“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Everything we do at CV focuses on transforming lives, the journey to independence. So, it is only befitting to put the spotlight on Natalie, she is officially our Engagement Officer, starting this month.
We sat down with Natalie for a quick rewind of her journey and aspirations in her new role.

On a scale of 1-10, what was life like prior to becoming a member?
I would scale my life at the time as 5 (low) and for work prospect, a 3.
At the time I felt disheartened with limited opportunities – I was unsure of how to move forward with my life.

So, you found CV, what were your first impressions?
Initially I had no expectations, the fliers I had were outdated from years back and I wasn’t sure I could find people I would relate with. However, it was different, I had signed up just to use the counselling service, but then I was encouraged to join the working age group, and afterwards became a volunteer.

How did volunteering help your readiness for work?
Volunteering was a chance to give back, to help others as well as develop my own skills. I would recommend the experience to anyone, whether to support your community and/or an avenue to gain employment.

What are your personal highlights over the last few months?
Building my admin skills much more as well as people skills. I had some but growing more so now.

How does it feel to be the new Engagement Officer?!
Feels really good, like I’m moving forward in my life and am grateful.
I plan to add value to both members and the team (volunteers and staff), tapping into my insights and experience with sight loss.
Also, I look forward to working with everyone; together we can improve, change and do things differently.