“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Blog Post

What CV Means to me

–  We asked members to tell us what Croydon Vision means to them, here is what they said:


‘It’s my lifeline.

When I come to Croydon Vision I don’t think of my sight loss, I feel normal’

Brenda G


‘Croydon Vision is practically everything to me.

A great place for me to socialise – A lifeline’

Steve M


‘Croydon Vision is a good place to build relationships with other visually impaired people who understand the difficulties of sight loss. I have enjoyed taking part in pottery and the excursions are fantastic, as I get to go to places that I would not ordinarily be able to go by myself.’

Marilin S


‘For me Croydon Vision helps me navigate my essentials through helping me with IT, my smart phone and my resources, all things I use in my daily life. Staff have the knowledge and take the time to help me adapt to these resources, as many organisations do not understand the adjustments needed for someone with a visual impairment.’

Pat K


‘Croydon Vision means a lot to me, coming here has made me see that I am not alone in my difficulties.

It also brings perspective as there are people who have sight conditions that are worse than mine and they are managing quite well. Croydon Vison gives people with sight loss dignity, maximising their potential.

Mary J

Jun 10, 2020

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“A life saver & a life change”