“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Blog Post

IT support in the home

– A member of Croydon Vision had trouble with their computer and requested a home visit to  assess the PC. The member recently bought a  new computer;  unable to use it in the same way as her old one; due to the difference in setup.   

With the new outreach programme, Katherine was able to visit her and make small changes which she tried out and was happy with. This meant that she felt more in control of what was happening to her computer and had input into the setup.  Katherine also went over some keyboard shortcuts to enable her to access software more effectively.  

The member felt much happier with her computer after the support and since then; comfortable uses her machine for work and social activities.

The outreach IT service is available to assist you with any problems that you may experience due to sight loss –  interaction with accessibility software and so on. There is also the option for IT lessons at your home if your main computer is a desktop version.

Dec 16, 2019

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