“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.


June Newsletter

Volunteer’s Week – Get to know our Trustees


Dear Members,

Its Susanette here, joining the staff team to celebrate our Volunteers this month, especially Week commensing 2nd June. You can all testify that Volunteers are a great asset to Croydon Vision, supportive and a blessing.

As most of you are aware, we embarked on a Trustee recruitment process this year, to strengthen the governance team at Croydon Vision. We publicised individual Trustee pack and I am pleased to update you, we have been successful on 3 out of 4 roles. HR Management, Health & Social Care and Treasurer. The Business Development role is still vacant; closing date 7th June. In celebration of our Volunteers this month, I thought its best to
introduce both current and new Trustees.

Chair – Frances Cullen

I have been a Trustee for some 12 years and am currently the Chair of the Board. I first came to Croydon Vision as a Fitness Tutor, some 20 years ago.  I have always been a fitness and sport enthusiast, having been a Gymnast and represented my country in competition in my teenage years.  These days I play tennis at the local Selsdon Tennis Club and enjoy watching most sports.  I was born and brought up in Swansea and am very proud of my Welsh heritage.

I have lived in South Croydon for the last 45 years and am proud to be
involved in the running of Croydon Vision. I see my role as ensuring we practise good governance; maintain financial viability whilst working within the stated aims of Croydon Vision.

Vice Chair – Richard Wragg

I first became involved with Croydon Vision 7 years ago as chair of Bedford Hall Trust. Following the merger of Bedford Hall Trust and Croydon Vision to form a single entity, I joined the board of the new charity as Vice Chair. As more people develop some form of sight loss,

I believe Croydon Vision has an important role in helping people to lead independent and fulfilling lives, including continuing working. 

As a board, we aim to continue to expand the range and quality of services and activities offered to members. An important aspect of this will be substantial improvements to the buildings; to promote greater accessibility.

Trustee – Jim Smith

I joined Croydon Vision a few years ago, first as a member seeking support. My motivation to join Croydon Vision came from 10 years suffering sight loss problems. I have experienced at first-hand the support services many of our members now access. The Eye unit of Croydon University Hospital (Moorfields) was able to correct many of my eye related problems and I was grateful for what they achieved. Getting my sight back came as a great relief and therefore I wanted to help other people who experience vision problems on a daily basis.

I took on the role of volunteering, helping people in small ways and perhaps helping make life more bearable and enjoyable. As a board member, my hope is to help make Croydon Vision more accessible to the numerous number of people in the Croydon area.

Trustee – Odette Battarel

I have lived in Croydon for the past 20 Years and am registered blind with Stargaardts Disease, having no more central vision. When I became visually impaired, I went to Dorton College to learn how to study and work as a visually impaired person. Later on I joined Thomas Pocklington Trust and have been working for them the past 12 years. During my free time,  I enjoy arts, dancing and playing sports like blind tennis.

I feel very privileged to be a Trustee of Croydon Vision and continue to

support the team by sending vital information relating to sight loss, funding opportunities as well as upcoming events. I hope to continue to support Croydon Vision and help to further steer its development into the future.

Trustee – Joy Dell

My occupation is a domiciliary Chiropodist. I have been visiting Croydon

Vision and its members for over 10 years. Caring for peoples’ feet who are visually impaired or blind, has taught me a great deal about the wants and need of members and how much this organisation means to them.

I was invited to join the management committee 2 years ago, and I am now confident in my decision-making role. I hope to reflect the good practice of Croydon Vision and to help achieve our goals, providing a rewarding

service for our members. My personal objective is to continue

understanding the work of Croydon Vision. My aspiration for Croydon Vision is to further build community engagement as well as sustainable funding support for the future, thereby delivering services for people affected by sight loss.

HR Trustee – Swarna Pillai

I feel privileged to be joining Croydon Vision as an HR Trustee.
Previously, in my HR roles I have worked across different areas including
organisational development, learning and development, employee engagement and HR strategy & policies.

I am an Engineer-turned- HR professional and have always desired to make a difference through my work. I resonate with the charity’s work of contributing to the lives of people with visual impairment. I see my role at Croydon Vision as an opportunity to draw from my HR experience and apply these skills to provide overall direction and contribute to the charity’s governance. My vision for Croydon Vision is greater outreach and community engagement. I am from India and proud of my roots, I am an avid movie watcher, love pets, enjoy dancing and playing badminton.

Health & Social Care Trustee – Ketan Jadeja

I am very excited to be joining the board of Trustees and very much looking forward to the year ahead and all the exciting upcoming events.
I am currently the glaucoma principal optometrist at Moorfields Eye Hospital at CUH and also work as an independent prescriber specialist optometrist at Day Lewis Opticians in Addiscombe, Croydon. My main area of expertise is glaucoma and one of my aims is to raise awareness of glaucoma in the community and help to reduce blind registrations.

I live and work in Croydon and working with the local community, in an area that I am very passionate about will be rewarding. With the team, I hope to make a difference in the lives of people with sight loss and aim to reach out to even more people in the wider community; raising awareness of the

options and support mechanisms that are available to them.

 Treasurer – Asher Persits

I am a finance professional working in a development bank in the City of London, and have been living in London for the past eight years. I recently joined Croydon Vision because I want to be an active member in and contribute to my local community, and to use my professional skills to help the continued provision of much needed local services.

Croydon Vision has a long history and an inspiring mission. As Treasurer, I hope to assist Croydon Vision to continue growing whilst maintaining financial viability. As part of my aspirations, I would like to ensure that financial planning takes a long-term view and is robust and transparent. 


Children and Young People

The Children and Young People’s project continues to grow in numbers and we thought it would be a nice gesture to celebrate this with our younger members! On Saturday 11th May, 13 of us (a mix of all ages) met at Pizza Express, George Street, Croydon, and were treated to a delicious 2-course lunch. It gave us a rare opportunity to sit down together, parents, Croydon Vision staff, children, and just chat. It also gave the children a chance to meet and make new friends, which is what we aim to promote through this project. Everyone had a wonderful time; the parents were relaxed and the children had a great time chatting about school, football, their favourite music and I learnt a lot about technology from the kids!

At the end of May is half term and we have 2 great activities. On Wednesday 29th May we are hosting our ‘Exceeding Expectations’ event which is aimed at teenagers who are visually impaired. It will be an interactive workshop to encourage our younger members to think about opportunities once they leave school including employment and further study. We will have a guest speaker called Maleeka who is visually impaired. She will be sharing her experiences and how she lives with sight loss. It is a free event with a delicious lunch for all. A review of this event will be in next months newsletter where you will get to hear from those who attended the event and what it means to them having access to a Children and Young People’s program specific for their needs.

Over half term we have had our first under 16 visitor to the IT Suite – Abdullah, a member of the Children and Young people. Abdullah has a computer at home, but has never tried to use it. He was so excited about the prospect of using a computer that he arrived over 15 minutes early.
He was thrilled to find out how easy using a keyboard was as he already knew the layout from his iphone.

Happy Half Term to all our Members!

Nicola Peake – Children and Young People Officer

Working Age

 Hi everyone this is Jennifer Smith from the Working Age group
When I first joined the Working Age group I didn’t think it would really impact me the way it has, what has just been a one day social group has now become a four day project for people looking to return to work in any form including volunteering.

For me having a social group that understood and accepted my visual impairment gave me a lot of confidence and helped me to get back on my feet. With the support of Croydon Vision, I was empowered to begin a peer support network with members of the Working Age group and from that I have been able to look at returning to work but in a different format, by being self-employed and doing what I enjoy most – Life coaching.

I was able to make connections with Thomas Pocklington and on the 15th of May I collaborated with another life coach Alex Henderson . We delivered a taster session on how we have used life coaching as a personal device tool. The presentation was an hour long and I was supported by Working Age group members Maxine and Alistair and our Working Age Officer Trevor Aziz.

As part of the Working Age group I am able to give peer support on Fridays. This gives people a chance to come and speak to me about anything or even not to talk at all. What is different about the work I do is that I’m not doing therapy or being a doctor, I’m just allowing people to be in a safe space and speak about anything that is impacting their life and holding them back from making progress and seeing their potential.

You can book an appointment with me on Fridays through reception or the Working Age Officer Trevor Aziz.

Jennifer Smith – Volunteer


Over 65s

TFL Access All exhibition 

On Tuesday 19th March TFL held an all access event that brought together disabled/older transport users with transport professionals and decision makers. The interactive event enabled customer conversation, consultations and feedback. One of our members Saba Seelan got the chance to attend this event as a representative for those with sight loss and told me about his experience.

The day was an active consultation where Saba got the chance to try out different forms of transport and see some of the changes that have been made first hand including buses, the DLR and the Emirates cable cars. The consultation was held at the Excel Arena, which Saba said himself he found quite easy to get to. The consultation took place in small groups of 15 – 20 people throughout the day.

The first form of transport that was discussed was the bus, they had buses displayed in the excel showroom so that TFL could show people the changes they have made which has made them more accessible and the group discussed what can still be improved. TFL have increased the size of the wheelchair section on buses and have new slide doors. Next attendees were guided through the DLR system and shown how to use the DLR alarm point which when used; a member of staff will come to your assistance.

Saba took the DLR to Victoria and Dockland stations where they boarded the Emirate cable cars, these cars are fully accessible, there are staff on hand to help you buy your ticket, and you can even have someone in the car with you to describe the views around you. The cable cars take you to Greenwich and it takes about 20 minutes each way.

Saba had a great day getting to know the changes and increasing accessibility of public transport, he says there are still improvements to make but this is a great start.

Fay Chegwidden – Volunteer Coordinator

Information and Advice

Service Impact

My name is Peter Ashby. I am a member of Croydon Vision and attend the Tuesday Puzzle group in the coffee lounge.  In 2018, following an assessment of Work Capability Assessment, I was declined a grant entitlement and instead told I should return to work; despite not being able to. I was so unhappy with this result and became anxious, I felt that they had not assessed me fairly. I decided to appeal against their judgment and arranged a meeting with John, the Information and Advice Officer.

When I met John, he made me feel relaxed and comfortable and he helped me complete the form. I was even happier when he told me that he would come with me to appeals Court, upon success of my application for hearing.

After a few months, I received a confirmation letter that I can appeal the case and a date was arranged. John as promised, came with me to the tribunal. I was so anxious and worried, but John made me feel at ease and comfortable. At the end of the tribunal we were informed that my appeal was successful, I was so happy and relieved. After a week, I received confirmation of a backdated payment of over £9,000. In addition, I received an increase in my monthly payment. I am very grateful for the help I received and I feel much happier now. Thank you John and Croydon Vision

Please make an appointment via reception to see John the Information and Advice Officer (I&A).

Please see revised I&A schedule below for this month. 

Tuesday Admin Admin 1pm 2.30pm
Wednesday 9am 11am 1pm 2.30pm
Thursday 9am 11am 1pm 2.30pm

John Ebubedike – Information and Advice Officer


Resource Centre

Service Impact

Cris had previously visited the Resource Centre to purchase low tech items such as bumpons. She booked a formal session with the aim of getting a smartphone. Her first words after sitting down were “I want to be able to use a smartphone like everyone else!”. She was aware that there were two big ‘types’ of smartphone but had never had her hands on one. 

Cris left feeling that she knew more but didn’t think that she would be able to use a smartphone. However, she persevered and made a booking for the following week. On that visit, Cris came determined to be able to use a smartphone.  We watched video demo of the phone online and I explained features of the phone to Cris. This further encouraged Cris and she has since purchased a phone; using it as though she’s had it all this while. 

Please contact Reception for IT tuition, Resource Centre appointments or enquiries – we are here to help you.

Katherine Turner – Resource Centre Manager


Upcoming Events

Woldingham Wives Tea Wednesday 12th June

Wives Fellowship also known as Woldingham Wives is now called Women in Fellowship. A national organisation that has been entertaining Croydon Vision for over 16 years. They will be hosting Croydon Vision, serving tea, cakes and sandwiches followed by afternoon entertainment from the pianist, Colin Warnock.


Taster Day Friday 21st June

On Friday 21st June 2019, we are holding an all age Taster day at Croydon Vision (CV). We hope to give an insight into CV so please invite your family, friends and neighbour. The event will take place between 12:30 to 5pm. There will be an introduction to CV. Guest speaker: Mayor of Croydon.
In addition, a talk on eye conditions, one being from our new Trustee;
Ketan Jadeja. This will follow by an Oriental Style Buffet and BBQ (£5.99).
Afternoon will be over to taster activities such as Art, Quiz, Bowls, Keep fit, Dance and IT Technology and equipment. The working age team are
looking to show case a talent show on the day – cannot wait!
Please book with Reception for lunch and transport.

One suggestion that came up in our latest Service Enablers meeting was that of a sales board. This will be a board where members and volunteers can display items that they have to sell to interested parties. This is a great way to recycle unwanted items and could really be useful for someone in need of certain items. We are introducing this at the taster day; 21st June.

BBQ in the Park Saturday 6th July

We will be holding a BBQ/picnic in the park on Saturday 6th July.
This event is open to all ages so come join us and join with the summer sun; starting from 12pm onwards. Further details and cost will follow, this will be communicated to members via the weekly bulletins and TalkingNews 

Fish and Chips Quiz Thursday 11th July

Our Chair of Trustee Frances Cullen is hosting a fish and chips quiz night to test your brains while raising money for Croydon Vision. All ages welcome with a start time from 6.30pm until 9.00pm. Cost is £11, inclusive of quiz and food. Vegetarian options will be available. If you prefer to have wine or beer on the day, please bring this with you. More details will be shared via members bulletin and Talking News closer to the date.

Snowdonia (Wales) 2nd – 4th August

If you like to keep fit, taking in the amazing views from a mountain top then this trip could be for you, we are organising a trip to Snowdonia; to climb mount Snowdon.

We are looking to take the easiest walk, however, it is still a walk uphill for at least 4 hours, therefore, fitness is needful. If you require a guide for the trip; please let us know. On the otherhand, if you are reading this and would love to take part as a guide then please speak to Katherine as soon as.

We plan to leave Croydon Vision at 1pm on Friday, 2nd August, returning back to Croydon Vision on the Sunday. We will be walking up Snowdon on Saturday, 3rd August. The total cost per person is £100, subisdised by a donor. If you are interested, please let us know by 28th June, limited space

For more information on any of these upcoming events please call Reception on 0208 688 2486

Croydon Vision’s Excursion Program

Please note, home pickups/returns will only be provided to those who are unable to make their own way to and from Croydon Vision. For some trips we will aim to leave no later than 09:30am and return by 4:30pm. Some trips may be cancelled due to low numbers. We accept cheque, card or cash. The booking form is available to download from our website and also reception. If you have any enquiries or would like a booking form, please contact reception on 0208 688 2486. Please hand in or post your booking forms once complete to reception with full payment by Monday 8th July.

Tuesday 6th August

Littlehampton Seaside


Excursion Return: £10

Including Home Pickups: £14

Littlehampton is roughly 1hr 30mins from Croydon Vision, located in Sussex. It’s a sandy beach! Feel free to explore the sceneries and either bring a packed lunch or try out local restaurants.

Thursday 8th August

Hampton Court Palace


Excursion Return: £8

Including Home Pickups: £12

Ticket Entrances

Child (5-15yrs): £10.70

Adult: £21.30

Concession (65yrs+): £20.24

Hampton Court Palace is based in the Borough of Richmond Upon Thames. We will arrive at 11am and begin the tour. This visit includes a free audio device, providing some interesting facts about the palace. We recommend bringing lunch.

Monday 12th August

London Zoo


Excursion Return: £8

Including Home Pickups: £12

Ticket Entrance

Child: £10.70

Adult: £28.50

Concession (65yrs+): £20.24

Meet and greet some of the animals. You might get a chance to feed them. You can bring a packed lunch or eat at one of the cafes. Please note, concession includes an adult with a disability.

Wednesday 14th August

Lavender Fields


Excursion Return: £6

Including Home Pickups: £10

Ticket Entrances

Free Admission

Located in Banstead, you’ll have a chance to smell and see the lavender fields. Afterwards, you can have lunch at the local cafe. Please note, picnics are not permitted.

Friday 16th August

Shakespeare’s Globe Tour


Excursion Return: £8

Including Home Pickups: £12

Ticket Entrance

Child: £10

Adult: £17

Concession (65yrs+): £15.50

Located in London, you will be taken on a fascinating tour of the Globe Theatre, bringing you to the colorful stories of the Globe back in 1599 alongside the reconstruction that took place in the 90s. The tour last about 40mins. After, there is an option for lunch at Pizza Express.

Tuesday 20th August

Godstone Farm


Excursion Return: £8

Including Home Pickups: £12

Ticket Entrances

All: £9.90

This is a great farm where you can see various types of animals. There is also an animal holding area, allowing you to touch and meet smaller animals. We recommend bringing a packed lunch.

Thursday 22nd August



Excursion Return: £10

Including Home Pickups: £14

Located in East Sussex and famous for it’s Fish and Chips, this is a great city with a pebbly beach. It is roughly 1hr 30mins from Croydon Vision.

Tuesday 27th August

Home of Charles Darwin


Excursion Return: £8

Including Home Pickups: £14

Ticket Entrances

Child (5-15yrs) : £7.60

Adult: £12.70

Concession (65yrs+): £11.40

Based in Kent, this includes a free audio tour narrated by Sir David Attenborough, describing different sceneries of Charles Darwin’s Home. Croydon Vision will be guiding the tour, which lasts about 65 mins. You can split the tour with lunch at their local cafe or bring a packed lunch.

Thursday 29th August

Greenwich Pier Cruse


Excursion Return: £8

Including Home Pickups: £12

Ticket Entrances

Child (5-15yrs): £8.50

Adult: £13.25

Concession (65yrs+): £9

Travel to Westminster Pier from Greenwich. Some of the views include: Cutty Sark and Big Ben. This journey lasts approximately 1 hour. There’s an option to have lunch after at St Stephen’s Tavern.


Fundraising Initiative – update from Susanette


It is great to see many of you (Members, Volunteers and Staff) working
together, supporting our fundraising initiatives – appreciate your effort.

Special thanks to the following individuals’ who recently raised funds for CV.
Full names were missing on some forms, apologies in advance.
Swimathon update: both Bedford Hall & New Addington raised £1,200.
Total amount doubled in comparism to last year, well done SwimTeam!

Anthony Ian Davey Mavis Jardine
A.  Findley Irene Davey Mike Morgan
Barney Kiss Jackie Michelle
Beryl Jackie Smith Mrs Benn
Brenda Miles James Ramsey Mr & Mrs Strymowicz
Cathy Jamie Mr and Mrs Thomas
Charlotte Ramsey Jason Mr & Mrs Wallace
Claire White Jenny Davey Nicole
Claretta Jennifer Erin Niel
Daniel Mears Jennifer Smith Nigel
Debbie Ramsey Jim Smith Norma
Diana Harris John Pat Tebbutt
Dorothy Juanita Sarah Parry
Enid Lauren Crisp Selena
Fay Bouden Lee Ramsey Shirley
Fay Chegwidden Leona Dwyer and family Sue Ardley
Fidell Liz Suzanne Mohabir
Hanna Mabel Steven Marchese

We now have enough contribution to fit a handrail at back of hall as well as tactile tiling at front entrance – thank you so much!

Item Cost (Approx) Update
Tactile tiling – Front entrance to Bedford Hall £2,200 x
Improving Talking News Room – Equipments £4,750
Hand railing at back of Bedford Hall – safety £2,500 x
An accessible 7 Seater Vehicle £12,800


In addition to donations, we have received a number of gifts/legacy from

individuals who have passed on yet wanting to see CV continue to thrive.

Janet Andrews
Joan Stubbings
Mrs Sylvia Sendall

Leaving a bequest/legacy is a practical way of showing your gratitude for the support you receive from Croydon Vision. It is little known fact that
Croydon Vision would not survive without gifts in wills.

Please take the following steps when making a planned gift:

  • Contact Susanette Mansour on 0208 688 2486, alternatively by email Susanette.mansour@croydonvision.org.uk for more information.
  • Please contact your Lawyer and your Financial Advisor. Let them know you are considering a planned gift to Croydon Vision. ­They can assist you in determining what type of gift best suits your circumstances
  • Be sure to talk to your family and friends about your plans and
    personal wishes; addressing family needs as well as your legacy gifts.

Kilimanjaro Challenge – October 2019

I have insanely committed myself to a challenge in October.
The Kilimanjaro Summit Climb over 9days – the Lemosho Route. I will be heading to Tanzania with a colleague from NHS (John Hartley). Our fundraising initiative: to purchase an
accessible 7-seater vehicle. A Multi-Purpose Vehicle to improve transport-waiting time for our members; promote inclusivity; reaching many more
people with sight loss whilst reducing emission.

During the challenge, we will possibly experience different temperatures (hot, cold and rain) all in 9days. Extreme altitude above 5,500m/ 18,044 feet. Physical fatigue from multi-day hiking, lack of sleep plus excellent but different food, not to with stand sleeping in a sleeping bag and tent.
Therefore, we need your help to make this challenge worthwhile and a
success. Some ideas below:

  • Ask your bank for support, to match fund for Croydon Vision
  • Buy a T-shirt – starting from 17th June
  • Spread the word and support us through online (just giving)
    or in house via reception – thank you in advance.

Greater London Fund for the Blind

The Greater London Fund for the Blind, a key supporter of Croydon Vision wants to hear from you on your experiences of services and accessibility in and around London. They have put together a short survey to collect views and experiences to inform their work and aid their fundraising. The survey covers topics ranging from accessible transport and personal safety. Please speak to reception if you require assistance accessing the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/9G6GBFH


Quiz Time

Our Quiz this month has been written by our new volunteer and regular Working Age member Maxine Plowden, This month’s quiz is about the letter J 

  1. What is the 5th planet furthest away from the sun called?
  2.  How many moons does this planet have?
  3.  What is the name of the flower that begins with J that produces berries?
  4. How many tube lines are there with beginning with letter J?
  5.  What is the name of roman god that the month June is name after?
  6.  Name the Greek version of the name?
  7.  In the book and tv series The Handmaiden Tale, What is the narrator given and real name?
  8.  What famous 1980’s film main theme is about dinosaurs?
  9.  What J is the name of car and a big cat in the jungle?
  10.  What J is a plant and a woman name?
  11.  How months are there beginning with letter J?
  12.  How many countries in world begin with the letter J?
  13.  In the Star Wars films what J is the name of the mystical knights?
  14.  What J is a chocolate biscuit an orange centre?
  15.  What film staring Robin Williams is about a super natural board   game that’s comes to life?

Answer  1. Jupiter 2. 79 Moons 3. Juniper  4. One the Jubilee Line  5. Juno  6. Junius  7. June 8. Jurassic Park 9. Jaguar10. Jasmin 11. 3 12. 3 13. Jedi  14. Jaffa cake 15. Jumanji


That’s Entertainment

A selection of Audio described performances in London next month.
Please note that some of the time for Touch Tours is yet to be confirmed (TBC), please use contact detail to enquire.

Date What’s Happening Contact Info




Sat 6th July

pm (Touch Tour TBC)

Strange Fruit

Bush Theatre, London

T: 02087435050





Tues 11th July


Death Of A Salesman

Young Vic, Waterloo


£10 – £40


Sat 13th July

2.30pm (Touch Tour 12.30pm)

Matilda The Musical
Cambridge theatre, Covent Garden
T: 02070877966 £35

Sat 20th July

2.15pm (Touch Tour 12.30pm)

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Regents Park Open Air Theatre, Baker Street


T: 03333202834 £11.50 – £25

Dates for your Diary

Tuesdays & Thursday
IT Training
The IT Trainer Katherine Turner will be teaching on Tuesday and Thursday.
Tuesday to Thursday
Information & Advice
John Ebubedike, Information, Advice
and Guidance, is in Tuesday to Thursday, please book through reception.

Glaucoma Group

Monday 3rd June

The Glaucoma Group will meet at Bedford Hall at 1.30pm


New Addington

Thursday 6th June


New Addington group will be coming to Bedford Hall on this date

Macular Support Group

Monday 10th June



Is the next meeting of Croydon Macular Support Group from 1- 3pm.
Thursday, 20th June
Low Vision Clinic
Fiona Hazell, optometrist with Low Vision Clinic, will be at Bedford Hall between 9.30am and 12.30pm. She gives expert advice. This is a free consultation, but please book first.
Wednesday 3rd July

The chiropodist Joy Dell will here on Please book with Reception.




Thursday 26th September


Croydon Hearing open surgeries

Croydon Vision – Eat well, Live well and Age well


All meals include a choice of main course and dessert


Tuesday 4th June

Meat: Chicken tikka masala served with rice or potato, steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Vegetable tikka masala served with rice or potatoes

Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade Vanilla cheesecake

Fruit salad served with ice cream and yogurt


Wednesday 5th June

 Celebrating Volunteers

Special Meal


Thursday 6th June

Meat: Pasta Bolognese served with steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Vegetables pasta Bolognese served with steamed vegetables
Fish: Pan fried salmon served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade apple crumble and custard
Fresh Fruit salad with yogurt or Ice cream


Tuesday 11th June

Meat: Shepard’s pie served with steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Shepard’s pie with Quorn mince served with steamed vegetables

Fish: Fish pie served with steamed vegetables


Banoffee pie
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream 


Wednesday 12th June

Meat: Chicken curry served with rice and steamed vegetables


Homemade trifle or ice cream


Thursday 13th June

Meat: Roast beef served with roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Stuffed peppers with Cous Cous served with roasted potatoes and salad

Fish: Fish stew served with roast potatoes and roast vegetables


Homemade plumb tart served with custard

Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 18th June

Meat: Beef casserole with mash and steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Vegetable casserole with mash and salad

Fish: Pan fried salmon with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Chocolate brownies served with ice-cream
Seasonal fruit salad with yogurt or ice cream


Wednesday 19th June

Stew chicken with rice and vegetables


Sponge cake with custard or ice-cream


Thursday 20th June

Meat: Chilli con carne with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Tofu and vegetable curry served with rice and salad

Fish: Baked cod served with potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade Tiramisu
Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream


Tuesday 25th June

Meat: Roast lamb served with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables

Vegetarian: Vegetables lasagne served with mixed salad

Fish: Baked salmon with roast potatoes and steamed vegetables


Homemade bread and butter pudding

Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream


 Wednesday 26th June

Cheesy pasta with BBQ chicken and salad


Fruit salad served with ice-cream or yogurt


Thursday 27th June

 Meat: Chicken in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans.

Vegetarian: Quorn burgers served with chips and baked beans.

Fish: Cod in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans


 Homemade chocolate tart with ice-cream

Fruit salad Seasonal fruit with yogurt or ice cream


New Addington Menu
Eat well – Live well – Age well

Thursday 6th June

At Bedford Hall 

Thursday 13th June

Roast beef served with roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade plumb tart served with custard 

Thursday 20th June

Chilli con carne with rice or potatoes and steamed vegetables
Homemade Tiramisu

Thursday 27th June 

Chicken in bread crumbs served with chips and baked beans.
Homemade chocolate tart with ice-cream


We would love to have your input!

Submissions for the July Newsletter are due in by:

Monday 17th June – newsletter@croydonvision.org.uk

Jun 3, 2019

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Croydon Vision’s Open Day

On Friday 27th September, Croydon Vision held an exciting Open Day, bringing together our vibrant community and new visitors. We gave them an opportunity to explore the different services we offer for people with sight loss. The whole day was eventful as people...

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Investing in Volunteers

Investing in Volunteers is the UK quality standard for good practice in volunteer management. Our volunteers at Croydon Vision helped immensely in ensuring the award was renewed this year in 2024 by going through an interviewing process. Below are the thoughts of the...

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“A life saver & a life change”