‘Thank you Croydon Vision, your Open Day was a success, enjoyed the educational workshops, well being sessions and socialising’


September Newletter 2020

Our Themed Newsletter:

Working Together

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

Helen Keller.

As mentioned in our August’s Newsletter, moving forward each edition will have a different theme. Each theme will incorporate some of our priorities and values, and we may feature special Guest Writers.

Our theme this month is ‘Working Together’ as teamwork and co-production are at the core of everything we do at Croydon Vision.

Coproduction refers to a way of working where service providers and users work together with Staff to reach a collective outcome. At Croydon Vision this means working with members to actively shape the future of the organisation and is a key priority for us.

A prime example of this was the creation of our new logo and strapline. A design company came up with a selection of logo ideas, but none of them quite felt right for us. Following this we held a group day with Staff, Volunteers and Service Enablers where we showcased the options. Masha, our Art Tutor, came up with an adapted logo that suited us very well. We also discussed potential straplines and finally agreed on ‘Changing How We See’, a very compelling message. 

Throughout the pages of this Newsletter you will see examples of how Croydon Vision co-produces internally and externally to shape services, from our work with Tom Forsyth and the Ramble Tag to the work of our Service Enablers Group.

Together we can achieve more!

Our October’s Newsletter will be celebrating diversity and the Black community with a ‘Black History Month’ edition. If you would like to write an article or wish to get involved, please contact newsletter@croydonvision.org.uk, call 020 8688 2486 Ext 6 or pop by to see Fay when you are at Bedford Hall.

Thank You!

Following on from June Part 1 Newsletter, we want to show further thanks and appreciation to those who have contributed to our fundraising initiatives this summer. Your kindness and support mean a lot to us. Thank you!

We are currently processing further donations and will make sure we show our gratitude to a new list of supporters very soon!

·       M Dominy

·       J Masson

·       Bob Horne

·       Pat Jaques

·       George Simpson

·       Wonacott C

·       D Plummer

·       Ramya Anandagoda

·       Inner Wheel Club

·       Ms Yatez

·       Moorfields

·       Claire White

·       LOC Committee

·       Coversure

·       IRS LTD

·       Pauline Tate

·       Mary Reddick

·       Evelyn Wilson

·       David M

·       Chris S

·       Jim S

·       Sue Ardley

·       Evelyn D

·       Glen B

·       Lauren C

·       Vasanti

·       Ray & Anna

·       Coral E

·       Mr Singh


Your donations are key to our success as they help us make Croydon Vision a better place for our members.

Please share our great work with your friends and families.

Together we can achieve more!

Thank you, All!

Let’s Enjoy Team Challenges!

Box Hill Challenge – Saturday 1st August

Staff, Volunteers, Members, Trustees and other external parties joined together to take on the Box Hill Walking Challenge raising funds for an electric gate to increase safety for our members when they visit Croydon Vision. This need was identified through consultation with Members and Volunteers.

It was a bright day full of sun, fun and a great team achievement!

“It was a bumpy journey but it was a fantastic day to work together to finish our goal. As well as fundraising, it was a great time to connect and bond with the team”
(Natasha, Office Manager)

 Thanks to everybody that got involved and those who supported us. Your kind donations and encouragement make a difference. We have almost raised 100% of our target already!

Lloyd Park Walk – Friday 18th September

From our Facebook session on ‘Conquering our Challenges’, we received some wonderful feedback from members who expressed an interest in participating in a walk in Lloyd Park so here is the plan:

  • There will be two meeting points. You can meet the CV team at Bedford Hall at 9am to set off to Lloyd Park together.
  • Alternatively, you can meet us outside of the Lounge Café located in Lloyd Park at 10am.The walk will take approximately 1 – 1.5hours.
  • Afterwards we can have lunch together (either bring your packed lunch or dine in the Lounge Café).
  • Transport will be provided, subject to availability, at its usual cost of £8. Lloyd Park is 10 minutes (3 stops) on the tram from East Croydon.

If you would like to register for this walk or require more information/special assistance, please call us on 020 8688 2486. The deadline to book for this event is Thursday 10th September.

Great Teamwork Brings Success

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” (Michael Jordan)

Today’s teams are evolving. Teams are becoming more “diverse, dispersed, digital and dynamic” according to Harvard Business Review. Although modern team structures are changing and continually face new challenges, group collaboration remains at the core of their success as highlighted by our Box Hill challenge!

On Friday 6th August, the Staff Team at Croydon Vision held a Bright Ideas Day. The goals of this session were to understand ourselves individually and the team, inspire growth and translate our insights into action.

In the morning we enjoyed a stimulating session on Emotional Intelligence (also known as EQ) facilitated by Lisa Allen (great external trainer). In the afternoon we reflected about our personal values and how they compare with Croydon Vision’s values.

I learned a great deal from this session as it gave me the chance to get to know my colleagues a bit better. I was inspired and humbled by the openness, passion, commitment and kindness of those around me.  The discussion on values linked to our personal action plans and provided us with a solid platform to drive forward individual and team growth.

A compelling direction, a strong team structure, a supportive context, and our quest to collaborate and learn with/from each other are critical to our progress.  Thanks to all of you for being part of my journey!

“After all, we make ourselves according to the ideas we have of our possibilities.” (V.S. Naipaul)

Ines Canellas-Jager, Business Development Manager

Technology Powering Teamwork

Co-Production Ramble Tag

Last year we had a call from the inventor of the Ramble Tag, Tom Forsyth. The Ramble Tag is a handy wearable guide to allow for

non-contact guiding. It is a cuff that the guider wears on their arm with a loop for the person being guided to hold onto. The idea behind it is to give the person being guided a sense of freedom.

We first used the device when the team climbed Mount Snowdon last year. After our climb we shared our feedback with the manufacturer who took on board our suggestions. Shortly after that we received a new version with a different inner lining.

We continued to send feedback and co-produced, so that by the time we were ready to climb Kilimanjaro we had an evolved version of the tag which works amazingly well! This is just one great example of how we co-produce with others to put members first. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Tom and the Ramble Tag Team. Tom has been nominated for a National Diversity Award (Entrepreneur of Excellence) which is an incredible achievement. Good luck, Tom!  The Ramble Tag is available to try and buy from our Resource Centre (£23).

Mobile Support Group

One of the ways members learn about technology is through shared knowledge and experience. Everybody’s input makes us stronger.

We are looking to start a Mobile Phone Technology Support Group. It will be a forum where members can come together and share hints, tips and apps that they find useful on a day to day basis. From this we can assist you to build individual ‘tool kits’ to support your daily living.

Please contact Katherine on 020 8688 24 86 (Ext 5) to get involved.

Katherine Turner, Resource Centre Manager

Celebrating our C&YP

On Saturday 22nd August we enjoyed a wonderful day celebrating our many talented Children & Young People! We were so excited to share our very special Croydon Vision 2020 Awards with the kids, young people and their families.

  • Confidence Award went to Alana Ashman who has conquered her fears including horse riding and Clip ‘n’ Climb.
  • Independent Travel Award:Ragul Sivaseelan who has consistently encouraged independent travel by planning activities, attending the Travel Workshop, and helping to make travel easier for both himself and his father.
  • Physical Activity Improvement Award:Daniel White has a clear love for athletics. He has climbed to the top of walls at Clip ‘n’ Climb, provided his football knowledge at the Crystal Palace Football Tour and took part in horse riding.
  • IT Award for Abdallah Altaf. Katherine explained that Abdallah is super keen to learn more about new technology and has been very diligent in attending his IT sessions. Abdallah always teaches me lots about tech when I see him. Well done!
  • Attendance Award:Holly Paddick who is a keen Croydon Vision attendee and has never been discouraged by lockdown. Holly has been a Book Club star. Great stuff, Holly!
  • Enthusiasm Award: Francis Cole never fails to put a big smile and his excitement is contagious! Francis is one of our newer members, but he has made a lasting impression already.
  • Adapted Services Award:Harley Chang has been amazing at adapting to a very big change! He always has a big smile and has helped me enjoy our younger Book Club so much. We both loved ‘The Lion Inside’ especially when the lion roared!
  • 2020 Club Ambassadors:Maleeka Abbas and Alex Roach for their leadership and support with this very special initiative.
  • Business Awards:Dulwich Horse Riding School was chosen by our younger members as our experiences are always enjoyable and exciting. They have helped us to learn so much and we cannot wait to visit again!
  • Approachable Award:Jesse Sopade has been an absolute pleasure. He was voted as someone who is always welcoming and very lovely. He provides great ideas at Book Club and our cooking sessions, and I know he has made lots of friends.
  • Kindness Award:Erin McCoullagh has been chosen by her friends a Croydon Vision as someone who is extremely kind and caring. We love you, Erin!
  • Parent Visibility Award: Yemisi Sopade. Since I started my job in August last year, Yemisi and Jesse have been present at almost every activity. Yemisi attended the Gala Dinner Dance in November 2019 and had a chance to enjoy a fun night. Yemisi always helps me on all activities (even when she was 8 months pregnant!).
  • Family Participation Award:The Paddicks! All the members of the Paddick Family get ‘stuck in’. With Darren on Twitter, Carolyn attending activities, Ellie performing at the AGM and Holly joining in across all events, this very special family has really made their mark on Croydon Vision.

This summer has been so much fun! We have cooked virtually and physically, we have learnt about animals with ZSL Whipsnade and reinforced our knowledge by visiting Hobbledown Farm. We also have had picnics in the sun and opened our minds through Book Club.

Thank you for making it so memorable! Now keep an eye out for the Autumn 2020 Calendar via Reception for more exciting events.

Korey Knight, Children & Young People Officer

Team Well-being

First of all, Croydon Vision would like to say a big thanks to the Sensory Impairment Team and Croydon Council Travel Team for working together with us and providing guidance to process Blue Badges and Freedom Passes during lockdown.

Eye Health

As services are gradually coming back, Croydon Vision has been in contact with the Eye Clinic Liaison Officers from Moorfields (Old Street), St George’s Hospital and Croydon University Hospital. We are working together to support members who have missed appointments during lockdown and to guide newly diagnosed members through the registration process.

Get Creative With Pottery

Pottery sessions are set to start in late September, on Mondays 10am-12pm. Emily, our new Pottery Tutor, is very excited to join CV. Emily has worked with children and adults and has a First Class Degree in 3D Materials Practice, specialising in ceramics and wood. Keep in touch to find out more about Emily and her sessions.

Engagement Through Talking Therapies

This evolved version of our previous Counselling Service is set to start around mid-September. Vanessa, our fantastic new Counsellor, will be available on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please call Reception if you would like to book an appointment or require further information.

We would like to thank the previous Counsellor, Alan, for his time with us. We appreciate everything he has done for Croydon Vision and wish him best of luck for the future.   

For information and development advice, please contact Odette Battarel on 020 8688 2486 Ext 2 or email Odette.Battarel@croydonvision.org.uk.

Odette Battarel, Advice & Development Officer

Growing Together

We are excited that our Outreach Service is now ready to move ‘back to normal’ with Croydon Vision attending home visits, assisting with appointments and co-ordinating our efforts with external agencies such as the Sensory Impairment Team at Croydon Council.

Teamwork Reducing Isolation

Members who have received regular phone calls from us have shared great feedback. The consistency of our communication has really made them feel valued and less isolated when they could not socialise and/or leave their home during lockdown. Personally, I feel a deep sense of individual satisfaction when I see members transforming their lives from isolation (no hope, feeling low and disconnected) to engagement (participating in external activities and visiting the Hall).

It has also been very beneficial to phone up members who are still shielding but want to engage in social interaction. They are grateful to hear a friendly voice at the end of the phone and we love doing that.

Working Together Builds Confidence

When I brought Simon to our building, it was the first time he had been to an activity in years. By supporting him and strengthening his confidence, Simon got involved in our Thursday Quiz Group and socialised at lunch time whilst enjoying our nutritious and healthy food.

Our Outreach Team has had a miraculous impact on Simon’s life. We moved him away from a monotonous routine and a sense of hopelessness, to being an active member and citizen.

This is one of many compelling stories from our Outreach Team. As a result of the work by Anna, the team and myself, our Outreach Services are really making a meaningful difference. Keep in touch, share your feedback and ideas, and let’s make Outreach even better by working together.

Jennifer Smith, Outreach and Progression Officer

A Collective Experience

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” – H. E. Luccock.

This quote captures the idea of working together to achieve a greater goal. We aim to offer a comprehensive package that is tailor-made for each person by working as a strong, united team. This ensures that each member receives a person-centred service.

Paul is learning to live with sight loss and has been referred to Croydon Vision. Natasha, the Office Manager, refers him to the Outreach Officers who go out to see him to discuss how we can help.

  • By engaging in meaningful dialogue, we find that Paul needs help with learning to use his smartphone and computer. An appointment is arranged for him to see Katherine Turner, the IT and Resource Manager. Paul learns to communicate with his family and friends, therefore preventing isolation.
  • Paul isn’t getting all of the statutory benefits that he is entitled to. An appointment is arranged to see Odette Battarel, Advice and Development Officer, who is able to help him. This prevents Paul from going into debt, improves his quality of life and enables him to buy electronic magnification equipment to aid reading.
  • Anna arranges for Paul to join the Working Age Group. After making many new friends and gaining more confidence, Paul, with the help of Fay Chegwidden, the Volunteer Co-ordinator, is now a Volunteer! Well done, Paul!

Paul has accepted his sight loss, regained his confidence and developed good IT skills. He is now in a position to consider paid employment. Through teamwork and collaboration, we have transformed Paul’s life. 

Please contact us so we can work together to transform more lives.  

Anna Smith, Outreach and Progression Officer

Members Driving Ideas

At Croydon Vision, we work with members to improve current services and to create new ones. We empower members to be creative and get involved with shaping Croydon Vision. We have listened and have held many events and forums with some new groups emerging.

Love of Music

Great examples of these have been our Music Appreciation Group which launched in September 2019, and our Making Music Group which was launched in January 2020.

Love of Languages

We are extremely lucky to have a talented member, David, who is going to share his knowledge of French. David hosted one of our Facebook Live Sessions in July and was inspired to take his teachings further.

In September we will be holding a pilot taster session of Beginners French for Staff, Members and Volunteers. This session will be held on Wednesday 9th September at 1.30pm – 3pm.

We hope that with interest this will grow into a series of sessions to inspire members to communicate in this beautiful language and others (Spanish, Portuguese). To book your place, please get in contact with Reception on 020 8688 2486.

Love of Ideas

If you have any ideas about new services or groups, please do get in touch by contacting Reception. We only need five people interested and we can make your idea a reality!

“One day we were discussing our mutual love of music and I thought that this would make a fun group that members would be interested in. Shortly after and with the help of staff at CV, the dream became a reality and the Music Appreciation Group was formed” (Member)

Shaping The Future

The Service Enablers Group is a forum where we are all able to come together three times a year to discuss our current services, review feedback and plan future services/events based on needs identified from various sources.

During these meetings everyone is encouraged to look critically at specific services or areas for development as revealed by the feedback received. This helps us to ascertain whether these services/concerns are still relevant and, if so, how they can be improved upon or mitigated.

Everyone is encouraged to think creatively and collaboratively. All ideas are explored for their merits and their overall holistic impact on the health and wellbeing (both physically and mentally) on our members.

Team Adapting To Change

Lockdown presented a new set of challenges, however by thinking creatively the Service Enablers meetings took place virtually via Zoom. Our group discussions were critical to the successful re-opening of Croydon Vision’s services in early July.

If you would like to get involved with the Service Enablers, have some feedback or topics to discuss, please let us know. You can speak to your Group Leader, contact the Volunteer Coordinator on volunteering@croydonvision.org.uk or phone 020 8868 2486. We also have two suggestion boxes where you can submit written feedback (one in Bedford Hall and one in Reception).

“Don’t allow what you cannot do to interfere with what you can do” (John Woodern)

Glen Brazier, Volunteer and Service Enabler     

Facebook Live – Team Fun!

As we enter September, our Facebook events are continuing to provide members with information, fun and social interaction from the comfort of their own homes.

Here are our upcoming September sessions which will all take place from 4pm to 4.30pm on Thursdays.

Thursday 3rd September – Back to School/Work

We will be running a very special session to support us and those around us as we return to busy lives in offices, schools, universities and community centres. Watch this space!

Thursday 10th September – Empowerment Through Art

We can’t wait for the re-scheduled discussion of the documentary The Terry Fragments’ by filmmaker and scholar Dr Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth University). The film is an up-close documentary about Terry Hopwood-Jackson, a blind painter. ‘The Terry Fragments’ is part of a research project led by Dr Brylla to explore the effects of social stigma and media representations of visual impairment.

Thursday 17th September – Health and Well-being

We will be back in the kitchen with Isha where she will be teaching us how to cook something yummy!

Thursday 23rd September – Eye Health

We will be hosting an eye health special as we get ready for the winter.

We are always looking to improve our services. We would love to receive feedback on our Facebook Live events. What do you think of the timings of the sessions, their content and how we currently share them? Please send your feedback to newsletter@croydonvision.org.uk, call Reception on 020 8688 2486 or use our suggestion boxes. Thank you!

Dates for Your Diary

By Appointment Only

Monday – Thursday

Resource Centre, IT Sessions,

Information & Advice.

By Appointment Only

Monday – Friday

Outreach Home Visits – Please contact an Outreach Officer to arrange a visit.

Monday, Thursday, Friday – Start date TBC

Phone based Talking Therapies.

Thursday 10th September

Low Vision Clinic.

Monday 14th September

Macular Society Groups are meeting virtually via conference call. They meet every second Monday of the month at 1pm. To join the call please dial 0126 4560 225 and press number 1 when asked for your pin. You can call from your landline, charged at your local rate.

Wednesday 23rd September

Sarah’s Essential Aromas – Fully qualified Aromatherapist, providing massages using essential oils, customised exclusively for the individuals. £20 for ½ hour, £30 1 hour. To book please call Reception.

Wednesday 30th September

Our Chiropodist, Joy, will be in from 9am onwards. Please book through Reception.

Monday 5th October 1.30pm

Via Zoom

The Glaucoma Group are meeting virtually via conference call. Please email glaucomagroupcroydon@gmail.com to receive updates and information. Please ask Reception for any further support.


Please do not visit Croydon Vision without previously contacting Reception and arranging a visit. Please call Reception on 020 8688 2486 for more information and to book. Thank you for your consideration.

Team Quiz

This month’s quiz is all about famous teams and collaborations.

  1. Which football team won the 2020 Champions League Final?
  2. Which fictional character is the leader of the A-Team?
  3. Who co-produced the song ‘Let’s Dance’ with David Bowie?
  4. Which high street brand co-produced clothing collections with Kate Moss, the famous model and ‘Croydon girl’?
  5. What were the names of the Wright brothers who worked together to create the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight in 1903?
  6. How many astronauts formed the team that took Apollo 11 to the moon?
  7. How many honey bees working together does it take to produce a 16-ounce jar of honey? A) 1152 B) 1235 C) 1451
  8. Which female music legend collaborated with Mariah Carey with the song ‘When you Believe’?
  9. Which American Football team has won the Super Bowl the most times?
  10. What did Arthur C Clarke and Stanley Kubrick work on together?
  1. Bayern Munich 2. John ‘Hannibal Smith’ 3. Nile Rodgers 4. Topshop 5. Orville & Wilbur 6. 3 7. A) 1152 10 8. Whitney Houston 9. Pittsburgh Steelers 10. 2001 – A Space Odyssey.


From now on we will be offering a Takeaway Food Service for those members who would like to plan ahead and purchase food to keep for later in the week. Please place an order at least 24 hours in advance and pick it up when you come to Bedford Hall. Each portion will be £5 as usual.

Croydon Vision – Eat Well, Live Well and Age Well 

(Includes choice of main course and dessert)


Tuesday 1st September

Meat: Chicken fried rice served with mixed salad
Vegetarian: Vegetable fried rice served with mixed salad
Fish: Baked cod with potatoes served with mixed salad


Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Wednesday 2nd September

Meat: Shepherd’s pie served with steamed vegetables 
Vegetarian: Vegetarian Shepherd’s pie served with steamed vegetables 
Fish: Baked haddock served with potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Baked apples with custard or fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt

Thursday 3rd September

Meat: Beef stew served with mash and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Cauliflower cheese served with steamed vegetables 
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables  


Homemade strawberry trifle or

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Monday 7th September

 Meat:  Cheesy pasta and chicken bake served with steamed veg
Vegetarian: Cheesy pasta bake served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Tuesday 8th September


Meat: Beef casserole served with mash and steamed vegetables
Vegetarians: Vegetable casserole served with mash and steamed veg
Fish: Pan-fried seabass served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Vanilla sponge cake with custard or fruit salad with yogurt


Wednesday 9th September

Meat: Roast pork served with roast potatoes, steamed veg and gravy
Vegetarians: Ratatouille served with roast potatoes and steamed veg
Fish: Baked cod served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables


Rice pudding with jam or fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Thursday 10th September

Meat: Chicken in breadcrumbs served with chips and coleslaw
Vegetarian: Vegetarian sausages served with chips and coleslaw
Fish: Cod in breadcrumbs served with chips and coleslaw


Homemade lemon cheesecake or Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Monday 14th September

Meat: Steak and mushroom pie served with mash and steamed veg
Vegetarians: Diced potatoes and leek bake served with steamed veg
Fish: Baked haddock served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade semolina or fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Tuesday 15th September

Meat: Roast chicken served, roast potatoes, steamed veg and gravy     
Vegetarian: Vegetable pasta served with mixed salad
Fish: Baked salmon served with roast potatoes and steamed veg

Homemade bread and butter pudding with custard or

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Wednesday 16th September

Meat: Pasta Bolognese served with steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Grilled vegetables served with potatoes and salad
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Panna cotta with berries or fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Thursday 17th September

Meat: Chicken casserole served with mash and steamed vegetables
Vegetarian: Vegetable stew served with potatoes and mixed salad
Fish: Fish pie served with steamed vegetables


Apple crumble with custard or Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


Monday 21st September

Meat: Roast pork served with roast potatoes, steamed veg and gravy
Vegetarians: Stuffed aubergine served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy 
Fish: Baked cod served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade mixed berry crumble with custard or

Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


 Tuesday 22nd September

Meat: Chicken Tikka served with rice or potatoes and steamed veg
Vegetarian: Vegetable Tikka served with rice or potatoes and salad
Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables  


Fruit salad served with ice cream or yogurt


 Wednesday 23rd September

Meat: Lancashire hot pot served with steamed vegetables and gravy 
Vegetarians: Vegetable hot pot served with salad 
Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Lemon drizzle cake with custard or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream

Thursday 24th September

Meat: Roast chicken served roast potatoes, steamed veg and gravy 
Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagne served with mixed salad 
Fish: Baked Haddock served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Tiramisu or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Monday 28th September

Meat: Stew chicken served with rice or potatoes and steamed veg
Vegetarians: Vegetarian sausage and potato bake served with salad
Fish: Baked cod served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables


Rice pudding with jam or fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 29th September

Meat: Chicken and leek pie served with mash, steamed veg and gravy
Vegetarian: Quorn chicken and leek pie served with mixed salad
Fish: Baked cod with potatoes served with mixed salad 


 Homemade chocolate brownie with ice-cream or

Fruit salad served with ice cream and yogurt


Wednesday 30thSeptember

Meat: Roast beef served with roast potatoes, pan friend veg and gravy 
Vegetarian: Meat free sausages served with roast potatoes, pan fried vegetables and gravy
Fish: Pan fried seabass served with potatoes and pan-fried vegetables

Fruit salad with ice-cream or yogurt

Thursday 1st October

Baked jacket potato served with tuna and sweetcorn, baked beans and cheese and coleslaw    


Homemade upside-down pineapple cake with custard or
Fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


We would love to have your input!

We would love to hear your feedback and get your involvement.

Submissions for the October 2020 Newsletter are due in by
12 noon on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 at

October’s theme will be Black History Month and we look forward to hearing from you!

Sep 1, 2020

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“A life saver & a life change”