Blog Post A Springtime Refresh for the Newsletter Did you know that there are crosuses that emerge every spring at Bedford Hall? Apparently they’ve been there since the year 800 and the Romans once used them to make saffron. Well, just as those flowers begin...
Blog Post Tips and Tech for Better Labelling Labelling things around your home can make a real difference to how independent you can be as a visually impaired person. There are many ways to label things so that you can tell what they are; from using Bumpons...
Blog Post 3 Ways We’re Making Lockdown Less Lonely The last 12 months has certainly had us all scratching our heads about how to stay healthy as well as connected. Here at Croydon Vision we’ve developed a few ways to help us all keep our sense of wellness...
Blog Post Solving Your Tech Troubles Remotely We were so glad to be able to offer some remote IT support to a loyal Croydon Vision member recently. Jim Smith, who also volunteers here, got in touch about a problem he was having with his printer. Like a tech-savvy...
Blog Post Lockdown-Inspired Poetry Back in July 2020 the Covid-19 lockdown was relatively fresh but it was real enough to inspire one of our members to write a poem about what life had become. Bob Horne shared his poetry with us and we found it unanimously moving: ...