“I appreciate Croydon Vision very much, it is a community that develops my skills, especially on tech”- RA.

Blog Post

Youssef’s Sight Loss Journey

– Youssef came to Croydon Vision to get more information about our services. Following on from the first meeting the Information and Advice Officer arranged a follow up with Youssef. After much discussion one of the things that Youssef needed was a Certificate of Visual Impairment (CVI). This certificate will allow him to qualify for several different benefits including being eligible for a blue badge and a taxi card, which would help him greatly. 

The Information and Advice Officer rang the local optician and arranged an appointment. This appointment was booked, so that the opticians can triage him to Moorfields eye hospital to do a field test. The field test is part of the process for obtaining a Certificate of Visual Impairment. The meeting is pending, however, the Information and Advice Officer will continue to help Youssef through his journey; making sure he is issued a certificate.

Dec 12, 2019

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