Queen Victoria begin her reign?
  15. Who is known as the “father of computing” 


  1. 1. Vibranium 2. Archaeology Kuna 4. Banjul.  5. b.6500 6.1923  7. George H, W Bush.  8. 12 9. Severn 10. 1912
    11. Congregation. 12.  54   13.  1974 14.1837 15. Charles Babbage

That’s Entertainment

A selection of Audio described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.

Date What’s Happening Contact Info Price
Thurs 8th  Aug

7.30pm (Touch Tour 6pm)

Blues in the Night

Kiln Theatre, Kilburn

T: 02076250138 £12.50 – £32.50




Tues 13th Aug

7.30pm (Touch Tour 5.30pm)


Prince Edward Theatre, Leicester Square



Tues 13th Aug

7:45pm (Touch Tour 6.30pm)

Jesus Christ Superstar
Barbican Theatre, Barbican
T: 02073827348 £15 – £62
Sun 18th Aug


Twelfth Night,

Shakespeare’s Globe, Bankside

T: 02074019919 £5 – £23

Dates for your Diary

Tuesdays & Thursday
IT Training
The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday.
Tuesday to Thursday
Information & Advice
John Ebubedike, Information, Advice
and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception.

Wednesday 3rd July

The chiropodist Joy Dell will here on Please book with Reception.
New Addington

Thursday 4th July


New Addington group will be coming to Bedford Hall on this date
Macular Support Group

Monday 8th July



Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1- 3pm.
Low Vision Clinic

Thursday,18th July

Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first.
1st August – 2nd September Reception at Croydon Vision Close

Monday 5th August

The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm
Thursday 26th September


Croydon Hearing open surgeries



Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well and Age well

(Includes a choice of main course and dessert)

Tuesday 2nd July


Meat: Roast Pork with Roast Vegetables, Steamed Vegetables and Gravy

Vegetarian: Mushroom Leek and Potato Bake with Vegetables

Fish: Baked Salmon served with Potatoes and Steamed Vegetables



Homemade Sponge Cake with Custard

Fruit Salad served with Ice Cream and Yoghurt 


Wednesday 3rd July

Chicken Pie with Mash and Steamed Vegetables



Vanilla Cheesecake or Ice Cream 


Thursday 4th July

Meat: Beef Stew with Dumplings, Mash and Steamed Vegetables
Vegetarian: Cheese and Onion Quiche served with Mash and Steamed Vegetables
Fish: Baked Cod served with Mash and Steamed Vegetables


Homemade Pear Tart with Custard
Fruit Salad with yoghurt or Ice cream



Tuesday 9th July

Meat: Steak and Onion Pie with Mash and Steamed Vegetables
Vegetarian: Mediterranean Vegetable Pie with Mash and Salad
Fish: Baked Salmon with Mash and Steamed Vegetables


Apple pie with Custard
Fruit Salad with Yoghurt or Ice Cream 


Wednesday 10th July

External event: Food available upon request 


Thursday 11th July

Meat: Roast Chicken with Roasted Potatoes, Steamed Vegetables and Gravy
Vegetarian: Roast Quorn Chicken with Roast Potatoes, Steamed Vegetables and gravy
Fish: Baked Cod served with Potatoes and Steamed Vegetables


Homemade Chocolate Sponge Cake with Custard

Fruit Salad with Yoghurt or Ice Cream


Tuesday 16th July

Meat: Meatball Stew with Rice or Potato and Steamed Vegetables
Vegetarian: Quorn Swedish Meatball Stew with Rice or Potato and Steamed Vegetables
Fish: Pan-fried Salmon with Potatoes and Steamed Vegetables 


Homemade Pannacotta with Fresh Berries
Seasonal Fruit Salad with Yoghurt or Ice Cream 


Wednesday 17th July


Creamy Chicken Pasta Bake served with Steamed Vegetables


Fruit salad with Ice Cream or Yoghurt 


Thursday 18th July

Meat: Beef Lasagne served with Mixed Salad
Vegetarian: Vegetable Lasagne served with Mixed Salad
Fish: Pan Fried Salmon served with Potatoes and Mixed Salad




Homemade Bread and Butter Pudding served with Custard
Fruit with Yoghurt or Ice Cream


Tuesday 23rd July


Meat: Roast Lamb served with Roast Potatoes, Steamed Vegetables and Gravy
Vegetarian: Stuffed Aubergine served with Potatoes and Mixed Salad
Fish: Roast Salmon with Roast Potatoes and Steamed Vegetables


Homemade Blackberry Pie with Custard

Seasonal Fruit with Yoghurt or Ice Cream


Wednesday 24th July

Meatball Stew with Pasta and Mixed Salad


Fruit Salad served with Ice Cream or Yoghurt 


Thursday 25th July

Meat: Sausage and Mash served with Steamed Vegetables and Gravy
Vegetarian: Quorn Sausages served with Mash, Steamed Vegetables and Gravy
Fish: Baked Cod with Mash and Steamed Vegetables


Homemade Apple Crumble with Custard
Fruit Salad with Yoghurt or Ice Cream


Tuesday 30th July

Meat: Penne Pasta Bolognese served with Steamed Vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetable Penne Pasta Bolognese with Steamed Vegetables
Fish: Baked Salmon with Potatoes and Steamed Vegetables


Homemade Strawberry Trifle
Fruit Salad with Yoghurt or Ice Cream



Wednesday 31st July

External event

 Food available upon request


New Addington Menu

Eat well – Live well – Age well

Thursday 4th July

At Bedford Hall


Thursday 11th July

Roast Chicken with Roasted Potatoes, Steamed Vegetables and Gravy

Dessert: Homemade Chocolate Sponge Cake with Custard


Thursday 18th July

Beef Lasagne served with Mixed Salad

Dessert: Homemade Victoria Sponge Cake served with Custard


Thursday 27th July

Sausage and Mash served with Steamed Vegetables and Gravy

Dessert: Homemade Apple Crumble with Custard



We would love to have your input!

Submissions for the August Newsletter are due in by:
Monday 22nd July,


Jul 1, 2019

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“A life saver & a life change”