“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Since early May 2023, Croydon Vision has been organising excursions which have given our members opportunities to socialise, have fun and feel a sense of togetherness.

Following the excursions we have caught up with our members to ask for their reactions.

Here is what members said about some of the excursions.

“I was fortunate enough to avail myself of a couple of the trips being offered to us by Croydon Vision. Two of the trips I avoided were the seaside trip to Brighton, the journey time put me off, for every so often I would have to say must run to find a convenience room! However, I heard from members who went to Brighten who thoroughly enjoyed the trip. I would not want to share my fish & chips or ice cream with scavenger Sea gulls!

Members enjoyed Kew Gardens in spite of some awful traffic on route. As for myself and a few ‘sea dogs’, we went on the River Thames trip with a running commentary by a member of the crew of all the sights worth mentioning. We eventually disembarked at Greenwich and were escorted to a local refreshing food and drink restaurant. All of these trips would not be possible without all the kind and patient volunteers and staff who escorted us. On a later date a group of us went to Fairfield Hall for a Kensington Symphony Orchestra. This was a first for me. I had seen and heard concerts on TV and film but never live. It was fantastic. I did struggle to identify at some stages, the individual instruments played! Yet again our helpful volunteers were on hand the whole time.”- Jim Smith. 

  • “I like Brighton because it is the best place I have been to. Thanks to Croydon Vision for organising this for us.”- Malcom Sinnes
  • “The excursion to Brighton is very good for me. Fish and Chips excellent. I like the sunshine. I like the company. I like my friends looking after me. I like the support very much.”- Pauline Tate
  • “The Brighton excursion is very enjoyable. Absolutely nice. I will do it again if possible. Absolutely happy. Marvellous. I was here last year. I would recommend it to anyone else.”- Steve Marches
  • “The Brighton excursion was good. The food was good. It was lovely. Fresh air is good. The people are nice. I have been here quite a few times with Croydon Vision and highly recommend it”- Anne-Marie Clements