“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

The Croydon Vision away day (Friday 27th May) focused on preparing for the next stage of Croydon Vision’s Strategic Plan. Members, volunteers, trustees, external partners and staff got together at Farleigh Golf Club, where we identified ways to improve our service as well as reflect over the past 3yrs work.

Peter Temple reflected, “My overall experience of the Away Day was good. I found out a lot about outreach and some interesting points on where Croydon Vision is headed. It was well planned and I look forward to hearing how the plans we made will come to fruition.”

When we asked; ‘What are you most proud of about CV?’
Answers involving our culture included: “Sense of community”, “Our impact and purpose” and “Friendship and belonging”. And answers zeroing in on our values included “Teamwork”, “Thriving during
pandemic”, “Our young, diverse board” and “Resilience”.

Five quick wins – Our members said; we did.
1. A weekly games group.
2. Cooking sessions
3. Understanding Advice & Advocacy (monthly My Money Matters
4. Tips & Tricks for Eye Health Workshops (Moorfields Optom)
5. Let’s Talk Tech workshop.

Three actions that came out of our Away Day:
1. Co-Creation – using our broad and engaged community to pilot
new devices and developments for tech companies.
2. Strengthening – cementing our heart of a charity and mind-set of
a business model in everything we do.
3. Resilience – we want to remain impactful and will continue to work
together as a unified community to build the next 100 years.

Next steps from the Away Day:
July & August – Collect feedback to develop further engagement with Members, Volunteers and External Partners.
September – Embark on the first draft of the Strategic Plan for 2023-26.