“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Social Groups


The Puzzlers  10:00am-12:00pm

We have tea and a chat, we chat about what we have done and where we have been the previous week. We then try a few different crosswords and maybe a quiz. We laugh a lot and have a real camaraderie between us all. 

The Tuesday Touch 11:00am-12:30pm

Our morning group welcomes those who are struggling with sight loss, aiming to develop their tactile skills, their sense of smell and ability to visualise, thus helping them to cope with everyday life. To achieve this we use a variety of tools including “Living Paintings” in which pictures are appreciated by touch. We have maths challenges to keep minds active. Regular updates on new products are given where relevant. Most importantly, we share each other’s concerns and attempt to restore confidence where needed. Most importantly we like to have fun along the way. 

Mental Aerobics 1:30pm-3pm

If you wish to have an experience of fun, laughter and brain stimulation, come and join us in our many different word games, e.g. words beginning with a letter, (usually 200 – 300), words that contain certain letters, also countries, words over 3 letters from a specific word etc. Get the idea? Sometimes we do general knowledge quizzes or play ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ Dominoes and Beetle. At the end of the session we often listen to some calming music to relax before going home! 


Chaotic Crafters 1:30pm-3pm  

Come and laugh while you craft! Meeting in the dining room after lunch the group enjoy a relaxing afternoon doing a variety of crafts, some they remember from their youth and others are new. In the group there are many different levels of sight but the main gain from the group is the confidence that a completed project brings. Along with crafting there is a sense of fun and much laughter as the world is put to rights. 


Crossword Group  11:00am-12:30pm  

This group consists of members getting together primarily for support and information. We start with a hot drink and biscuits during which we catch up with each other’s news and enquire after any of our group who has been absent. After the general chit chat it’s time to gather our collective brains for a crossword puzzle.  Suffice to say that there is much banter and laughter and thank goodness the answers are at the end of the book on the rare occasion we get stuck! Strong bonds of friendship are formed which add to our quality of life.

Mystery Afternoon  1:30pm-3pm 

It is so called because you never know what is going to happen. Run by our Group Leader whose imagination and personality knows no bounds. Some weeks there are things to feel and explore tactile strengths and weakness, to help improve your skills. It is amazing how much you can discover by feel. When games are played, despite there being no competitive element there is determination to win. Along with the activities there is laughter and care for each other. If there is something troubling anyone then there is a discussion whether it be personal or in the news.