“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Please find below a list of accessible entertainment options.


If you have a London Borough of Croydon library card, you can still access some services including audio books. To find out more, go here:

RNIB talking books


Audiobooks freely available on Alexa monthly


Calibre Audio Library – audiobooks for anyone who has a print disability.


Listening Books

Serves blind and partially sighted people with their collection of high-quality audiobooks, including a range of fiction, non-fiction and educational titles.


The National Accessible Library

is a free online library for blind and partially sighted people, with books available in various formats including Microsoft Word, plain text, and Braille.


All mobile devices can be used for reading.  The Kindle app is available for both Apple and Android devices.  The free

Easy Reader app

For iOS and android offers simple, integrated access to content available on many library services including Bookshare, RNIB Overdrive and RNIB Talking Newspapers and Magazines. 

The paid for Voice Dream Reader app is also available on iOS and Android and can read aloud personal files with a huge range of computer voices.

Many modern mobiles have screen reading software included as standard so if you would like to branch out, call us and we can help you.


You can search the Librivox audio book library here:

The iTunes audio book library here:


Google Play bookstore here:



To join Audible and subscribe to a choice of one or two books a month, go here

General Entertainment

The staying Inn virtual pub – games, quizzes, and events
Inspired by the Disabled community, The Staying Inn is a Virtual Pub to keep people in self-isolation connected during COVID_19 and you can visit it here:

. #TheYellowBook2020 – UK residents of all ages are invited to submit creative artwork and photos, for free, around the theme #ArtLiftingLockdown – an invitation to uplift each other and brighten days of lockdown with things that help us all feel better:



iDot stands for I Do One Thing and it is simple…

Find out about the nature around you and do one small action, each day, to benefit the natural world. Upload your iDots to inspire others

The National Theatre are live streaming a play every Thursday evening at 7PM. For more info, go here

The British Wireless for The Blind Fund have launched a new short-term service, called #BWFBConnect to reach out to new beneficiaries and help connect them to the outside world during these difficult times with #accessible audio equipment.

Visit their website to learn more:


The interval

Each week the VocalEyes team will be sharing with you and assorted collection of links: both material from their own archive and some of the best content being streamed and shared by arts and heritage organisations across the UK and the world.

You can find week one here:

The Interval, #1