“I really appreciate Croydon Vision helping me with my PIP application as I never would have been able to do it on my own”.

Adapted Services – Lunch

Adapted Services – Lunch

Blog Post Adapted Services – Lunch – “It’s such a great service. Thanks for supporting my needs” (Vee) “Croydon Vision have been able to cater to my dietary requirements, providing me with a selection of wonderful, hot tasty food. I no longer need to worry...
Adapting to the New Now – January 2021

Adapting to the New Now – January 2021

Blog Post Adapting to the New Now – January 2021 7th January 2021                                         Adapting to the New Now Dear Stakeholders, I hope that you and your family/friends remain well. We had great expectations of reopening 4th January 2021....
Advocacy in action

Advocacy in action

Blog Post Advocacy in action – Huntley turned to Croydon Vision for assistance in retrieving a 30yrs old debt based purely on a gentleman’s agreement with his ex-wife. After visiting Huntley-Lloyd at his home and gaining further  information, CV made contact...
Adapting to the New Now

Adapting to the New Now

Blog Post Adapting to the New Now – 4th November 2020 Adapting to the New Now Dear Stakeholders, I hope that you and your family remain well. Due to recent update from the Prime Minister, we will be closing internal services from 5th November. In July, we made...
Getting out and about

Getting out and about

Blog Post Getting out and about Betty has been a member for several years.  She had become very lonely during the lockdown period and was fearful of venturing out on her own. After several calls, the outreach officer met Betty and they were able to have a cup of...
Facebook – Motivating and Empowering

Facebook – Motivating and Empowering

Blog Post Facebook – Motivating and Empowering Sophie has been an active member of Croydon Vision for some time, but she felt she was missing out on experiences during lockdown, especially Isha’s excellent food! We visited Sophie in her home to help her set up...