Blog Post
Investing in Volunteers Achievement

Croydon Vision is thrilled to announce that we have achieved the Investing in Volunteers quality assurance mark!
Investing in Volunteers is the UK quality standard for all organisations involving volunteers, it aims to improve the quality of the volunteering experience for all volunteers and for organisations to acknowledge the enormous contribution made by volunteers. Investing in Volunteers is managed by the UK Volunteering Forum and delivered by NCVO, Volunteer Scotland, Volunteer Now in Northern Ireland and Wales Council for Voluntary Action.
As Volunteer Coordinator, I found the process extremely useful and thought that it was amazing for the development of our volunteering programme. It was fantastic working together with volunteers towards this specific goal as this quality mark is all about them! I would like to give a huge thanks and appreciation to all our volunteers especially to those who got involved with the preparation and the interview process, Croydon Vision would not be the organisation that it is without the passion and dedication that our volunteers give.
This is Croydon Visions first quality assurance mark to date which is a huge achievement. Quality assurance marks are so important for organisations. It is a learning and development process that can enhance services and upon achievement, it shows that the organisation implements the best practice in that particular aspect of the organisation. It can also make us more desirable to funders and increase our funding opportunities.
Investing in Volunteers has set a benchmark for quality marks to come and Croydon Vision have already targeted our next one and are excited to get stuck in.