“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Christmas Party 2018

Events Gallery Christmas Party 2018 – Christmas before the Christmas closure we had a week full of Christmas celebrations.  On Tuesday 18th, we had an afternoon performance by Salamander Quartet, made up of four very talented musicians. The performance took your...
TFL Bus Consultation

TFL Bus Consultation

Blog Post TFL Bus Consultation TFL would like your views on proposed changes to bus routes serving Croydon town centre. They are proposing that some bus routes terminate on the side of the town centre from which they approach, so they would no longer cross the town...

AGM 2018

Events Gallery AGM 2018 – Our AGM had finally come around and what a wonderful AGM it was with many of our guest including Andy Barrow stating that it is the best AGM he has ever been to.  The AGM started at 12pm with some mingling followed by a delicious buffet...
AGM and Annual Review

AGM and Annual Review

Blog Post AGM and Annual Review Our AGM is fast approaching on Tuesday 11th December A PDF of the Croydon Vision – Annual Review 2018 is on the About us page, a Word version is available on request from our office. There is an Audio Playlist of the Annual Review below...