“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Young People’s Diary


Here at Croydon Vision we are looking to entice our young people to feel more physically active we have a range of things in place to help encourage children and young people to be physically active. For example, we have:

  • Our annual all age Swimathon on Saturday 7th March
  • CYP Wellbeing day during Easter
  • Croydon 10K or Croydon 3K fun run for those 9-14 years old on Sunday 25th October

It was found in a report from guide dogs that 97% of blind and partially sighted young people who completed their survey participated in at least one sport in school. Taking part in sports is extremely important and has a number of beneficial factors such as:

  • Keeping fit and healthy
  • Increasing confidence
  • Develops sportsmanship and teamwork

For those that are visually impaired there are even more benefits! A study from Pey, Nzegwu and Dooley in 2006 found that “Nearly half of blind and partially sighted people feel ‘moderately’ or ‘completely’ cut off from people and things around them.” The British Blind Sport charity explains the additional benefits that can be gained from sport for those who are visually impaired to prevent the feelings found in the Pey et al study. They are:

  • Tackling social exclusion
  • Making new friends
  • Developing spatial awareness and muscle strength