“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.


November Newsletter 2019


Mt Kilimanjaro – Review

 I think the most surprising part about climbing Kilimanjaro is not that I managed to reach the summit but that I even attempted it. Hiking, camping or sleeping in tent were unfamiliar territory, however, for such a good cause; raising money for an accessible 7-seater vehicle; I opted in. Climbing Kilimanjaro took 6 days and 2 days to come back down; a different route I might add.

We traversed through five different ecosystems in just as many days (rainforest, alpine desert to artic snowcap). The ground organiser; Tanzania Travel Company, their guides, porters and chefs; simply amazing. Their support and encouragement was a blessing. Along the way, they greeted us with ‘Jambo’ (hello), ‘Pole Pole’ (slow, slow).

The Lemosho route was perfect for the slow rise to low levels of oxygen. We spent our first night below 3,000m, 10,000 feet; encountered birdsong and monkey hoots. Next night was at 3,500m/ 11,500 feet and then three nights around the 4,000m/ 13,123 feet mark before moving higher to 4,650m/ 15,256 feet at Barafu camp. 

There were 15 climbers; including an emergency doctor which was handy as I became unwell during the trip and had to be examined and medicated. This lead to a daily struggle; to simply eat well and keep up the trek. The memory of what is endured en route to Uhuru Peak; 19,340ft above the level more commonly associated with holidays, is somehow expurgated and re-edited.

Summit night was by far the hardest; trekking from 11pm to 8am, continued snow and temperature of -15 degrees. However, the experience truly builds ones resilience and tenacity – enabling a person to discover the heights of their capability and strength. Through God’s grace, we overcame doubts and mental weariness; to reach Uhuru Peak; taking pictures with Croydon Vision’s T-shirt.

Back at the hotel, we were awarded certificates and a medal that reads; believe, achieve and inspire. The experience of Kilimanjaro is an unforgettable one; it embraces shared vision, a common goal and builds ones tolerance level. Finally, it enables a person to align their perspective, to be grateful; even for the little things in life.

So, who’s ready for a challenge in 2020?


Introducing our Facilities Officer

My name is Adekunle Ogunsanya, but you can call me Ade and I am the new Facilities Officer. I have diverse experience gained both in property, construction and facility management but also several different experiences of Administration gained both in the voluntary, social housing and commercial sectors.

In the many roles I have had over the years I have enjoyed meeting, serving and getting to know people. I believe that the service users are the most important people in any organisation as every service or product is made or provided to meet their needs or desires. I believe that all people should be treated with respect, dignity, and understanding. I have worked with and served vulnerable people in my role as Caretaker at L&Q, where I helped in providing support services for older and vulnerable people during my placement.

I enjoy meeting new people and networking. I love going to seminars and self-development programs. I recently was part of the Wayne Malcom mentoring scheme (iGLOBAL Academy), this has encouraged me as an employee and given the desire to do my very best in any role I have.

I believe in giving back to my community. I recently took part in a missions project at Ruach City Church, Birmingham Branch. I co-led a refurbishment project on a 3 bedroom house in July 2019. I was also responsible for installing flooring for the entire project. I had never worked with this team of volunteers before but was able to project plan and successfully lead a motivated team. I am so excited to be joining Croydon Vision and I hope to continue with the amazing work that has been done.

My role here at Croydon Vision is primarily to maintain the premises ensuring we are following the health and safety regulations by assessing, reviewing and implementing. I will be responsible for our hall hire services and making sure bookings run smoothly. I am looking forward to meeting all the members and volunteers over the next few months.

Adekunle Ogunsanya – Facilities Officer

Outreach & Progressive Officers

My name is Anna Smith and many of you will already know me. Up until seven months ago I was an active member and volunteer at Croydon Vision before leaving to take up a job at Croydon Council. I first came to Croydon Vision in the spring of 2016 having lost a significant degree of sight. I received a warm welcome along with some much needed practical advice and help. This enabled me to start my sight loss journey on a much better footing and to achieve more in a shorter amount of time. 

I am hoping that this new post at Croydon Vision will enable me to do the same for many other people in the local community. I am also looking forward to creating new opportunities to improve people’s lives and working with the other staff to help individuals to reach their full potential. I look forward to seeing you all in the next few weeks

Anna Smith – Outreach & Progressive Officer

This is Jennifer Smith and I am pleased to tell you that I have been appointed as one of Croydon Vision’s Outreach and Progression Officers. My journey at Croydon Vision started with participating in a RNIB living with sight loss course at Bedford Hall and then attending the working age group.  After attending the group I became a volunteer and eventually, this led to my application for this post.

I am really excited to be working in this new role which will focus on befriending and advocacy support for those who are, visually impaired and house bound or unable to attend Croydon vision for whatever reason. I am impassioned to help those who have any visual impairment as I have been through my own sight loss journey and know first-hand some of the emotional, physical and psychological effects vision loss can have on a person’s emotional and mental wellbeing. I look forward to really making a change and helping individuals improve their life chances and opportunities.
Jennifer Smith – Outreach & Progressive Officer


Project update: Young People

This October marked another half term for the Children and Young People, which meant a fun filled week full of activities for our members. We kick-started our week with a trip to the unicorn theatre, to watch Maggot Moon. We had some new members attend which was great! we watched a riveting show which Ram (one of our members) said was “Awesome!” 

Another activity that we held this half term was horse riding at Dulwich riding school, horse riding has proven to be one of the projects favourite activities in the past so it was exciting for me to experience it for the first time along with some of our newer members. The children got a chance to take part in stable management, where they learnt about horses and how to take care of them followed by the chance to ride the horses and learn different techniques such as ‘trotting’. One of our members loved it so much he’s asking for lessons! 

For black history month, the children and young people were given a quiz and some black history facts. The aim is for them to complete the quiz through research and the help of friends and family. They have until 31st October to send back there quizzes where the winner will receive a special prize! 

I want to say a big thank you to our volunteer Mike for coming along in the cold and helping at our activities as well as all the parents who brought the children and young people to the various activities. 

Christmas Party – C&YP

Croydon Vision will be hosting a Christmas party for its Children and Young people on Saturday 7th December at Bedford Hall. This is sure to be a fun filled event where all are welcome. Members from Merton Visions Children and Young Peoples Project will be joining us for the festive occasion. 

Tickets are £5 which will include; a party food buffet, lots of sweets and treats, entertainment, face and glitter painting. The event will start from 1pm – 4pm. Transport is unavailable for this event however parking will be available.
Korey Knight – Children and Young People Officer

Information & Advice

The Information and Advice (I&A) service continues to provide vital support for members of Croydon Vision. Over the last quarter, the I&A Officer supported 82 members. Below is an example of service impact:

Victoria had been experiencing a few physical health problems, she attempted many times to contact her GP for a home visit. The GP was extrememly slow in responding to her and after a few months of waiting her condition worsened. 

She approached our Information and Advice Officer to help her with this difficult situation. Through his community knowledge, he was able to locate and contact the relevant support system. Within a few days; to Victoria’s relief her GP got in contact with her and finally helped her through her situation; which has since been resolved.

For support as above or any other challenges you need help with, please contact our I&A Officer.

Information – Changes in your home to help with Sight loss.

Visual Impaired does not mean you need to move out of your home, even if you live by yourself, there are changes that can be made to your home.

  • Big-Button telephone (see our resources centre for more information).
  • Computer/laptop/tablet – the internet can provide a way to stay connected to family and friends. It’s also a very practical way to do your shopping and book services. Big button keyboards, screen display software are available (see our IT services for more information)
  • Bright Lighting – bright light bulbs and adjustable lights are important for your home, especially in the kitchen and the stairs (areas that accidents are most likely to take place)
  • Using a two-tone contrast approach to painting yourself such as black and white can make it easier to tell the difference between nearby objects, such as a door, stairs etc.
    John Ebuedike – Information and Advice Officer

Working Age

The working age group are very pleased that one of our members has found employment, Biniam Asers. 

Biniam came to Croydon Vision in 2017, he was a member and then began volunteering. He started to volunteer with the Talking Newsletter, which helped him to develop his communication and social skills.    

One of Biniam’s main goals was to find employment so he joined the Working age group, there he gained crucial skills to help when writing applications and job searching. Biniam said “through mixing with the group and sharing information I began to understand that I am not the only person in this situation”. This understanding gave him added confidence to apply for jobs. 

He wanted to continue his career in accounting, so he studied to update his knowledge and skills. He successfully obtained a certificate in financial accounting. Through his hard work and determination Biniam secured a job as a financial assistant. Biniam says that he is very grateful for the support which Croydon vision and the Working Age Group in particular has given him. Biniam continues to volunteer at Croydon Vision and is excited about his new journey. We are very proud of him and wish him luck.
Maxine Plowden – Volunteer

Home Office Research

The Home Office accessibility user panel is a group of people with access needs, who are interested in taking part in user research, to ensure their services are designed accessibly.

In user research, they speak to you about your experiences with a certain government service, ask you to try out a prototype and give feedback. They want to hear from people with a range of access needs, to ensure these services are designed accessibly. They thank you for your time with vouchers valid at certain high-street shops. Please go to the following link to register or contact reception for further details.


Resource Centre – World Sight Day

On Thursday 10th October Maxine and Danielle visited Croydon Council to showcase some of the assistive technology that those with visually impairments use in their daily life. Karen Underwood the Chair of the Disability Staff Network had the following message to share. 

“As Chair of the Disability Network, I would like to thank Croydon Vision for coming to the Council on Thursday 10th October 2019 to promote World Sight Day. Volunteers provided in-depth knowledge and information on specialist equipment and services for people living with sight loss to Council staff from a range of departments. Staff members who engaged showed an interest in the vast range of equipment and fed back on how they felt it would help residents they are working with or family members who are experiencing sight loss.

They were even able to demonstrate to the Sensory Impairment Team some specialist equipment they have not yet seen such as Band-It Tactile Bands. Croydon Council are aware Croydon Vision offer an integral service to our residents who are living with sight loss and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all their members, staff and volunteers who make it a great organisation to be involved in.”


Bumpons are one of the smallest items for sale in our resource centre, but definitely not to be overlooked. Bumpons are small tactile dots (usually orange) that you can stick onto items to help you differentiate from a specific thing for example if you receive the talking news letter there is a bumpon to help you orientate the memory stick. Other uses are to help find specific buttons on telephones or keyboards or to help you set your thermostat. You can purchase bumpons from our resource centre, please enquire with Katherine or Danielle for more information.


Large Print 2020 Diaries and Calendars

The following items are now available to purchase at reception

A3 Wall Calendars   £6.95            A4 Desk Diaries £9.95

A5 Midi Diaries        £7.95             Pocket Diaries  £5.95

Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager

Over 65s

On October 10th people around the world celebrated world mental health day. Each year this day is used to raise awareness on mental health and every year more people are opening up about their own mental health battles. 

Mental health is a subject that has transformed over the past few decades and it is now being recognised. In older people there is still a stigma with discussing mental health as before the mental health act was introduced in 1983 someone with mental health problems were seen as crazy and if they opened up they could be at risk of being sectioned. Some older people also think that poor mental health is a result of ageing which is just not the case and with increasing cases of loneliness and social isolation especially within the sight loss community, mental health is something not to be ignored. 

1 in 4 older people in the UK are said to be living with a common mental health problem such as depression and anxiety. Only 15% of older people experiencing mental health problems are receiving help from the NHS. It is ok to talk about mental health it does not make you weak, it makes you a human. 

Croydon Vision offers many accessible confidential services in which to talk about and to start to get help and improve your mental health. 

  • Talk to someone, we have a free counselling service available for members, where you can talk to a professional about your feelings and how to better cope with them.
  • Sort out what is stressing you out. Some Mental health problems can be triggered by things such as stress, being overwhelmed and financial difficulties, our Information and Advice Officer John is on hand to guide you through certain aspects of daily living, which can reduce some of the stress that you are encountering.
  • We have just launched our new Outreach Programme which you can get involved with if you are unable to access our services at Bedford Hall, a member of the team can call you or visit you at your home which can reduce feelings of isolation, loneliness and depression.

Other organisations that you can get in touch with to support older people through mental health problems are Age UK, and Mind Croydon as well as enquiring through the NHS.

Croydon Vision’s AGM – Review

On the 4th October, we held our AGM. On arrival guests were entrained with a musical performance by some of our talented members. After a delicious buffet style meal, we had the business section which included the introduction of new trustees and our new outreach project. We had Daniel Williams as our special guest speaker and the Mayor of Croydon Humayun Kabir gave a speech. Here’s what some of our attendees had to say about the event. 

“This was my first ever AGM and it was really nice to see so many people and get more of an understanding of Croydon Vision. It was nice to see entertainment from our members including Ellie one of our young members. Everything felt inclusive and it was amazing to hear how well CV has done over the past year.
Korey Knight – Children & Young People Officer

It was great to see the majority of our Trustees, together with members and volunteers. The launch of our Outreach Programme and the appointment of both Jennifer Smith and Anna Smith was very exciting. The report on the progressing plans for a lift in the main building gave me hope that this long-awaited development to make all floors accessible to our VI members would eventually be realised. The meeting was one of optimism and encouragement for the way forward for Croydon Vision as we continue to serve our Croydon residents.  Frances Cullen – Chair

“I really enjoyed performing with other members at the AGM and displaying our talent. The whole atmosphere was warm and welcoming and it was great to mingle and meet new people. I thought the meeting was interesting and I liked being informed about the future plans of Croydon Vision. I left feeling informed, happy and optimistic.”
Maxine Palmer – Member 

We had speeches from our Director, Trustee Board Chairperson, Treasurer and votes were taken on a variety of proposes especially acceptance of the accounts. We were also treated to an inspirational talk from Daniel Williams. After all the speeches were given there was a tribute to deserving staff. I have very much enjoyed being a trustee in the past and am looking forward to continuing my other voluntary roles and working towards CVs goals together.
Jim Smith – Volunteer

Events Calendar


Date Event Further Details
Thursday 7th November Seeing Beyond the eyes workshop

6.00pm – 9.00pm

Bedford Hall

Monday 11th November Macular Talk by
Jill Barret

Macular Support Group

1.30pm – 3pm

Bedford Hall

22nd November  
Autumn is Here –
Dinner and Dance

7.00pm –  11:00pm,

Bedford Hall *

Saturday 7th December Children & Young People Christmas Party

1.00pm – 4.00pm

Bedford Hall *

19th December
Christmas Party
(Christmas break)

Celebrating all ages from        *
13:00 – 17:00pm

Bedford Hall, (Essential to book)

6th January 2020   Warm welcome back Members








We are now taking suggestions for events in 2020, please get in touch via the suggestions box or reception.




Seeing Beyond the Eyes Workshop




On Thursday 7th November Croydon Vision will be hosting one of visualise training and consultancy’s highly rated seeing beyond the eyes workshop. These sessions have been created by our guest speaker at our AGM Daniel Williams as a way for clinicians to connect with the sight loss support sector in order to benefit patients with low vision. This is also a fantastic opportunity to empower eye care professionals with the knowledge and confidence to support low vision patients on the next step of their sight loss journey.




The event is open to everyone and members are encouraged to get involved with their feedback and suggestions. This is a free event that will take place at Bedford Hall from 6pm until 9pm. Please go to the following link or enquire at reception for more information on how to get involved.








Dinner & Dance




Come and join us for a special evening to celebrate the Mayor of Croydon’s Charities of the Year which includes Mind in Croydon, Asapen International, Ashdon Jazz Academy, Croydon Refugee Day Centre and Croydon Vision. 




Tickets are available to all members for a reduced price of £25 which includes a 3-course meal, welcome drink and entertainment with a bar available to buy additional drinks. Friends and family encouraged to join us for the event at a price of £35. Transport for members is available on a first come first served basis at the usual price of £3 each way. 




The Gala Dinner is sure to be a wonderful event celebrating the diversity of Croydon in aid of local charities. It will also be a great opportunity to get dressed up and enjoy a fun evening. For further details please enquire at reception who can provide you with all the details you need on how to book and get involved. 




CV’s Christmas Party




Thursday 19th December will mark our last day at Croydon Vision before everyone takes a well deserved festive break, to celebrate this most wonderful time of the year we are holding a Christmas Party for our members consisting of a Christmas lunch and some festive entertainment. The day will start at 12pm and finish at 4pm. This event will cost £10 per person.




We are delighted that the amazing Salamanda Saxophone quartet will be returning, getting everybody singing along to their favourite Christmas songs, as well as perfomances from some of our talented members.




The day is sure to be a treat, booking for this event is a must as we have limited capacity on the day. Transport is available at the normal price of £3 each way but again there is limited availability so book soon. You can book your seat via reception on 020 8688 2486 or through your group leaders.


General Information




Did you know that all medical eye conditions as well as visual eye conditions of Croydon Residents are now being dealt with by COS  Croydon Ophthalmology Service? You may already know about this switch in our NHS Service in Croydon, but I did not and only found out when I could not get an appointment with the GP for a red and swollen eye lid. I was first told to get advice and treatment at the pharmacy. A week later when the pharmacists advice and medication had not worked, I  went back to the GP surgery and  was then told about COS and given a leaflet listing the Opticians that are apart of COS.


I got an appointment at Basil Blooms in Selsdon for the next day and after a thorough medical inspection was given advice on treating the diagnosed condition of  Blepharitis. Hope this has been helpful information about COS, I thought I would share this change of plan in our Croydon NHS service – cos you might not know either!  – Frances Cullen – Trustee




What is a Sunflower Lanyard?


A Hidden Disability Sunflower Lanyard discreetly lets people know that you may have a hidden disability and would appreciate a little extra help when shopping, at airports or social venues. Stores including Sainsburys, Tescos and Argos all stock the lanyards after a successful trial. Marks and Spencer also now offer them which you can easily pick  up from the food order desk in store. Alternatively contact 0333 014 8555 and they will post one to your home.


Metro Blind Sport


Metro Blind Sport are collaborating with Westwat Climing Centre and Active Londener’s Fund to offer a free 6 week visually impaired climbing programme where individuals will get the opportunity to learn how to climb under a guided professional instructor. Classes are run at Westway Sports and Fitness Centre, 1 Crowthorne Rd, London, W10 6RP and start from either Friday, 15th November 12pm – 1.30pm or Sunday 17th November 2pm – 3.30pm. If you wish to use this service or need more information, please contact and register your interest with charlie.raven@metroblindsport.org or call on 07956 292 046.




Vision Foundation – Formerly Greater London Fund for the blind


Vision Foundation has taken in feedback from London’s visually impaired community and launched a new name, a new approach and a new point of view. The Vision Foundation has been supporting and speaking out on behalf of blind and partially sighted people across London for close to 100 years. The charity supports organisations that provide a necessary lifeline and essential resource for London’s visually impaired community. The Vision Foundation focuses on transforming lives and saving sight by working in partnership with others to deliver projects which inform, empower, and include blind and partially sighted people.


‘The name Greater London Fund for the Blind has served us well, but we believe the Vision Foundation better reflects who we are, our values and what we do’ – Olivia Curno, CEO of Vision Foundation 


We plan to open up London’s cultural, social and economic opportunities to all blind and partially sighted people and celebrate and champion London’s visually impaired talent. But we also want to expose and address some of the darker truths around sight loss – including the exclusion, abuse and loneliness; and by working hard in at-risk communities, we will start to prevent the avoidable but irreversible sight loss still occurring each day. 


We’re modernising the way we work and want to develop relationships that are innovative, evidence based and transparent. We have launched a new strategy, recruited new Trustees and pleased to welcome Susanette Mansour (Croydon Vision) as Trustee of Vision Foundation.


We’re stopping some fundraising activities, such as year-round public cash collections and door-to door fundraising, and developing others to better support this approach. Our much-loved charity shops will have a new look and continue to generate vital funds and keep the Vision Foundation’s name on London’s streets. We want to make London a shining example of a sight loss aware city and look forward to continue working with our partners.




Quiz Time


Our Quiz this month is a general knowledge quiz on the month of November.


  1. What is the Latin word for November?


  1. Which Rock group had a huge hit with the song November Rain?


  1. What year did Guy Fawkes try to blow up the houses of Parliament ? A)1608  b)1602 c)1605


  1. What two zodiac signs fall in November?


  1. What is the name of the national holiday Americans celebrate in November?


  1. Which gemstones represent November?


  1. What is the date for Barbados Independence Day?


  1. Movember is an annual event that takes place throughout November where men grow moustaches, what is the purpose of the event?


  1. What is the birth flower for November? A) Chrysanthemum B) Marigold C) Narcissus


  1. What year did Princess Elizabeth marry the Duke of Edinburgh?


  1. How many days are there in November?


  1. What day in November did the BBC first broadcast?


  1. When did Henry VI become king ?


  1. Which American President was assassinated on 22nd Nov 1963?


1. Nine 2. Guns N’ Roses 3. C)1605 4 Scorpio and Sagittarius Thanksgiving 6. Topaz and Citrinin 7. 30th November 8. To raise awareness of men’s heath 9 Chrysanthemum 10. 20th Nov 1947 11. 30 12. 2nd Nov 13. 6th November 1429 14. John F Kennedy




That’s Entertainment




A selection of Audio-described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.




  What’s Happening Contact Price


Sat 14th Dec

6:00pm(Touch tour 4:30pm)






Lyric Theatre,

Kings Street, London, W6 0QL


T:020 8741 6850



Sun15th Dec

2:00pm(Touch Tour 12:45PM)

The Canterville


Unicorn Theatre,

147 Tooley St, London, SE1 2HZ

T:020 7645 0560 £12-28

Sat 21st Dec

2:30pm(Touch Tour 13:30)



The Arrival

Bush Theatre,

7 Uxbridge Road, London, W12 8LJ

T:020 8743 5050 £10

Sun 29th Dec

1:00pm(Touch Tour 11:00am )

The Sleeping Beauty

Watford Palace Theatre, 20 Clarendon Road,

Watford, WD17 1JZ



T:01923225671 £15.50

Dates for your Diary




Tuesdays & Thursday
IT Training
The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday.
Tuesday to Thursday
Information & Advice
John Ebubedike, Information, Advice
and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception.

Macular Support Group

Monday 11th November

Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1- 3pm.


Low Vision Clinic

Thursday 21st November



Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first.



27th November

The chiropodist Joy Dell will here on Please book with Reception.


Glucoma Group
Monday 2nd December

The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm


23rd Dec – 3rd January

Reception at Croydon Vision Closed for Christmas Break. Reopening on 6th January







Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well and Age well
















(Includes choice of main course and dessert) 








Monday 4th November  








Food Available on Request 
















Tuesday 5th November








Meat: Chicken tikka masala with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 








Vegetarian: Chickpeas and lentils curry with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 








Fish: Baked Haddock with potatoes and steamed vegetables  
















Homemade Tiramisu 








Fruit salad served with ice cream and yogurt
















 Wednesday 6th November








Meatball stew with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables








Fruit salad with yogurt or Ice cream
















 Thursday 7th November








Meat: Beef casserole with mash, steamed vegetables 








Vegetarian: Tofu casserole with mash, steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked cod mash and steamed vegetables
















Homemade chocolate brownies with ice-cream
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream 
















Monday 11th November








Food Available on Request
















Tuesday 12th November








Meat: Roast pork with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy








Vegetarian: Roast Quorn fillet with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy 








Fish: Baked cod with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables
















Homemade Banoffee pie








Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
















Wednesday 13th November 








Cumberland sausage and mash with baked beans and gravy
















Chocolate sponge cake with custard or ice-cream
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream
















Thursday 14th November








Meat: Cottage pie with steamed vegetables and gravy 








Vegetarian: Mushroom and leek pasta bake with steamed vegetables 








Fish: Baked salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables
















Homemade rice pudding with berries








Fruit salad with ice-cream or yogurt
















Monday 18th November








Food Available on Request
















Tuesday 19th November
















Meat: Chicken casserole with mash and steamed vegetables   








Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagne with salad
Fish: Baked cod with potatoes and steamed vegetables
















Homemade strawberry cheesecake








Fruit with yogurt or ice cream
























Wednesday 20th November















Fried rice with roast chicken and salad
















Fruit salad served with ice-cream or yogurt
























Thursday  21st November
















Meat: Roast chicken with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy








Vegetarian: Cauliflower cheese with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables








Fish: Pan-fried salmon with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables
















Homemade Apple crumble with custard
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream 







































 Monday  25th November
















 Food Available on Request




























Tuesday 26th November








Meat: Penne pasta Bolognese with steamed vegetables








Vegetarian: Vegetable pasta Bolognese with salad








Fish: Baked cod with potatoes and steamed vegetables
















Homemade Strawberry trifle
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream 
























Wednesday 27th November
















Homemade beef burgers with chips and baked beans
















Homemade blueberry pie with custard 
























Thursday 28th November
















Meat: Sausage and mash with baked beans and gravy








Vegetarian: Linda McCartney sausages and mash with baked beans and gravy








Fish: Baked Haddock with mash and baked beans
















Homemade plum tart with custard
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream




























New Addington will be dining at Bedford Hall until further notice. For food options on the day please refer to the menus for Bedford Hall 







We would love to have your input!








 Thank you to all of those who have contributed to the newsletter so far. Please do get in contact with us if you have stories you would like to share and if there is any information that would be of interest to our members and volunteers.








Submissions for the December Newsletter are due in by:
Monday 18th November,
























Oct 31, 2019

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