“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

We want our volunteers to feel comfortable and welcome at the new and improved Croydon Vision, especially when hosting weekly activities!

 So, here you’ll find a description of the new layout from bottom to top. To take an audio description tour of the building please book a time at reception or within your group; we’d be very happy to show you around.

Bedford Lounge
The lift now connects all floors from the basement (now known as Bedford Lounge) to the 2nd floor.
Within the Lounge, the two main rooms have been knocked through to create one large, multipurpose space, similar to the hall. This will be used by the Art group (materials to be kept in a separate storage room afterwards), and also for Visual Awareness Workshops. If you have any ideas for other services or use for the space please speak to Natasha.
When not in use, this spacious, versatile room can be hired out to local businesses and community organisations to raise funds for Croydon Vision.
Bedford Lounge is also home to:
– a small kitchen, which can be used to demonstrate kitchen skills and equipment as part of our Visual Awareness Workshops.
– a dedicated pottery room for groups of 5-6 and a separate kiln.
– two toilets, one with accessible features.

Ground Floor
The entrance to reception has been modified, so please do request a tour when you first come back to Croydon Vision.
We’ve now expanded the resource centre to include an IT Hub for independent computer use, group training, and one-to-one sessions. You’ll find the Low Vision Clinic is in the same room as before the building. Within the toilets, which are now audio described, you’ll also find mixer taps (rather than separate hot and cold), in response to requests from members.

First Floor
The wall that separated the two different halves of the building is now gone! The new corridor connecting them means the rooms are smaller but more easily accessed. As well as office space, the first floor is home to a meeting room for Advice & Advocacy and membership appointments.

Second Floor
This includes the tech studio and two new rooms available for versatile use. Our medium-term aim is to work on holistic ways of delivering our services. Having more partners working together in these spaces will mean we can deliver services more effectively to our community. The toilets on the second floor are unisex, while gender specific toilets are available on the other floors, these can of course be accessed via the new lift!