“Thank you for helping me with the long application form – what you are doing is what Croydon Vision stands for.”

Information, Advice & Advocacy

First point of contact

The Information and advice service is for all membership inquiries.  This service allows anyone with sight loss or affected by sight loss to ask questions; including coming to terms with sight loss. The service works closely with Croydon Sensory Impairment team, Voluntary organisations, Moorfields (ECLO), local GP’s and optometrists. 

The Information and Advice service provides information and one to one support in completing application forms. The officer regularly visits members within Bedford Hall and New Addington to assess needs/follow up. 

Service Provision: 

  • Information on Croydon Vision and services provided. 
  • Benefits information such as Personal Independent Payment (PIP), Universal Credits. 
  • Housing information. 
  • Transport services such as taxi card, Dial a Ride. 
  • Information for external stakeholders. 
  • Social and Health Care; Housing. 
  • Local services and support as well as advocacy. 

Advocacy is taking action to help you to:

  • Have your voice heard on issues that are important to you. 
  • Safeguard your rights. 
  • Have your views and wishes considered when decisions are being made about your life. 
  • Express your views and concerns. 
  • Access independent information and services. 

Advocacy is not legal advice. We do not influence your decision and cannot guarantee outcomes.