‘Thank you Croydon Vision, your Open Day was a success, enjoyed the educational workshops, well being sessions and socialising’


March 2020 Newsletter

Experience a new service


Mondays and Wednesdays

We have been looking to deliver new activities to further develop the provision of our services and offer more choices. We asked members for their suggestions and popular services requested were Zumba, gardening, manicure sessions, music group and cooking. 

We now have a new music group; Making Music Together which will involve exploring creativity, singing and playing instruments. The sessions will be biweekly on Mondays from 13:30 – 15:00. The first session will be held on Monday, 2nd March so if you are interested please do show up but remember if you would like lunch you must book in advance.

From April, we are aiming to launch zumba classes and manicure sessions. Zumba is a Latin exercise that incorporates dance moves and interval training, improving cardiovascular fitness. Classes will be held fornightly on Monday mornings and will last for 1 hour. The  cost to attend is £5. Manicure sessions will take place on Wednesdays and the price will depend on the type of manicure you require. Keep an eye out on our website, talking news or weekly bulletins for more information. You can also call our reception on 0208 688 2486.

 If you would like to register an interest in the new services, please inform reception on 0208 688 2486.

 Natasha Thompson Campbell  


Help us to sustain Transport Service


We are currently providing this service at a huge loss and grants that once covered the full cost continue to diminish; by over 60%. With that in mind, there will be a small increase of £1 from 1st April 2020.  


Therefore, the cost of transport will become £4 each way or £8 return.


Please note, if any member is going through financial hardship and unable to pay the increase for transport. Please speak in confidence to one of the managers: Natasha (Office Manager), Katherine(Resource Manager) or Nicola Peake (Business Manager).                                                                Many thanks – Susanette 


Launching our Strategic Plan – 3rd April 2020


Delighted to invite you to the official launch of our strategic plan 2020-23. 


The report has been borne out of a year’s worth of work, consulting with our members, volunteers, trustees, staff and external stakeholders. 

This plan is focused on a call to action – encouraging people from all works of life to support and enable people with sight loss.

At the event filmmaker and writer Dr. Catalin Brylla (from Bournemouth University) will present his audio described film. The Terry Fragments, a purposeful and up-close documentary about Terry Hopwood-Jackson, a blind painter who has not let his sight loss dictate his life. This film captures the raw and everyday moments of Terry’s life and the man himself: mischievous, funny and resilient.


Terry will be in attendance at the event and Dr Brylla will talk to him about his painting and being creative as a form of empowerment. 




Food & Art Exhibition


A Call to Action – Video Launch


Strategy Launch by Chair & CEO


The Terry Fragments Film



Book your place at reception or call 0208 688 2486


Please note: this event will be filmed, with an opportunity for audience members to give video testimonials after the event.


Children and Young People


Croydon Vision hosted a Travel Workshop for its Children and Young People during the half term. The aim was to provide our young members with information and guidance about independent travel and the different ways in which they can be supported.


We had guest speakers from TfL, guide dogs, the cycling instructor and our very own Resource Manager; Katherine, who all spoke about different aspects of travel. Janet from the TfL Travel Mentoring Service told us all about the work that they do from local bus days to the First Route project. Katherine spoke about the different apps that visually impaired people can use to assist their travel experience such as accessible mapping apps and bus times apps. We were also pleased to have representatives from Urban Smoothie Bikes who encouraged us all to get on their makeshift bike and make some delicious smoothies.


Feedback from the day


‘I found the day really interesting and I think that everybody learnt something new. It was good having all the different companies in and being shown the support we can access’ Ellie – Young Member


‘I thought the session was good and I learnt a lot, I enjoyed stroking the guide dog and learning about them and I was able to ask Katherine a few questions I had about my phone’ Francis – Young Member


‘This was just one of the many activities that the Children and Young People’s project organise for us. As a parent, I found this session very useful and I thought it was great, an active way for our Young People to learn and get involved. Croydon Vision has made a great difference in my son’s life and I can see his independence and confidence growing every day which I am very thankful for’ Parent of Young Member


The event was a great success, thank you to everyone that played a part on the day; we look forward to future events. 


Korey Knight – Children and Young People’s Officer 


Information and Advice


If you need advice regarding your sight loss, Croydon Vision is here to help. All of our advice is confidential, efficient and effective. We provide a range of advice for our members such as:


  • Welfare Benefits
  • Housing Rights
  • Disability Rights
  • Social Care matters
  • Financial guidance

Members’ feedback on service provision:

“Information and Advice has been a great support for me. When I need assistance with benefits, I get all the support that I need from the Information and Advice Officer. They have also helped me with difficulties at my home, such as helping me find a Gardener to upkeep my garden” – Service User

‘Information and Advice has been extremely helpful for me, as someone who is newly visually impaired, the sessions have really helped me in building my confidence and learning about the different services and benefits that I can access to assist in my day to day living. The advice I was given has been invaluable and I am sure to pass on my knowledge to other people’ – Service User

You can book an appointment with the information and advice officer on Tuesdays to Thursday. Appointment schedule are as follows:


  • 9am
  • 11am
  • 1pm
  • 2:30pm

Please book your appointment via reception – 0208 688 2486


John Ebubedike – Information and Advice Officer


Working Age – readiness for work


 Maxine recently attended a works for me programme, hosted by Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT). As a person who is eager to get back into work, she was very interested. In general, she found interviews very uncomfortable, so wanted some advice and to learn techniques which will enable her to answer interview questions and to learn how to further improve her curriculum vitae (CV).

Maxine gives a brief recount of the event and why she recommends more people attend – We introduced each other to better understand who was in the room. Following on, we were each given some interview questions based on a scenario. For example; one of my questions was “How would I settle a disagreement between two co-workers?
We sat facing the group to explain our responses. I enjoyed this a lot, it was quick thinking in order to answer the questions. In addition, I found the feedback from other participants very helpful.

We thought the session was over but then suddenly, we were asked to undertake real mock interviews. After this, there was a discussion about CV’s and when to mention our disability. I’m thrilled to have attended, it was extremely useful. I’d encourage more people to attend this monthly programme; hosted by TPT.

Maxine Plowden – Volunteer and Member


Live music is for Everyone


Attitude is everything; an organisation that improves deaf and disabled people’s access to live music by working in partnership with audiences, artists and the music industry. The Mystery shopping project is the cornerstone of their work. Their team of shoppers are people with disabilities; music fans who report back on the accessibility and overall experience at UK music venues and festivals. This is vital for identifying venues’ strengths/improvement.


They’re always on the lookout for volunteers to assess almost any live music event, but they specifically target venues and festivals that are signed up to the Charter of Best Practice. The detailed feedback on accessibility is then passed on to management, so that any potential barriers are identified and practical solutions are suggested. They will reimburse the costs of up to six shops a year. To find out more please go to http://www.attitudeiseverything.org.uk/ or speak to reception.


Resource Centre – Transforming Lives


The resource centre is your hub to try out equipments, making sure it is the right item before making a purchase.


Recently we had a phone call from a member who knew that extra light would help her read better. However, she couldn’t decide on a lamp that best suit her needs. She visited the resource centre where she was able to try out different lamps. The Duo lamp met her requirement, she received a session on usage; especially on how to adjust the light bright/dim mode.


She has since purchased the Duo lamp and is looking forwards to collecting it. Once delivered, a quick refresher will be provided again and she will be ready to take her new equipment for home use.


The variety of equipments at the resource centre makes it a useful place to visit, the above member also bought a talking clock. She is looking forwards to maintaining her independence; being able to read without resorting to the use of a torch.


Some other of household aids available from our resource centre include:


Large Print Diary – This can make it easier for you to read important dates. £5.95


Liquid Level Indicator – This can help you when making drinks so not to overfill the mug. £8.99


Bumpons – These can help you lable and identify items in the house. 10p a bumpon


The Resource Centre is open for you.Tuesdays and Thursdays are your drop in sessions whilst booked appointments takes place Mondays and Wednesdays. We also provide phone consultations on Tuesdays to Thursdays; after 3pm, please phone extension number 6. To book your appointment please contact reception on 020 8688 2486.


Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager


Over 65s


A feast for the eyes


Our eyes, like the rest of the body tend to wear out the older one get. One of the conditions that affect eyes is age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Some degree of AMD is believed to affect 1 in 8 Europeans, with older people being most affected.

This condition occurs when the light sensitive cells at the macula found at the back of the eye at the centre of the retina become less effective – which eventually affects the central vision – key to reading, driving and recognising faces. Research indicates that you can reduce the risk of onset and progression by protecting your retina with a healthy diet and lifestyle. This should include the following:

  • Eating more dark green leafy vegetables and colorful fruits
  • Taking a reasonable amount of physical exercise
  • Protecting your eyes from excessive exposure to sunlight
  • Adding oily fish, nuts and fruit to your diet
  • More chicken, less red meat

Essential nutrients called lutein and zeaxanthin are key to protect the health of the macular area of the retina. However, our bodies become less efficient at processing these nutrients as we get older, and getting the nutritional levels through diet alone can be difficult. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to ensure you are getting the required nutrients is to take a nutritional supplement to reach the correct levels to provide your eyes with the support they need.

Thea phamacuetical; Nutrof® Total is a complete nutritional supplement for eye health, formulated to provide all the correct vitamins and minerals needed to prolong the vitality and wellbeing of our eyes. This one-a-day capsule is easy-to swallow and will help ensure your eyes have the correct nourishment. Thea has proved some sample product, if you would like to try this, please ask reception or the resource centre.

Macular Group


Croydon Vision hosts a monthly Macular group, which provides information and support regarding AMD. The sessions are varied and include guest speakers, general conversation and presentations. The group runs the second Monday of each month.


Outreach Service- Making Positive Impact


I recently visited a man in his fifties at his residential home. He had moved into the home from another area in London. After talking to him, it became clear that he was isolated, bored and unable to go anywhere due to being blind and not knowing the travel routes.


Through the Outreach service we have been able to refer him to the Sensory Impairment Team who will be able to provide him with rehabilitation support. We also arranged for him to be picked up by one of our minibuses into Croydon Vision where he met other members, volunteers and staff. He thoroughly enjoyed his first time at Croydon Vision and looking forward to becoming a part of CV’s community.


What’s on offer through Outreach Service


The Outreach Project has been set up to meet several identified needs in the Croydon area which are outlined below.


  • To visit people who are unable to come into Croydon Vision. This includes people who are newly diagnosed and are still learning to live with sight loss. The Outreach Officers are able to support and guide them as they begin their sight loss journey.
  • People who have other medical conditions or disabilities beside their sight loss that prevent them from coming into CV.
  • Katherine our IT specialist is able to go out and support people who are having issues with using IT due to their visual impairment.
  • John our Information and Advise Officer can visit, giving a wide range of advice, as well as providing advocacy as required.
  • The Outreach Officers are able to support people to go to hospital, GP appointments, shopping or simply an outing for tea.

We are planning to set up a befriending service later in the year so that we can provide people with longer term support. If you would be interested in being involved with the project and volunteering your time please get in contact with the Volunteer Coordiator via email (Volunteering@croydonvision.org.uk) or phone on extension number 5.

Anna Smith – Outreach Officer

Join us to Fundraise 


It is that time of year again, where members, volunteers, staff and supporters get together to take part in the rotary clubs annual swimathon. Last year we raised an incredible £1200 and managed to swim 77 laps so that is our target to beat. 

This year we are having two lanes and have more participants of all ages taking part. So please show your support to our swimmers and donate where you can and come on the day to show your support.
We will be swimming from 5pm – 6pm on Saturday; 7th March at
Purley Leisure Centre, 50 high street, CR8 2AA

Geranium Month

‘Geranium Day’ started in 1921 organised by Sir Arthur Pearson who lost his sight as a result of glaucoma. His philanthropic work gave hope to thousands who shared his difficulties.

The tradition of collecting funds from the public has ceased; it is not in compliance with fundraising regulations. Therefore, we created a new approach from last year which was a great success thanks to everyone.

So, for 2020, we have some fantastic initiatives which were recommended by the team (Volunteers & Staff) and members – to raise funds throughout April with the aim of obtaining the following:


Cost (Approx)

Fire Proof Glass in Kitchen – reduce risks


Improving Bedford Hall lobby area


Improved Barrier at Courtyard – reduce risks


Talking News Equipment – audio for VI


Braille Machine – promoting/access to braille



Whatever you are able to give to our ‘Geranium Month’ appeal will be much appreciated. We are encouraging everyone to get together with friends and family and raise as much money. You can also support us by donating online; our website link; https://croydonvision.org.uk/fundraising/


An Amazing Holiday with Traveleyes

Traveleyes is a company that specialises in providing holidays for people who are visually impairment or blind and have trips that go all over the world. I recently went on a five day, city break to Seville and had a really wonderful time. The group that I went with met at Gatwick Airport and comprised of ten fully sighted and seven visually impaired travellers. The visually impaired travellers were paired with a different sighted guide each day so everyone got to know each other. The holiday had a set Itinerary where the whole group stayed together but there was also plenty of free time where people could go off in little groups.

Seville is a very old and beautiful city that is steeped in history and culture so there was plenty to see and do. Traveleyes organised several professionally led tours so that those of us who were visually impaired could understand where we were and what we were looking at. In most cases we were allowed to feel the walls and textures.

The tour leaders also explained the history behind the buildings, statues and monuments. Seville has the third largest cathedral in the world and a palace that is still used by the Spanish royal family. There are also some amazing modern buildings including the world’s largest wooden structure.

I would definitely go on holiday with Traveleyes again and would recommend this company to other visually impaired and blind people. The holiday I went on was value for money and I always felt fully supported and able to do everything I wanted – Anna Smith, Member

Investing In Volunteers Kitemark

Croydon Vision is very happy to officially announce that we have received our Investing in Volunteers quality assurance mark. A big thank you to all of our volunteers and for everybody that took part in the process. This quality mark shows others that we have best practice when it comes to volunteering and will enhance our fundraising prospects. This is our first quality mark; we look forward to a few more.

Events Calendar

Date & Time


Further Details

Mon, 9th, Fri, 13th March

10am – 3pm

Living with Sight Loss workshop

11th & 18th July

2 course lunch

available to buy for £5               


7th March

5pm – 6pm


Purley Rotary Swimathon

All ages welcome to participate

Purley Leisure Centre

Month of April

Geranium Day Fundraising Initiative

Raising funds for target items                        *


3rd April

3pm – 5.30pm

Launch of CV’s Strategy

A Film on breaking boundaries

Bedford Hall


17th May


South East London Orchestra (SELO)
Film Music Concert



St James Church,                      *
15 St James’s Ave,

Beckenham BR3 4HF

Transport Available

Thurs, 21st May

6pm – 9pm

Seeing Beyond the Eyes Workshop
Dan Williams

Bedford Hall

Thurs, 4th June

3pm – 7pm

Celebrating Volunteers

External Event (location TBC)

Limited transport available

6th June

10am – 3pm

The Art of Collaboration

(Croydon Services)

Holistic Care – enhancing service for members

Food Sale


30th July


In house closure


Friday, 31st July to 2nd August

Scafell Pike

Wellbeing & Fundraising

Members, Volunteers, Businesses and Staff

5th to 23rd August

Excursions 2020

Monday to Thursday

(All Ages) Prices may vary

August ( TBC)

12pm – 5pm

Summer Festival & Barbecue

(All Ages) 

Price of event TBC                     


4th September

7pm – 11pm

Summer Ball


Supporting sight loss in a developing country

7th September

Exchange Programme Spain – learning best practice

4–5 days

Members from
Service Enablers, C&YP


25th October

From 10.15am

Croydon 10k

Croydon Harriers and Orbis Sport –
Promoting Wellbeing and Fundraising

3k fun run available for those aged 9 – 14   

Members, Volunteers, Businesses and Staff                


12th November

6pm – 9pm

Seeing Beyond the Eyes Workshop
Dan Williams

Bedford Hall

18th November

2pm – 4pm

Woldingham Wives

Tea Party

Members and Volunteers


17th December

12pm – 4pm

Christmas Party


Transport Available

Including various stalls including Bric a brac sale


Mayors Charity Events

Mind in Croydon is fundraising for the Mayor’s charity with an event;

Spar with a Star on Saturday 14th March. Come and train with the 3 times world champion boxer, Duke McKenzie MBE at his gym in South Croydon from 11am until 1pm. All you have to do is make a donation, minimum of £10 then you will get to; meet Duke McKenzie MBE, complete a warm-up exercise and do a 3 minute round in the ring with the world champion. For more information on how to get involved, please contact reception.

High Tea Glitz Afternoon on Saturday 21st March – Ashdon Jazz Academy is hosting their fundraising event for the Mayors charities and it is sure to be entertaining and enjoyable. The afternoon will commence with a range of afternoon tea foods followed by performances by classical singer Yvonne Davis. Other activities include a raffle and royal bingo. Dress code is smart attire and a hat or fascinator Is a must. This event starts at 3pm and costs £20 per person.  For tickets to the event go to the following link or alternatively please enquire at reception

0208 688 2486.  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/high-tea-glitz-afternoon-tickets-85677707329


Quiz Time 

  1. How many colours are there in a rainbow?
  2. Which year was The Royal National Institute For Blind People founded?
  3. How bones are there in the entire human body? A.206 B.204 C.208
  4. How many continents are there?
  5. How many braille dots are used for writing?
  6. Denmark Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are known as?
  7. Who was The British Prime Minister between John Major and Gordon Brown?
  8. What was the name of the famous Swedish pop group who won the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest?
  9. Where is the Taj Mahal?
  10. Who wrote “Frankenstein”?
  11. Who wrote “War and Peace”?
  12. What is the capital of Canada? A Ottawa, B Edmonton, C. Toronto
  13. Which Saint is celebrated on 17th March?
  14. What is a baby swan called?
  15. What is glass made from?

Answers 3. A.206 4.7 5.6 6. Scandinavia  7.Tony Blair  8.ABBA 9. India 10 Mary Shelley 11.Leo Tolstoy 12. Ottawa 13.ST Patrick 14.Cygnet 15. liquid Sand

That’s Entertainment

A selection of Audio described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.


What’s Happening

Contact Info


Sat 4th Apr

2pm (Touch Tour )12pm

Women Beware Women

Sam Wanamaker Play House



T: 0207 4019 919

£10 – £23



Sat 25th Apr

2:30pm  (Touch Tour) 1pm

 Rare Earth Mettle

Royal Croft Theatre



0207 565 5000                               




Sat 25th Apr

2:30pm(Touch Tour) 11:30am

Northern Ballet’s Geisha

Sadler’s Wells


T: 0207 863 8000


Tues 28th Apr

7:30pm (Touch Tour) 18:00pm

Clybourne Park

Park Theatre


T:  0207 870 6876



 Dates for your Diary


Tuesdays & Thursday
IT Training

The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday.

Monday to Thursday

Resource Centre

Katherine Turner and Danielle Cleary will be available for appointments

Tuesday to Thursday
Information & Advice

John Ebubedike, Information, Advice
and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception.

New Addington

Thursday 5th March

New Addington group will be coming to Bedford Hall on this date

Macular Support Group

Monday 9th March


Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1- 3pm.

Low Vision Clinic

Thursday 19th March

Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first.


Wednesday 25th March

The chiropodist Joy Dell will be here
Please book with Reception.


Glaucoma Group

Monday 6th April

The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm

 Croydon Vision Lunch Menu 

Eat, Live and Age well 

 (Includes choice of main course and dessert)

 Monday 2nd March

Food Available on Request 


 Tuesday 3rd March  

Meat: Meatball stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 

Vegetarian: Quorn Swedish meatball stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 

Fish: Baked Salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables    


Homemade apple pie with custard 

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt 


 Wednesday 4th March  

Homemade chili con carne with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Homemade strawberry trifle

 Thursday 5th March  

Meat: Roast pork served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables, gravy
Vegetarian: Roast Linda McCartney sausages served with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy
Fish: Baked Haddock served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables   


Homemade chocolate sponge cake served with custard
Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt 


 Monday 9th March 

 Food Available on Request


 Tuesday 10th March 

Meat: Chicken casserole with mash and steamed vegetables   

Vegetarian: Vegetable casserole served with mash and steamed vegetables  

Fish: Baked cod served with mash and steamed vegetables  


Homemade chocolate brownies  

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt 


  Wednesday 11th March  

 Cheesy pasta with roast chicken and mixed salad  


 Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt 


   Thursday 12th March 

 Meat: Homemade beef lasagne with steamed vegetables 

 Vegetarian: Vegetable lasagne with mixed salad    

 Fish: Pan fried salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables  


 Homemade strawberry cheesecake   

 Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt 


  Monday 16th March

 Food Available on Request 


  Tuesday 17th March  

 Meat: Chicken and mushroom pie and mash with steamed vegetables    

Vegetarian: Mushroom and leek pie with mash and steamed vegetables
Fish: Baked salmon served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables  


Homemade blueberry pie with custard
Fruit with ice cream or yogurt


 Wednesday 18th March 

Homemade beef burgers with chips and baked beans  


Strawberry angel delight  


 Thursday 19th MarchMother’s Day Special Lunch

  Meat: Roast beef with yorkshire pudding, potatoes and pan fried cabbage  

 Vegetarian:Broccoli, cheese and potato bake with yorkshire pudding and pan fried cabbage  

 Fish: Pan fried seabass with yorkshire pudding and pan fried cabbage  

 Drink: Glass of wine/ prosecco   


 Belgium chocolate brownies 

 Mixed berries with cream or yogurt


  Monday 23rd March 

 Food Available on Request 


  Tuesday 24th March  

 Meat: Lamb stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 

 Vegetarian: Vegetable stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 

Fish: Fish stew served with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables  


Homemade pear crumble served with custard 

Fruit salad  with ice cream or yogurt  


Wednesday 25th March 

Jacket potatoes served with cheese or tuna or baked beans

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


 Thursday 26th March 

Meat: Sausage and mash with baked beans and gravy 

Vegetarian: Vegetarian sausages and mash with baked beans and gravy  

Fish: Baked salmon served with potatoes and baked beans  


Homemade Strawberry angel delight

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


 Monday 30th March 

Food Available on Request


 Tuesday 31st March

Meat: Roast pork with roast potatoes, steamed vegetables and gravy 

Vegetarian: Chick pea and lentil stew with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables 

Fish: Baked haddock with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables     


Homemade vanilla sponge cake with custard 

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


 Wednesday 1st April 

Chicken fried rice served with mixed salad

Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt


 Thursday 2nd April

Meat: Chicken tikka masala with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables 

Vegetarian: Pasta in tomato sauce and Mediterranean vegetables 

Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables 


Homemade banoffee pie
Fruit salad with ice cream or yogurt 

New Addington Lunch Menu
Eat, Live and Age well 

Thursday 5th March 

 At Bedford Hall 

 Thursday 12th March 

 Meat: Homemade beef lasagne with steamed vegetables 

Dessert: Homemade strawberry cheesecake   

Thursday 19th March – Mother’s Day Lunch  

Meat: Roast beef with yorkshire pudding, potatoes and pan fried cabbage 

Dessert: Belgium chocolate brownies 

 Thursday 26th March 

Meat: Sausage and mash with baked beans and gravy 

Dessert: Homemade Strawberry angel delight


 We would love to have your input!

Submissions for the April Newsletter are due in by:
Monday 16th March,

Mar 1, 2020

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“A life saver & a life change”