Croydon Vision is committed to safeguarding Children, Young People, Adults and everyone who uses our services. We have set up appropriate Policies, Procedures and Training to ensure Finance, Health and Safety becomes an integral part to all of our work.
Our plan of action for safeguarding is as below:
For Volunteers:
Name(s): Ines C Jager (VLO)
Phone/ Email: Ines.C.Jager@croydonvision.org.uk
Reception as first point of contact, alternatively; Anca Sahin (Project Manager)
Phone/ Email: Anca.Sahin@croydonvision.org.uk
Urgent/other days – Main DSO(s)
Name(s): Susanette Mansour (CEO)
Phone/ Email: Susanette.mansour@croydonvision.org.uk
Senior Lead for Safeguarding Officer
Name: Nigel Gooding (Chair)
Phone/ Email: Please request via the Office Manager
Health and Safety Officer (H&SO)
Susanette Mansour.
Complaints and Feedback
Volunteers: Ines C Jager.
Staff: Anca Sahin.
A Sample list of our Policies:
Anti Fraud.
Budget Policy.
Complaints Handling Policy & Procedure.
Data Protection Policy & Procedure.
Disclosure Barring Policy & Procedure.
Environmental Policy & Procedure.
Financial Procedure.
Health and Safety Policy & Procedure.
Learning & Growth Policy.
Risk Management Policy.
Safeguarding Policy & Procedure.
Volunteer Management Policy.
Below is a list of current policies and procedures at Croydon Vision, if you require any, please contact info@CroydonVision.org.uk –
Current policies and procedures