“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.


June Newletter 2020

Thank You!

It was great to see many of you (Members, Volunteers & Staff) working
together, supporting our fundraising initiatives to provide free lunch for those in need. Special thanks to the following individuals’ who raised £3,655 (4% over target) for CV directly and through our just giving page!

  • Audrey Botting
  • Bernadette Gallagher
  • Carol Mallows
  • Coversure Croydon – Rajan & Hina Khan
  • Cris Rose
  • Croydon Dancing Group
  • Eileen Schweitzer
  • Evelyn Wilson
  • Frances Cullen
  • George Simpson
  • Jim Smith
  • John Heslop
  • John Hartley
  • Joseph Bulmer
  • Lauren Crisp
  • Leona Dwyer
  • Masha Hammond
  • Patricia Jaques
  • Patricia Krumhorn
  • Pauline Tate
  • Sarah Parry
  • Staff Team @CV
  • Sue Ardley
  • Sue Lawrence
  • Vino Eliatamby

If your name isn’t included in this list, please accept our apologies.
We are extremely grateful for every single donation and active fundraiser. Thank you all so much – proud of Team CV!

Living in Lockdown

There’s no plane criss-crossing the sky, many more butterflies fluttering by, the warm air seems cleaner, the oak tress seem greener, lockdown is peaceful – the days how they fly.

Remembering others who live all alone, we send them a text or pick up the phone, we chat for ages about where one goes, where the queues are the shortest, Co-op, Aldi, or Tesco.

We’ve been baking like crazy our cupboards are bare, out of flour, grain and butter – no eggs anywhere. We must keep our distance, no hugging or kissing, stay two metres apart, just think what we’re missing.

No theatres, no cinemas, restaurants or clubs, no football, no tennis, bowling or pubs. We will clear out the attic and tidy the drawers, we will sort out the cupboard and snub up the floor. We will go through the bookshelves, choose the next book to read, fact, fiction or force – whatever we need.

Our gardens are perfect, no weeds are in sight, and our lawns have straight edges, our hedges just right. The birds have been singing high up in the trees, the bluebells are nodding their heads in the breeze. Such wonderful sunshine in April and May, nature is giving us joy every day.

Doing Pilates by zoom on the floor, were pounding the pavement, our muscles are sore, and as for the jigsaws, there’s far too much sky, so we will stuck to our crossword and code words we’ll try.

We put out flags for our V.E day, t’was seventy-five years ago, the eighth day of May. After six awful years their battle was won, seven weeks against covid is all that we’ve done! When lockdown is over, we will never forget, the disruption it caused and for some a huge debt.

On Thursday’s at 8pm we’re out on the streets, all clapping and waving at all those we meet, so good to see neighbours we don’t see that often, lockdown has given our hearts space to soften

Pat Jaques – Volunteer

What CV means to Members

‘It’s my lifeline.

When I come to Croydon Vision I don’t think of my sight loss, I feel normal’

Brenda G

‘Croydon Vision is practically everything to me.

A great place for me to socialise – A lifeline’

Steve M

‘Croydon Vision is a good place to build relationships with other visually impaired people who understand the difficulties of sight loss. I have enjoyed taking part in pottery and the excursions are fantastic, as I get to go to places that I would not ordinarily be able to go by myself.’

Marilin S

‘For me Croydon Vision helps me navigate my essentials through helping me with IT, my smart phone and my resources, all things I use in my daily life. Staff have the knowledge and take the time to help me adapt to these resources, as many organisations do not understand the adjustments needed for someone with a visual impairment.’

Pat K

‘Croydon Vision means a lot to me, coming here has made me see that I am not alone in my difficulties.

It also brings perspective as there are people who have sight conditions that are worse than mine and they are managing quite well. Croydon Vison gives people with sight loss dignity, maximising their potential.

Mary J

Children and Young People

Fitness during lockdown

Our young people have been focusing on how to keep fit during lockdown. We have our exercise challenge, which includes a workout timetable. Using this, members are asked to note down when they completed exercises, for how long, and what type of exercise they did. After doing 6 days of exercise and sending a picture of their timetable or of them exercising; they win a prize! This is an excellent way to make exercise fun and exciting whilst helping our young people to stay fit.

We have had some very adventurous entries for exercising including: a game of ‘it’ with siblings, water fights in the garden, and jumping 50 times on a trampoline! I also have been getting involved with the exercise challenge by completing 20 minutes of exercise every day. I don’t know about you but just reading about all of that has made me exhausted!

I am proud to announce that as part of keeping fit we now have a new adapted service, a zoom session every Wednesday at 3pm. On 3rd June we are hosting an audio described dance class with Synergy dance.
We will alternate weekly between yoga, meditation and dance – exciting!

Upcoming Zoom Sessions:

The next all age afternoon zoom session will be on 3rd June at 1pm,
a cooking session – we are making pitta pizzas!

Book club will be continuing every week as normal – we are now reading a super weird mystery: danger at donut diner.

There has been an addition of the 2020 club book club for those 14 and over which will be starting on Tuesday 2nd June 2020 at 3:30pm we will be reading Numbers by Rachel Ward, please enquire before reading as it does have some sensitive themes.

There is a book club for our readers 3-6 years old, which is on Tuesday, 2nd June 2020 At 2:30pm we will be reading ‘giraffes can’t dance’. All books are available digitally so please contact me if you are interested!                  

Korey Knight – Children and Young Peoples Officer

Working Age

Hi Everyone, it’s Maxine – I recently attended a virtual event hosted by Thomas Pocklington Trust – a first for the working age forum.
The meeting was held via Zoom; my first experience using this app. It was a bit difficult to access at first but I soon got to grips. There were sixteen participants in total, a mix of those in employment and unemployed. 

At the start of meeting, each person introduced themselves; stating their current situation. This followed by a discursive session, for example; our experience of lockdown, working from home or simply staying at home. There were varying responses, some prefer working from home, much more relaxing, not requiring a commute whereby people bumping into them or trying to get assistance.

Others miss the social interaction of their co-workers; finding it hard to self-motivate. Another attendee mentioned the home distractions like children or pets. We all agreed that having the right equipment and being able to keep in contact with colleagues via zoom or skype was helpful.  

Another topic that was discussed was job searching during this time.
Not many employers are recruiting. However, it was agreed that this is a crucial time to get prepared, to rewrite one’s CV and still apply to available opportunities amid the difficulties. 

One positive outcome of this current situation, people thought was that it proved that some jobs could be done from home. I hope that this will promote a change in attitude from employers, making roles more accessible. 

I found this meeting very interesting and learnt a new way to communicate. Thomas Pocklington are in the process of arranging more virtual events – I would highly recommend to anyone preparing for employment.

Maxine Plowden – Volunteer & Member

Information and Advice

Hello Everyone, It’s Danielle here. A common question that is frequently asked is around medical appointments. Some general questions are:

  • Are they taking place
  • Should I attend them
  • What if I need the hospital?

Please see below some useful information following your query:

Eye units have been told by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists to delay non-urgent appointments until the lockdown restrictions lifted.
If you are unsure what to do, you can call the Moorefield’s eye unit for Croydon University hospital on: 0208 401 3128
Alternatively, Moorefield’s City Road on: 0207 253 3411

If you need to see your GP, most appointments are taking place over the phone unless urgent and patient is Covid19 free (symptoms).
If your GP thinks they need to see you after a telephone consultation, they will arrange a face-to-face appointment. They may wish to take your temperature on arrival. If you have a temperature, which is unrelated to your reason for being there, you may not be seen; they will advise you accordingly.

Do not delay to seek medical help.
If your issue was urgent prior to lockdown; this remains an urgent matter. The health profession’s main priority is to keep you safe while you get any treatment you may need. If you are unsure about attending any appointment or questioning its urgency, always call and check.

For those who are experiencing difficulties but are concerned about going into hospital due to fears of the virus, please do not worry. You will not be taken to hospital unless it is absolutely necessary. If a doctor or paramedic advises to go to hospital, please try your best to cooperate; to ensure the issue doesn’t become much worse and affect your long term.                                          

 Danielle Cleary – Information and Advice Officer

Detecting Scams – Stay Safe

With us spending more time at home, online and on the phone, it is important to be aware of how to spot scams. Scams are successful because they look or sound legitimate at first glance.

The below are some ways to spot/be aware of scams:

  1. If it sounds too good to be true; it probably is
  2. If the call is legitimate; the caller will not mind you saying that you will call them back. Find out the number for yourself rather than asking, or relying on caller ID. If possible, phone on a different phone line.
  3. You will never be asked for a full password over the phone (only specific characters)
  4. If someone comes to your door you are under no obligation to let them in. Most utility companies operate a password scheme that you can set up; to check and identify the person.
  5. If you have a spurious text message, do not reply – forward it to 7726 (this reports it to your network)
  6. If you are asked to make the decision quickly, this is likely a scam – they rush and try to prevent you thinking.
  7. If you receive any email, post or text with bad spelling or grammar it is often a scam.

If you are receiving a lot of nuisance calls you can register for the telephone preference service by calling 0345 070 0707. If you are still receiving nuisance calls and have a BT landline you can sign up for BT call protect online – If you would like assistance with this, we can help.

If you have any questions or queries or would like assistance in setting any tech matters; please contact the office and I am on extension 5.

Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Officer

Services – What Members Say;

Keep Fit in Lockdown

Thank you Croydon Vision for organising the keep fit session via conference call. I felt I was back at Bedford Hall; sitting in my usual place on the right, like “old times” and heard a few familiar voices. Thank you, Frances and Katherine, for organising this, when we come back our joints will not be stiff! Look forward to next Tuesday – Mary Reddick

Services – a partner’s perspective

Sensory Impairment Team have also been calling their members; whilst doing so, they shared feedback on services at CV:

A carer expressed how great Croydon Vision has been in both offering practical support such as a hot meal, as well as phoning their members regularly whilst people are isolated. “It has made a huge difference and the support from Croydon Vision has been invaluable.”

Sensory Team stated that during their welfare checks with individuals, it has been clear that the support CV offers is making a big difference to many people. “We appreciate all the hard work you are doing at Croydon Vision during the Covid-19 outbreak.” – Croydon Council.

Tech Support

‘Croydon Vision has been helping with my tech needs. Last week they delivered and installed a new talking microwave for me which I find very useful. During the visit, I had the opportunity to record a talking news segment including one of my favourite subject’s music! Thank you Croydon Vision for all your help during Covid 19’ – Lauren Crisp

Facebook Live Events

‘After one of the Facebook live sessions I followed Isha’s instructions and cooked myself a pasta Bolognese. The meal wasn’t quite up to Isha’s standard but I ate it all and enjoyed cooking it. The cooking events have really inspired me to try new things in the kitchen’ Jim Smith

Facebook Live Events

We have been running our Facebook events every Thursday and this has proven a good success for members; to stay connected whilst developing new skills. The events provide members with fun, interactive and practical ways they can get involved from their home.

Upcoming Facebook Events

Thursday 4th June

By popular demand, Ronnie will be with us again, this time; discussing income maximisation. If you have any questions, please send them to info@croydonvision.org.uk by Tuesday 2nd June.

Thursday 11th June

We will be joining Isatu in the kitchen once again where she will be teaching us how to make a sausage roll and a cheese and onion roll. Katherine will be providing audio description and showing us some more useful tech.

Thursday 18th June

Ketan (Moorfields) will be joining us for a discussion on eye health followed by a keep fit session by Fay; focusing on flexibility.

Tik Tok Dance Challenge

Tik Tok is a new app which has become popular over the past few years, It is a fun place where you can put together funny videos, dance tutorials or challenges. As part of Croydon Vision’s Tik Tok dance challenge, I am challenging EVERYONE! to create a Tik Tok dance. If you have any questions about this please contact me. I will be sharing examples throughout the upcoming weeks.

There will be a prize of a £50 gift card to the winner, £30 gift card to the 1st runner up and a £20 gift card to the 2nd runner up. I will be choosing winners on Wednesday 10th June and announcing them on Thursday 11th June via twitter. You can email your videos or post them to our twitter page @croydonvision and using the hashtag #Croydonvisiontiktokchallenge or email to info@croydonvision.org.uk

Let’s Inspire You – Cook at Home

Our cook took us on a step guide on cooking pasta Bolognese via Facebook live – you can check out the replay. Here’s the recipe and hope like Jim, you can try this at home (safely). This recipe can be adapted for vegetarian, gluten free and lactose free – a meal for anyone!

  • 1tbsp oil
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 500g beef mince / 500g Quorn mince
  • 1 pinch of mixed herbs
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 red chili
  • 2 medium courgettes
  • 2x 400g chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tsp tomato puree
  • 1 beef sock / 1 veggie stock
  • 500g pasta / Glutton free pasta
  • Cheese
  1. Chop onions, carrots, celery, chili and courgette.
    Place the onions and carrots in one pile, the celery and chili in a separate pile and another for the courgette.
  2. Put 2 table spoon oil in the pan and heat for 1 minute
  3. Add the onions and carrots in the pan then stir for 5 minutes.
  4. Add to the pan the celery, chili, mixed herbs and bay leafs and continue to stir for a further 5 minutes.
  5. Next, add in the meat/ Quorn mince; stirring thoroughly using a wooden spoon until the mice is separate and brown all over.
  6. Add the beef / veggie stock followed by tin or fresh tomatoes and the tomatoes puree; continuously stirring between ingredients.
  7. Time to add the courgette! Next, put a lid on the pan and leave to simmer for 10 minutes
  8. Boil and drain the pasta then add the pasta into the sauce and stir.

Bon appétit! – send us your pictures!!


Members on our befriending list receive a phone call once or twice a week depending on their request. Over the past eight weeks I have got to know some of the members a lot better. I am looking forward to meeting them in person; when we resume face to face services.
Some of the members have made some very ‘touching’ comments.

Jean told me that one of her very close friends sadly died just before the lockdown began. They used to phone each other every day to chat and make sure that they were both all right; they never missed a day.
Jean misses the phone calls and has come to terms of never hearing from her friend. The phone calls every week from Croydon Vision has been very helpful in filling the void; helping her through the grief.

Other member commented on how they are really enjoying the meals that are delivered. The number of meals ordered through the lockdown have hugely increased. Members feel a relief of not having to go through the stress of shopping and cooking. Members have expressed how grateful they are to receive the meals when I have phoned them.

I have enjoyed making the weekly phone calls and it has helped me to understand some of the problems and difficulties that members living with sight loss face on a daily basis. I am looking forward to meeting my befrienders in person and to see some of the gardens mentioned in many calls. It has also been very humbling to know that a single phone call each week can make such a big difference to individual members during this very difficult period.

While this period has been tough, it has really highlighted the continued need for our outreach project and we are bringing in some new people when internal services resume, people who we may never have heard from if we had not reached out during this crisis.

Anna Smith – Outreach Officer

Volunteering – Making a Difference

The demand for door to door lunch has increased greatly which is incredible! Last month we were happy to introduce 5 new volunteers to Croydon Vision who are assisting with this delivery service. Welcome to the team Ann, George, Masie, Mark and Peter! Thank you to Croydon Voluntary Association (CVA), who helped us recruit these new volunteers during this time.

In addition, our Art tutor; Masha has been getting stuck in with volunteering since March. She supports through food deliveries, grocery shopping and also getting involved with our Facebook live events.

‘I really enjoy helping Croydon Vision to provide for members. When I drop off food or do a members shopping, there is always a smile on their faces which is lovely to see. I decided to volunteer to help members and the Croydon Vision team as I am not in the vulnerable category, I have a car and I have time to give. It means that I get to see members, some from my group which is great, we have a nice little chat. It’s good that there can be a social element as well as the service. Volunteering is good for me as well as them receiving the service, keeps me out of trouble.’

Learning a New Language

In the May Newsletter Natasha, the Office Manager said that she wanted to become fluent in French by the end of the year. I read this and phoned her; volunteering to help as I am a professional translator and fluent in French and Spanish. I am also fairly fluent in Portuguese and some Italian. We have started conversations in French on Skype and these are going well.

If anyone else needs help with these languages and also Catalan which I do not speak but I do translate with translations or interpreting (by phone Skype, WhatsApp or Zoom) please let me know. I would be interested in practising spoken Portuguese and Italian. I can be reached on davidmadell@yahoo.co.uk, phone numbers 020 3643 8155 or mobile 07850976633.

Experience Something New

Well, whilst Natasha continues her language lesson, we thought to select another 2 individuals to review their progress on goals for 2020.
This time, we choose Bob (Member) and Fay (Staff).

Bob Horne – To walk with a stick by March 2021

‘My Progress as an amputee learning to walk.
Last year I had part of my leg amputated and was given a prosthetic leg, since then I have been using a wheelchair to get around. It is my goal to eventually walk with a stick whilst out of my wheelchair and eventually resume some dance steps at Croydon Vision.

Since the lockdown, I have been doing regular leg exercises; using things in my home to support my movement. My progress has been; putting on my new leg and standing at my frame for as long as I can, the physio phones me periodically for a report on progress.’

Fay Chegwidden – Fit for a 10k run in October

‘At the end of 2019 I joined a gym to increase my fitness and strength.
In January, I opted to run a 10k for Croydon Vision. I thought to myself what better way to show off my new fitness than to run! Since then, I’ve become accustomed to the cross trainer; working on my core strengths.

In March, I took part in the swimathon, however, in comparison to last year I definitely felt an improvement, my fitness and momentum has developed much more which is incredible! Last year I could barely breathe at the end whereas this year I felt alive.

It has been a challenge to keep active during lockdown, to maintain discipline, I have been walking to and from work, totalling 4 miles each day; 3 days per week. In addition, I do short home workouts to improve my flexibility – you can join me on facebook live event 18th June.

See you soon!

Word Game

In this word game, you have to name the famous book and author from just having the first and last letter of each word in the title. Good Luck!

  1. As As in Wd – Ls Ce
  2. Pe ad Pe – Je An
  3. Te Cr in te Re – JD Sr
  4. Te Da Vi Ce – Dn Bn
  5. Ld of te Fs – Wm Gg
  6. Te Bk Tf – Ms Zk
  7. Th Te of Pr Rt – Bx Pr
  8. C’s Wb – EB We
  9. Te Ct in tw Ht – Dr Ss
  10. Th St Lr – Nl He


  1. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carole
  2. Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
  3. The Catcher in the Rye – J. D. Sanlinher
  4. The Da Vinchi Code – Dan Brown
  5. Lord of the Flies – William Golding
  6. The Book Theif – Markus Zusak
  7. The Tale of Peter Rabbit – Beatrix Potter
  8. Charlotte’s Web – E. B. White
  9. The Cat in the Hat – Dr Seuss
  10. The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne


This month’s quiz is based on British things. Good luck!

  • This object, near Gateshead, welcomes you to the north.
  • This bridge across the Thames features in a nursery rhyme
  • It’s said that by the time they finish painting it they have to start at the beginning
  • This is always wrongly named after it’s bell
  • This ship was the first with a metal hull
  • This Thames bridge was completed by women
  • Which Scottish city is known as the granite city?
  • Which British island is famous for its puffins?
  • Where did Baden Powell set up his first scout camp?
  • Which town is famous for selling books?
  • Where can you find a man-made stone needle?
  • Which famous caves have a cheese named after them?
  • Which city has a minster and a grand old duke?
  • Which rock formation near the Hebrides sounds like a person?
  • Other than Wembley, where has the FA cup been held?
  1. Angel of the North London Bridge 3. Forth rail bridge 4. Queen Elizabeth or St Steven’s tower 5. SS Great Britain 6. Waterloo Bridge7. Aberdeen 8. Lundy 9. Brownsea Island 10. Hay-on-Wye 11. Thames Embankment 12. Cheddar Gorge 13. York 14. Old man of Hoy 15. Cardiff Millennium Stadium


We continue to provide our members with freshly cooked lunch by our wonderful cook Isha. Food deliveries occur Mondays and Wednesdays and you can order as many portions as you like. 1 portion a day will be at no cost to members, any additional bowl cost £5.
Lunch consists of a main course and dessert.

Please give us as much notice as possible when ordering a hot meal so that we can prepare and cook the right amount of food. To order food please call 0208 688 2486. Please note that orders for Mondays must be placed by Thursday 3pm and orders for Wednesdays must be placed before Monday at 3pm. – (check with the office for bank holiday timings).

Monday 1st June Tuesday 2nd June

Meat: Pasta in tomato sauce with meatballs and steamed veg

Veg: Pasta in tomato and vegetable sauce with steamed veg

Dessert: Strawberry angel delight or fruit salad


Wednesday 3rd June & Thursday 4th June

Meat: Roast pork with potatoes and steamed veg

Veg:  Roast Veggie Sausages with potatoes and steamed veg

Dessert: Lemon drizzle cake


Monday 8th June & Wednesday 9th June

Meat: Chicken hot pot with steamed veg

Veg: Cauliflower cheese with steamed veg

Dessert: Rice pudding with jam or fruit salad


Wednesday 10th June & Thursday 11th June

Meat: Beef stew with mash and steamed veg

Veg: Stuffed peppers with roast potatoes and steamed veg

Dessert: Banoffee pie or fruit salad


Isha’s cooking tip of the month:

‘Always use pre boiled water to reduce cooking time’


We would love to have your input!

Submissions for the June (Part 2) Newsletter are due in by:
Wednesday June 6th

Croydon Vision
Bedford Hall
72-74 Wellesley Road,
Croydon, CR0 2AR

Please note our revised telephone opening times;

Monday – Thursday

10am – 4pm

May 30, 2020

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