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Events Gallery

Celebrating Volunteers

– On Wednesday 5th June, Croydon Vision hosted its annual Celebrating Volunteers event. We were joined by volunteers, members, staff, some external visitors and of course the lovely Deputy Mayor Maddie Henson. The event was good; great to see so many volunteers together in the same room.  

Guests were treated to a buffet style meal and the Deputy Mayor gifted volunteers with a thank you card, plant and a value you card. Later on we gave out some special awards for the volunteers who needed a special recognition.  
It’s a privilege, working with such an amazing, dedicated and passionate team of volunteers and I am very much looking forward to the year ahead. 

Fay Chegwidden – Volunteer Coordinator 


‘We kicked off the event at 4PM with a wonderful buffet style meal. I found the food absolutely fantastic. After the meal, the volunteers that were able to attend were called up to the front one by one, to be given a lovely thank you card and absolutely beautiful plants in pretty gift bags. We were thanked by the deputy mayor for the work that we do. Following that, there were some special awards given out for achievement. I received a glass plaque for exceeding expectations, which I am so proud of. 


Lots of pictures were taken and lots of laughs had. The atmosphere was so warm and genuinely caring. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. If you were unable to come, I hope this has given you a bit of a sense of the brilliant time we all had. I hope you will be able to join us next year’. 

Danielle Cleary – Volunteer and Member 


As a new volunteer, this was my first Celebrating Volunteers event, and I was amazed and in awe by the warmth that I felt inside the room, it was incredible and everyone in the room was so united. I was made to feel extremely special and already cannot wait until next year. 

Coral Evans – Volunteer 

Jun 10, 2019

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