“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Young People’s Diary


It’s reported that 64% of young people with a visual impairment attend mainstream schools according to a report by Guide Dogs. Overall, these young people explained that they enjoyed school. However, those that didn’t enjoy school, it was found that this was due to a lack of inclusion. Here at Croydon Vision we provide a space to prevent situations such as this occurring.

We have activities that cater for, 3-13, 14 and above. The guide dogs report on functionality also states that 70% of young people from their sample received mobility training which helped to increase independence. The Children and Young People’s project aims to provide opportunities to learn responsibility, independence and mobility.

Examples of this would be: our travel workshop which will take place on Wednesday 19th February 2020. This will be the start of continuous mobility training. We will have the opportunity to put theory into practice and learn valuable skills to keep us all safe and comfortable when travelling.

Another example is the launch of our 2020 club. A space for those 14 and over which directly enhances independence, confidence and a sense of responsibility. We are now looking for 2 ambassadors to help bridge the gap between our young people and staff and help take on responsibility and independence.  Please don’t hesitate if you would like to get involved!