“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.


What is outreach?

Outreach is a service provided for all members who are unable to attend activities at Croydon Vision and may be in need of short term home support.

Outreach has two main forms:

  1. Home Visits from an Outreach and Progression Officer.
  2. Phone Befriending with a volunteer.

About Home Visits.

With your permission, an Outreach Officer will visit you in your own home. The officer’s job is simply to see what your needs are. If those needs are relatively specific, another member of staff may also visit to provide more specialised assistance.

What types of help can be provided?

  • Community engagement assistance
  • Regular home visits (if you’re a member and suddenly become unable to attend Croydon Vision)
  • Information and advice
  • IT training and support
  • Referral to the Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO)
  • Referrals to the Sensory Impairment Team for rehab
  • Assistance in attending doctors appointments
  • Support in going out and about (though this is separate to mobility training)
  • Help with daily living aids

Interested in home visits?

To access this service please either contact the office at Croydon Vision or download a copy of our outreach referral form and send it to us.

About Phone Befriending.

Phone Befriending simply means a volunteer or staff calling you directly (with your permission) on a monthly basis to see how things are going. As well as seeing how you are, they’ll also find out whether you require any help with anything.

We also operate a Keeping in Touch register, whereby we’ll contact members, especially if we’ve not heard from them in a while, to check on their wellbeing. The chat will simply be to establish whether we can assist them with anything and whether they wish to stay on the register.

Any Croydon Vision member can request to be added to our Keeping in Touch register, simply by contacting the office here or by calling 0208 688 2486.