“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.




For almost 100 years Croydon Vision (CV) has been serving the community of Croydon, working with people with sight loss, their families and friends. We believe there is life after sight loss and therefore, everything we do is laser focused on taking people on a journey to re-evaluate what’s possible.

We are all about transforming lives from dependence to independence.
As we reflect on our achievements over the last 100 years, we know there’s much more to be done and together, team (volunteers and staff), members, trustees, and external partners, we stand ready to support, making sure no one gets left behind, to amplify voice and awareness of sight loss.

We asked members a few questions about CV, see below response:

“CV gives me the opportunity to get out of the house, to meet existing and new people, a place to socialise” – Ruth.

For Peter, CV is a place to socialise, he “enjoys the quiz and music classes.”

Neil’s observation as a new member in only a few days, “it’s been amazing meeting people, I don’t have to explain my eyesight problems – people listen to them, it’s a good place to learn too.”

What’s it like for you, CV turning 100yrs?

Jim says: at least somebody’s older than me! It’s great to meet different people, I try to be helpful and support members and
the team (volunteers and staff).

Mike: it’s nice to know that the organisation lasted this long and still here to provide its services to members.

What are your fondest memories so far?

Joythee: meeting so many people is very inspiring and alleviating. So many people come and share ideas, agree, or disagree, have opinions, and share with each other.

Mark: my fondest memory is having Lauren around – he was a happy soul and very knowledgeable.

How can we build for another 100 years?

Things are always improving, the food is always amazing, the number of people coming to CV is increasing, everyone has different interests, and they get to find a classes or service suitable for them – Member.

Peter says, by reaching out to as many people as we can, by improving services and developing new classes.

Another member said, continue as you are, use the first 100 years as a steppingstone – learning is something we do every day. The next 100 years will be added to the foundation that we are building now.

Dayo said, Congrats Croydon Vision, you certainly have achieved a great deal for many, including me.

We want your stories and pictures about Croydon Vision; then and now.
To create lasting memories and share during our centenary celebrations.


Around what year did you join CV and what was it like then?
Were you a member pre-Bedford Hall – tell us your story
Your most memorable era at CV?

Please share your information at Reception, verbal or written.
Alternatively, email Mickella.hosannah@croydonvision.org.uk


We will be celebrating our very special milestone in style. We are hard at work planning events which revisit the foundation of our organisation, celebrate members, volunteers and staff, as well as give people a sense of all that has been accomplished in a century at CV. This is a significant historical chapter for our community, and we would love for you to celebrate with us. To find out what events are happening, please refer to pages 9&10 of newsletter.

Take out your fanciest outfit and join us for this star-studded evening on
Friday 21st July, marking 100 years of Croydon Vision!

Ticket are priced at £125 per person including, guest speeches, entertainment, and a delicious 3 course meal. We will be fundraising towards the cost of the tickets on behalf of our members, to cover those with financial constraints.
Therefore, please don’t feel exempted, we want to see many members booking there space; the options are below:

Option 1, you cover the full amount of ticket at £125.
Option 2, make a contribution, towards the cost of ticket
Option 3, fundraising to sponsor members, we will keep you updated.

Whichever option you choose, please let reception know, bookings is now open, and a maximum of 60 spaces is designated for members.
Register your interest at reception as early as possible to prevent missing out. Volunteers and staff are welcome to book, and the first 30 places is complimentary – we appreciate you all.

News Flash!

Merchandise Coming Soon

From May 2023 you will be able to purchase merchandise from reception including hats, t-shirts, and mugs! Prices will be displayed at reception,
on bulletin and website closer to the time.

STRATEGY 2020-23

Our strategic plan 2020-23 was borne to tackle issues in our community, consulting with our members, volunteers, staff, and external stakeholders over a year 2018-19. We’ve worked together to establish our values and steer organisational change in a direction that will make a real difference – let’s review the work – you said, we did…

You asked

We did (away day feedback 2022/3)

Co production –  members to drive the development of products and services.

Ø Continuity of a vibrant, engaging committee group (All Ages)

Ø Social media engagement: reaching more people and improve awareness.

Ø Continue to invest in team development (Volunteers, Trustees & Staff)

·  There is a focus on listening, dialogue and consultation with members and team (vol & staff). Members at the heart of what we do and in project development.
To enhance, let’s look at diverse ways to capture peoples’ voice.

·  Good social media comms, however, we need more members to use their voice positively on social media.

· CV is intentional about personal development; focus on developing their people/team.

Community – improving our reach and engagement in Croydon.

Ø Greater inclusion in social and community life for people with sight loss

Ø Replacement of fleet and increase resource (Drivers);
to reach many more people.

Ø Expansion of Outreach Officers from 2 to 4; greater coverage of the borough

· Members have increased by 57% over the past 3yrs due to investment in community engagement, the Lost 500 etc.

·  We’ve replaced our fleets and increase drivers to provide services at CV, community and support other local organisations

·  Outreach has become a part of the makeup of all frontline officers, an Outreach Manager in post now; Odette Battarel.

Accessibility – transforming our premises and improving technology usage.

Ø Improved building – lift

Ø Creation of a mobile technology hub; to reach the community and awareness.

Ø Develop an active tech committee, building mentor/mentee opportunities

·  The building has improved, more accessible now – Lift installation. There’s also the Resource Centre, Talking Toilet, IT suite and training for everyone.

·  Mobile tech hub in progress

·  Visual awareness workshops

·  Tech committee is a focus for 2023 and beyond.

Holistic Health – putting our members at the centre of their care pathways.

Ø Together we can create more awareness and reduce avoidable sight loss.

Ø Supporting people with sight loss from despair to independent living

Ø Improve inclusion and empowerment, building confidence to self-advocate.

·  Moorfields Eye Clinic now based at CV, once per week.

·  Living with Sight Loss workshop is available as part of members induction as well as for their family/friends.

· A culture shift is happening; empowering members to become independent that leads to interdependence – ask what CV can do for you and then, ask what you can do for CV

·  Independent living pathways to employment/entrepreneurship.
18 people + into employment.

Sustainable Reach – improving our brand, communications, and income stream.

Ø Creation of a working communication strategy including a lead staff

Ø Increased networking event to engage with businesses, schools, health professionals, family, friends of Croydon Vision

Ø Increase knowledge of tech

·  Good branding and fundraising work has been done so far.

· Development and embedding of Heart of a Charity, Mindset of a Business that is, asset management, products etc.

· Being more intentional, networking with schools, health service, families, businesses – through open days, outward events.


Future Focus: Strategy 2023-26

Following the away day 2022 and collating feedback, a full draft of the strategy will be available real soon and looking forward to your input, focused on our themes:

using our broad and engaged community to pilot new services, partner with businesses to improve accessibility and increase employment.

cementing our heart of a charity and mind-set of a business model in everything we do – we test, fail, learn and grow

we want to remain impactful and will continue to work together as a unified community to build for the next 100 years

How you can support #GiveBack

·       Spread the word and help us build a friends and family group, people to represent, advocate and fundraise for CV.

·       Become a volunteer befriender or peer support to someone isolated at home or at Bedford Hall.

·       Join as ambassadors, sight loss.

·       Join our committee, Let’s talk and improve, to bring positive change.

·       Share your stories and experiences to raise awareness and influence others for positive change.


Building together what are we proud of about CV (away day 2022):

  • Our impact and purpose
  • Our resilience
  • That we thrived in the pandemic
  • Our sense of community and teamwork
  • Our range of services
  • Our young, diverse board
  • The strong sense of friendship and belonging.


Our Services and Activities
If you do require a full list of our services and activities, please call reception and a hard copy will be posted to you.
Alternatively, this can be emailed or access via our website;

Other services and activities you can book via reception:
Lunch and transport are available from Monday to Thursday and can be booked via reception on 020 8688 2486.
Excursions will take place Fridays and Saturdays – more info to follow.

  • Advice & Advocacy drop-in sessions, every Wednesday 1.30-2.30pm with four 15-minute slots available.
  • Route to Employment sessions, Wednesdays from 1.30pm – 3pm.
  • Drop-in Tech sessions will take place in the IT Hub – ask reception for date and times. We also have outreach; tech officer will visit you at home.
  • Living With Sight Loss Workshops at Bedford Lounge planned for:
    30 – 12.30      Thursday 20th April
    10.30 – 12.30      Wednesday 24th May
    10.30 – 12.30      Thursday 22nd  June
    10.30 – 12.30      Thursday  27th  July
  • One-to-one counselling service, every Thursday, 9am to 4pm.

Development workshops 2023 at Bedford Hall.

  • Health & Wellbeing – Cookery classes
  • Your safety
  • Awareness – what does domestic abuse look like?
  • Eye health and awareness
  • Money Smart

Croydon Vision’s opening hours are Monday-Thursday, 08:30am-4pm and for appointments only on Fridays. Telephone – 020 8688 2486.

Please note; for Easter we are closed 7th & 10th April, resuming 11th April


We have a Council that is over £1.5 billion in debt. They continue to embark on a series of cuts that will affect every single person living in Croydon.
The most recent is the council tax increase, the upcoming £2.6m from the voluntary sector, a detriment to many organisations and people.
We need to work smart, and we need your support, to ensure Croydon Vision is sustainable. Why? post March 2023, Croydon Vision will no longer be in receipt of funding from the council for any support service, no financial support service for people with sight loss, a sad fact, a reality.

With that said, we’ve been looking at various options to fundraise and generate income; to ensure we continue providing vital services for you. Please see below some changes that will take effect April 2023 onwards:

Advice & Advocacy

General advise will remain non chargeable, however, as we support you to become more financially sustained, we will charge a small admin fee, because our Advice & Advocacy Officer is no longer funded by Croydon Council.

our Advice & Advocacy Officer is no longer funded by Croydon Council.

Price and or % of charge applies Services
10% of initial backdated payment Completing Application Form
£60 (Payable from first 4-weeks of benefit receipt) Change in Circumstances Application
£60 (Payable once benefit received) Renewal Application Form
£75 (Payable upon submission) Mandatory Reconsider Letter
£100 (Payable upon submission) Appeal/Support at Tribunal
10% of initial payment Universal Credit/Job Seekers Allowance
£10 admin fee Blue Badge/ Freedom Pass/
Dial-A-Ride & Taxi-card
£75 Appeal/Complaint/ Supporting Letter’s
£20 Funding Application Forms/ Council Tax Reduction Application etc


Tech Services

Prices Non-Chargeable Service
Free (one off) IT Hub Access
Resource Centre tour and demo
Accessibility setup on phone, laptop, tablet
Explore more – magnification, apps etc
Tips and phone tricks
  Chargeable Service at CV Base
£20 Phone setup session
£20 Data transfer session
£35 Phone setup and data transfer (bundle)
£15 per hour Phone tutorial
£15 per hour Tips and phone tricks
  Outreach or Home visit
£25 per hour Phone tutorial
£25 per hour Computer tutorial
£25 Data transfer session
£45 Phone setup and data transfer (bundle)
£25 per hour Tips and phone tricks
£10 Printer issues (price include another tech)
£20 Computer app tutorial (example zoom)

Contact Daniel, our Tech Officer via reception or email; daniel.ojobo@croydonvision.org.uk

Lunch Service

After some deliberation, we are staggering an increase to take affect from October 2023, price will uplift by £1. Same price applies to takeaway.

We’re in Your Corner – cost of Living – in our last newsletter we shared tips on simple ways we can all try to curb our household expenses for the winter – how did you do? Top tips included using energy-efficient microwaves over ovens and not filling kettles to the brim for brew. If you’re still struggling with high energy bills or other matters, then we’re here to help, please contact Glen on 07395 247699 or by emailing glen.brazier@croydonvision.org.uk.


As we write this edition, hot off the press news came through, we secured funding to make the coronation celebration and summer BBQ a spectacular event, one that is focused on a thriving community – how exciting!

With our new minibuses, unveiled January 2023, we can’t wait to explore many places, locally, London wide and seaside. Our Transport & Facilities Manager is gearing up drivers and a programme, to launch May 2023 – enquire today!

Braille Machine & Tutorial coming soon…
We’ve secured funding for a braille machine and now looking for a tutor to teach braille. If you know anyone or interested in a session to learn braille, do contact reception, and speak to Abbie. Future newsletter (Our Voice) will be available in braille.

Every little helps!
To fund small improvements at CV, example, more tactile and illuminated paths, more audio-description in both buildings, a suggestion came through, to setup a fund where members, volunteers, staff, and guest parking can contribute regularly, even a £1 or £3 a week, when they pay for services/activities. This can compound and contribute towards costs.
E.g., 50 people will equate to £150 a week which leads to £600 a month!



  1. Is spring the year’s first, second, third, or fourth season?
  2. On the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, the sun rises directly over what part of the globe?
  3. During spring, why is the day longer than the night?
  4. Where is the largest Easter egg museum in the world and How many eggs are in the Easter Egg Museum?
  5. In the bible, how many days passed between Jesus’ death and resurrection?
  6. What is the 40-day period before Easter?
  7. Dyeing Easter eggs is a tradition that began in which country?
    And the traditional Ukrainian way of painting Easter eggs is called what?
  8. Easter Sunday is also called what?
  9. In the Bible, Judas traded Jesus in exchange for what?
  10. Easter Sunday is celebrated as a mark of?
  11. When was the movie Passion of Christ released and its sale,


  1. Spring is the first season of the year, while winter is the last
  2. Equator
  3. Because of the tilting of the Earth towards the sun
  4. Poland, more than 1500
  5. Three
  6. Lent
  7. Ukraine, Pysanka,
  8. Resurrection Day, 9. 30 pieces of silver
  9. The resurrection and love of God
  10. 26th March 2004, selling $612million

Thanks to members and volunteers who regularly help create quizzes!


We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who has made donations to Croydon Vision over the last couple of months, including
Christine Rose, Kennedy Jothimunthu, Karon Chatterton, Sue Ardley,
Jim Smith, Audrey Botting, Selsdon Baptist Church, Donfuff LTD,
Anthony Anderson.

Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Jean Jennings.
Jean passed away end of 2022 after serving her community for decades.
Jean volunteered over 20yrs at Croydon Vision, and we were grateful for all the support and time she gave to CV – thank you Jean for being a light. Our prayers are with Jean’s family.

Fancy being in Our Voice? We’d love for you to email us with stories, experiences, tips and tricks and reviews, so we can share them with the rest
of our community! Please submit via: info@croydonvision.org.uk


Apr 3, 2023

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“A life saver & a life change”